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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Theophon Ivrol

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Theophon Ivrol (PC_m2_TheophonIvrol)
Location Salthearth, Ivrol Manor
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 16 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 140 Magicka 104
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Kingdom of Sutch 2(Auxiliary)
Theophon Ivrol

Theophon Ivrol is an Imperial Noble and the son of Amia and Velius Ivrol. He lives within the Ivrol family's manor at Salthearth.

In Repossess and Return, Theophon's acquisition of an artpiece without paying for it sees you sent to retrieve the item. Theophon is reluctant to allow this, but Velius may overrule him. In this case, Theophon will make mention of his connection with The Arenthian - a prominent member of the Cyrodiil Thieves Guild. The painting it seems, was part of a scheme cooked up by the pair.

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Cyrodiil Fighters GuildEdit