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Search for a forbidden spell.
Quest Giver: Ji'Tavarad in the Guild of Mages, Karthwasten
Location(s): Karthwasten, Criaglorc
Prerequisite Quest: Optimistic Outreach
Next Quest: A Case for Concern
Reward: 2 Quality Fortify Magicka Potion, 2 Quality Potion of Reflection (1 if you tell him the spell is fake)
100 Gold (If you tell him the spell doesn't exist)
ID: Sky_qRe_KWMG2_Journal
Did you check behind the waterfall?

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Ji'Tavarad about duties.
  2. Speak with Cravvoka in her house in Karthwasten.
  3. Travel to Criaglorc and speak with Caotir.
  4. Speak with Muirach.
  5. Go to Hrakja Cavern and find the Penumbra.
  6. Return the Penumbra to Muirach and learn the spell from Caotir.
  7. Report to Ji'Tavarad.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit


Talk to Ji'Tavarad in the Karthwasten Guild of Mages for your duties, he'll tell you he has been reading a book, Lost and Found in the Reach, which talks about a Reachman spell called Marrelaeth. Ji'Tavarad wants you to get more information about this spell, but since Reach-Magic is forbidden in the Skyrim Mages Guild, you need to ask around outside.

Gather informationEdit

To find more information about Marrelaeth, you'll need to find a Reachman. When talking to Reachman around Karthwasten, they'll tell you to talk to Cravvoka, who lives in the northwest part of the outskirts. Go to Cravvoka's house and ask her about the spell. Cravvoka tells you she can't tell you about the magic and that if you wish to know more you should go to Criaglorc and speak with the witch-woman Caotir. To get to Criaglorc, exit Karthwasten through the southern gate, and past the bridge, go west until you hit the mesa, now keep going along the mesa while holding it to your left, cross another bridge and use the Nordic Ruin to get up on the mesa near Mirilstern, from here your almost at Criaglorc. Alternatively you can use a levitate or jump spell to get up the mesa, which is much easier.

Meet the witch-womanEdit

Once you arrive in Criaglorc, go to Caotir's Hut and talk to Caotir about Marrelaeth (you'll need around 50 disposition), she'll tell you she doesn't know of any spell by that name and if you ask her to teach you a similar spell she'll tell you to go speak with Muirach, the matriarch. Go to the Matriarch's Hut and talk to Muirach about the Penumbra, she'll tell you that the magical gemstone is related to the demon Umbra'Keth and that you'll need to get it for her in the Hrakja Cavern, close to the ruined village of Saern.


Saern can be found somewhat to the south of Criaglorc, a little bit out of the north exit of Criaglorc you'll find an easy accesible slope that'll take you higher on the mesa, or just jump or levitate. Once you get to Saern, the cave entrance is a little bit east. Enter the cave, and keep going until you have a split in the road, go left. There is a chest located behind the most right waterfall which contains the Penumbra. Now go and return it to Muirach, once you gave it to her, go back to Caotir to learn the spell.

Return to the GuildEdit

Now that you've learned Marrelaeth or something like it, go back to the Guild and speak with Ji'Tavarad, you'll get some potions for your trouble. Now speak about duties again for your next task.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Out for a Spell (Sky_qRe_KWMG2_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ji'Tavarad has asked me to find information about a native Reachman spell called "Marrelaeth", which he read about in a book. He gave me his copy, and recommended I start by asking Reachmen in Karthwasten. The Guildmaster warned me that practicing Reach-magic is officially forbidden by the Mages Guild, and not to share the details of this task.
20 I spoke to a Reachman named Cravvoka in her house in Karthwasten, who told me that she knows nothing of the spell called Marrelaeth. She told me that I should seek out Caotir at the Braign village of Criaglorc.
25 According to Cravvoka, the secret of Marrelaeth died with Caotir.
30 Caotir had never heard of any spell called Marrelaeth, and was skeptical of the spell's existence at all based on my sources.
35 Finishes quest  Ji'Tavarad was disappointed to learn that Marrelaeth does not exist. He gave me a modest sum of gold for my trouble.
40 I asked Caotir for a spell that could pass as "Marrelaeth" that I can bring back to Ji'Tavarad. She offered to provide such a spell, but only if I perform a service for the Braign. Caotir told me to speak with Muirach, the Braign matriarch.
50 Muirach, matriarch of the Braign tribe, asked me to recover a magic stone called the Penumbra from Hrakja Cavern, near the ruined village of Saern. Apparently the stone is related to something called the "Umbra'Keth".
60 I found the Penumbra in Hrakja Cavern.
70 I brought the Penumbra to Muirach.
80 Caotir held up her end of the bargain, and provided me with a "Marrelaeth" spell. Although it falls short of the spectacular spell described in "Lost and Found in the Reach", it is a useful piece of magic nevertheless.
90 Finishes quest  Ji'Tavarad was happy to have the spell Caotir made to approximate Marrelaeth. He gave me some potions as a reward.
100 Finishes quest  Ji'Tavarad was impressed that I managed to find "Marrelaeth", and gave me a handsome sum of money and some potions for my efforts.
110 Finishes quest  Ji'Tavarad was disappointed to learn that Marrelaeth does not exist. He gave me a modest sum of gold for my trouble.
120 Finishes quest  Ji'Tavarad was disappointed to hear that the secrets of Marrelaeth are lost to him forever. He gave me a modest sum of gold for my trouble.