Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Burial Places
< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Places(Redirected from Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Colovian Barrows)This is a list of Burial Places found in Project Cyrodiil.
Colovian BarrowsEdit
- Beccha Barrow — A remote barrow in the hills of the Strident Coast.
- Chaerraich Barrow — A small Colovian barrow located on the eastern side of Stirk.
- Darach Barrow — A partially flooded barrow north of Wavemoth Legion Fort.
- Fortyd Barrow — A remote tomb in the hinterland of the Strident Coast.
- Harkisius Barrow — A small bandit base and barrow, north of Archad.
- Jaskav Barrow — A medium-sized barrow on the Viduscan Isles.
- Kar Toronr Barrow — A grand barrow overlooking the Gold Road's ascent to Gosha Inn.
- Karskaer Barrow — A small barrow on the border between the kingdoms of Kvatch and Anvil.
- Kicsiver Barrow — A barrow in the floodlands around Lindasael.
- Meginhard Barrow — A tiny barrow in the hillside above Dasek Marsh.
- Miskar Barrow — A tight, winding barrow on the beach beyond Anvil.
- Rilsyl Barrow — A small barrow near the gates of Anvil.
- Val Ansvech Barrow — A small Colovian barrow on the western side of Stirk.
- Vinka Barrow — A medium-sized barrow in the Brennan Bluffs.
- Vitta Barrow — A large tomb complex and the resting place of the Blade of Kenes.
Cyrodiilic CryptsEdit
- Benirus Crypt — The dynastic tomb of the condemned Benirus family.
- Brina Cross Crypts — A burial place for prominent citizens of Brina Cross.
- Conomorus Crypt — The family tomb of the missing king of Anvil.
- Hadrach Crypt — The family tomb of the disgraced Hadrach family.
- Telvor Crypt — The family crypt of the Telvors, Colovian nobles who have historically ruled Charach.
- Ivrol Crypt — The family tomb of the Ivrol family of nearby Salthearth.
- Lacorius Crypt — The tomb of the Lacorius family of Thresvy.
- Pelelius Crypt — The tomb of the family of Queen Millona Conomorus.
- Siralius Crypt — The crypt of the Siralius family, a lineage with Legion ties.
- Talgiana Crypt — A rundown crypt south of Brina Cross, occupied by bandits.
- Thimistrel Crypt — A noble family's crypt in Anvil's graveyard.