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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Paulia Surettian

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People / Merchants
Paulia Surettian (PC_m1_PauliaSurettian)
Home City Anvil
Location All Flags Inn
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 5 Class Publican
Rents Bed Bed 10 gold
Gold 150 Mercantile Expert (51)
Sells Ingredients, Potions
Other Information
Health 61 Magicka 112
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Paulia Surettian

Paulia Surettian is an Imperial Publican. She runs the All Flags Inn, which she'll proudly note has been the family business since her great-grandfather's day, where it was the first inn raised in Anvil following the city's torching by the armies of the Camoran Usurper.

Paulia is unused to Dark Elves, and has lately found herself struggling to satisfy the demands of such a customer, named Ruleth Feleryn. She'll nonetheless be able to provide some directions should you choose to help Ruleth and her guard, Alur Orelyn, find a Morrowind-style meal.

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