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Skyrim:Dark Seducer

< Skyrim: NPCs: Daedra
A Dark Seducer Warrior

Dark Seducers, also known as the Mazken, are scantily-clad, humanoid Daedra that use dark serpentine-themed armor and weapons. They are aligned with the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, although their allegiances are known to be flimsy. Unlike their counterparts, the Golden Saints, Dark Seducers are generally polite and patient when interacting with mortals.

They are added to Skyrim by the Saints & Seducers Creation, and they only appear as summoned Daedra.

Dark Seducer TypesEdit

There are two types of Dark Seducers, based on their preferred fighting style (melee fighters and archers).


Melee FightersEdit

These Dark Seducers belong to the CombatWarrior1H NPC class and use one-handed weapons in battle. They wear a unique version of Dark Seducer Armor available only to them and wield a Dark Mace, Dark Sword, or Dark War Axe.

Name (ID) NPC Level       Notes
Dark Seducer Warrior
18 298 100 207 This is the version summoned using Conjure Dark Seducer Warrior
Dark Seducer Warrior
PC×0.75 (range=18-80) 50+(PC-1.33)×8.75 100 150+(PC-1.33)×2.5 This is the version summoned using the Atronach Forge
Thoron's Dark Seducer Warrior
PC×0.75 (range=18-80) 50+(PC-1.33)×8.75 100 150+(PC-1.33)×2.5 This is the version summoned by Thoron


These Dark Seducers have the Ranger NPC class and wield bows to fight from a distance. They wear the same unique Dark Seducer armor as their melee counterparts and use a Dark Bow.

They also carry a Dark Dagger, and a quiver of 40 Dark Arrows.

Name (ID) NPC Level       Notes
Dark Seducer Archer
18 270 100 235 This is the version summoned using Conjure Dark Seducer Archer
Dark Seducer Archer
PC×0.75 (range=18-80) 50+(PC-1.33)×7.5 100 150+(PC-1.33)×3.75 This is the version summoned using the Atronach Forge
Thoron's Dark Seducer Archer
PC×0.75 (range=18-80) 50+(PC-1.33)×7.5 100 150+(PC-1.33)×3.75 This is the version summoned by Thoron


See AlsoEdit

  • For more information on Dark Seducers in the Elder Scrolls universe, see the lore article.