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< Skyrim: People / Trainers
(RefID: 0001E766)
Home City Markarth
Location Temple of Dibella
Race Nord Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=6-25) Class Priest
RefID 0001E766 BaseID 0001E765
Training Trainer (Master)Enchanting (Master)
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×8.3
Magicka 50
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×6.7
Primary Skills Restoration, Speech, Alchemy, Destruction, Smithing
Perks Augmented Frost (rank 1); Regeneration
Class Details TrainerEnchantingMaster
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential No
Voice Type FemaleCondescending
Faction(s) CrimeFactionReach; Enchanting Trainer; MarkarthDibellaInnerSanctumFaction; MarkarthTempleofDibellaFaction; TownMarkarthFaction

Hamal, a Nord priestess, is also known as "The Mother" to the priestesses at the Temple of Dibella. She can normally be found inside the Inner Sanctum of the temple. Hamal is a master trainer for Enchanting (up to 90). After completing the quest The Heart of Dibella she will be available for training.

Hamal wears simple monk robes and a pair of boots. She carries a steel war axe of ice, an iron dagger, the key to the temple of Dibella, the key to the inner sanctum, and a few common items and gold.

Related QuestsEdit


Quest-Related DialogueEdit

"And just what do you think you're doing?"
I was curious about the temple.
"Unfortunately for you, we don't allow men / the uninitiated into the inner sanctum."
This statue looks valuable. (If you have Statue of Dibella)
"Indeed it is. Unfortunately for you, we don't allow men / the uninitiated into the inner sanctum."
I heard there was a valuable statue here. (If you don't have Statue of Dibella)
"There are many valuable artifacts all through the temple. Unfortunately for you, we don't allow men into the inner sanctum."

Regardless of your response she will continue:

"You have committed a breach, and must pay the penalty."
What is the penalty?
"Normally, a quick death / period of servitude. Luckily for you, there are more pressing matters. We could make an example of you, but perhaps you could be put to better use."
What use is that?
"The ceremony you so rudely interrupted was the Exalted Protocol of the Dibellan Sybil. I don't expect you to know what that means. Suffice to say that our Sybil was recently lost to us. Through the Protocol, we have seen the home of the next Sybil, to the north, in a small village pressed against the stone. If you can travel there, and retrieve our young Sybil, your transgression will be forgiven."
I will undertake this penance. Where is the village?
"We believe the place in our vision to be Karthwasten. Now move quickly. The girl must be brought to the temple as soon as possible."
I'm not your errand boy / girl. The statue is mine!
"So be it. We gave you a choice."

If spoken to further:

Anything else in it for me?
"Have you heard of the Blessing of Dibella? It can help you with the wooing of women, if that's your aim. Or give you strength if you happen to offend one. Typically we avoid bestowing it upon men, but for the Sybil's escort, we could make an exception." (if PC is male)
"You, my dear, can earn the Blessing of Dibella. You'll find men to be more pliable in the future... or more vulnerable." (if PC is female)
What is a Sybil?
"The Sybil of Dibella spends her entire life in direct communion with the goddess. From the time she's a little girl to the moment she expires, she is a direct connection with the heavenly mother. From her reverie, we know the mind of our god. We have had a vision of the next Sybil, living in a village to the north. She must be brought to the temple for her reverie to begin."
Why is this all such a secret?
"We prefer not to announce that the Sybil has died until we can introduce the new one. People like to know that we're connected to the goddess."
The girl is just taken from her family?
"It's considered a great honor for the family. Their daughter will never know hardship, and the goddess blesses them with great bounty."

Upon arriving back at the temple, Hamal will be grateful for the safe return of Fjotra:

"You... you found her? I can't believe it. Let the girl come with me and we can begin her preparation. I will send word to her family that she is in good hands. You've truly earned the Blessing of Dibella, child. Prostrate yourself before her altar, and she will bestow her gift."



  • Internally, Hamal is marked as a rival of Betrid Silver-Blood. Seeing as Betrid once served at the Temple, it's possible there's bad blood between the two, although neither woman ever mentions the other.


  • Hamal is one of the Rescue NPCs who will not move to the vampire location and must be revisited after the vampire is slain to complete.
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