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Skyrim:Magic Anomaly

< Skyrim: Creatures: Monsters(Redirected from Skyrim:Essence of Magicka)
Magic Anomaly
Species Essence of Magicka Soul Leveled
Level PC×1.75 Type Monsters
BaseID 000B6F94
Other Information
Health 88⅓+level×11⅔ Magicka 50
Stamina 96⅔+level×3⅓
A Magic Anomaly

Magic Anomalies are strange, aggressive wisp-like entities created as a result of Ancano's activities during the College of Winterhold quest Containment. Floating at around eye level and typically swarming in groups, they deal fairly heavy frost and melee damage. When killed, Magic Anomalies explode and drop a leveled soul gem. They also have a tendency to ignore the landscape and can become stuck or die on elevated areas.


  • Magic Anomalies also spawn as part of the radiant quest Aftershock.
  • Magic Anomalies will always be 1.75 times the current level of the player character. This leads to noticeably longer fights for high-level players.
  • The Essence of Magicka race is unique to Magic Anomalies.
  • Magic Anomalies follow the attack and movement patterns of ice wraiths, albeit the Anomalies are far more visible than the wraiths and they do not cast the Wall of Frost spell unique to ice wraiths. Like ice wraiths, they also set off any runes (fire rune, lightning rune, etc.) you place in the environment.
  • At higher levels (45+), Magic Anomalies have a chance to drop filled black soul gems.
  • It is possible to gain two souls per Magic Anomaly by soul trapping them (with either a weapon enchanted with a soul trap enchantment or the spell itself), then killing them with an appropriate empty soul gem in your inventory before the effect wears off. Looting the Magic Anomaly will yield a second soul gem.


  • Sometimes, after killing an anomaly, it will explode but leave no ghostly remains on the ground. Instead, above where it died, there will be a floating blue glow. You may have to jump in order to open the remains if you wish to collect the soul gem.