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Border gates are unmarked gates and pathways at the edges of the map that mark the borders to neighboring provinces. They can not be entered under normal circumstances, even though some are visually open. Attempting to cross any of the inaccessible borders will result in a "You cannot go that way." message appearing on the screen. There are a few exceptions where the borders can technically be crossed, though none of them are in the overland worldspace.
The border crossings are the first location mentioned in the game, as during the first quest Unbound, Ralof will say "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."
Dunmeth PassEdit
Dunmeth Pass is a mountain pass road that runs through the Velothi Mountains between northwest Morrowind and northeast Skyrim. On the Morrowind side, the pass is near the city of Blacklight, and in Skyrim, it emerges near the city of Windhelm. It historically served as a significant avenue of trade for Windhelm, although traffic has likely diminished since the Red Year.
At the conclusion of Find the Thalmor Assassin, Malborn can be seen running from the New Gnisis Cornerclub all the way to Dunmeth Pass and going through it, disappearing from the game.
Darkfall CaveEdit
Darkfall Cave is a cave south of Mor Khazgur that functions as a passage into the Forgotten Vale through the Wayshrine of Illumination. According to the paper map bundled with the game and Prima Guide, the Vale is found within the borders of High Rock, essentially serving as a method of crossing the border.
Gromm's PassEdit
Gromm's Pass is a small cave located in the Rift, south of Forelhost. Until a recent collapse, it served as an underground pass through the Jerall Mountains to Cyrodiil. Though it can still be explored, the route to Cyrodiil cannot be used.
Hammerfell GateEdit
An open gate found near Halldir's Cairn in southwest Falkreath Hold. According to the paper and satellite maps, it leads into Hammerfell near Elinhir.
High Rock PassEdit
A mountain pass is found in western Haafingar. According to the satellite map, it is a traversable road that runs through the Druadach Mountains between northeast High Rock and northwest Skyrim.
Morrowind GateEdit
An open gate is found near Fort Dawnguard in the southeast Rift. According to the Prima Guide, it leads into Morrowind.
Pale PassEdit
Pale Pass is a closed gate found near Southfringe Sanctum in the southeatern part of Falkreath Hold. Though not marked in-game, it is marked as Pale Pass and leads into the Jerall Mountains according to the paper map bundled with the game.
According to the missives and Bandit's Journal, Pale Pass was closed due to a recent avalanche. Ulfric Stormcloak also mentions a plan to block off Pale Pass as a way to cut off Imperial supply routes. It is also mentioned that the Vigil of Stendarr guards and blocks the pass.
To Skyrim / To SolstheimEdit
Upon arrival at the docks of Raven Rock, you will be able to fast travel between Skyrim and Solstheim freely through the use of the To Skyrim and
To Solstheim map markers. Solstheim is considered part of Morrowind, making this cross-provincial travel.
Varlais CavernEdit
Varlais Cavern is a cave south of Arcwind Point that serves as a passageway to the Ayleid ruins of Rielle. As Rielle is found in Cyrodiil, the cave allows you to cross the borders of the province, albeit entirely underground.
- Certain locations such as Blackbone Isle, Dead Crone Rock, Fort Dawnguard, Giant's Grove may technically be in the borders of other provinces due to their placement on the map, but there is no mention of their territorial status and they are effectively treated as part of Skyrim regardless.