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< Skyrim: People / Merchants
(RefID: 0001AA62)
Home City Morthal
Store Moorside Inn
Race Redguard Gender Female
Level 4 Class Blacksmith
RefID 0001AA62 BaseID 000135ED
Gold 100
Sells See Moorside Inn
Buys Innkeeper (Food, Raw Food)
Other Information
Health 77 Magicka 56
Stamina 62
Primary Skills One-handed, Smithing
Class Details VendorBlacksmith
Morality Any Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type FemaleCommoner
Faction(s) CrimeFactionHjaalmarch; JobInnkeeperFaction; JobMerchantFaction; ServicesMorthalJonna; TownMorthalFaction

Jonna is the Redguard owner of the Moorside Inn in Morthal. She moved to Morthal with her brother Falion, and now runs the unsuccessful inn. Like all innkeepers, she rents out rooms, sells a small variety of food and ingredients, gives you information about quests through rumors, and gives you bounty notes when asked for work. She may start the quest Laid to Rest, and will provide information throughout if consulted.

She wears a standard outfit of barkeep clothes and shoes. She carries an iron dagger and a selection of common pocket content. She tends the inn all day long, without ever sleeping.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Laid to Rest: Investigate a tragic house fire, and discover an insidious plot against the town.


When you first meet Jonna, her greetings make it clear that her business isn't all that succesful, and that she has a very distinct manner of speech:

"Welcome to the Moorside. If you need anythin', I'll be 'round. Good to have a customer."
"Finally, someone comes in. Kick off your boots, stay awhile. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. I got nothing but time these days."
"There ain't much to offer, but if you wanna place dry to spend the night, I'll rent you a room."
"Runnin' an inn weren't my plan. But Falion decided to move here, so I joined him."
"Falion had his work to keep him busy, and I needed somethin' to do. So, here I am."
"I take what little business I can git. I'm grateful for anyone willin' to spend money here."
"Ignore the Orc. He pays, so I let him stay."
"I've tried to explain to Lurbuk that his "singin'" is gonna get his throat cut."
"You'll want to be careful travelin' at night. The marsh is a dangerous place."
"Good to have a customer! You need food or drink, you say the word."
"Always good to see folk come back for more. You need a drink, you just let me know."
Is business in Morthal slow?
"Slow? No. It just ain't there at all. Few enough reasons to pass through Morthal before the war started. Now... Well, let's just say the front door doesn't get much use."
What's with the Orc?
"Lurbuk? Fancies himself a bard. He pays, so I let him stay. If I had any customers, I'd be worried about him annoying them. But, well... Look around."
Where can I learn more about magic?
"You lookin' for Falion? Why don't you go bother those mages at their College in Winterhold and leave my brother alone?"


Jonna often tries to talk to the few regulars that she has, although she's mostly stuck with Lurbuk.

Lurbuk: "Jonna, do you think the townspeople are warming to my serenades?"
Jonna: "No. They ain't. And they aren't gonna. If you weren't payin' for your room, I'd have thrown you out a long time ago."
Lurbuk: "Yes, but they'll come around eventually. You'll see."
Jonna: "Oh, I shouldn't be surprised if they come 'round. And if you're never seen or heard from agin [sic]."
Lurbuk: "I'm thinking of composing a song about you, Jonna. Would you prefer that I proclaim your beauty, your strength, your..."
Jonna: "Nah. Just... don't. Leave me outta it."
Lurbuk: "No interest in being immortalized in song? Remembered and praised for all eternity?"
Jonna: "No. I mean it."
Lurbuk: "When I'm known throughout Tamriel, you'll regret this decision."
Alva: "Why, good evening Jonna!"
Jonna: "What can I getcha, Alva?"
Alva: "What can't you get me, sweetie?"
Jonna: "Umm... Did you want somethin' to eat?"
Alva: "Eat? No, I don't think I'm... hungry. Not now, at least."
Jonna: "Right. Okay, tell me if you change yer mind."
Aslfur: "How's business?"
Jonna: "Very funny."
Aslfur: "No, I... I was just asking."
Jonna: "It's as bad as ever."
Jonna: "When are you gonna do somethin' to help Falion? Stop people sayin' things about him?"
Aslfur: "You have to understand, his presence here has caused... Well, it's difficult for the people to get used to."
Jonna: "They got used to Idgrod just fine, didn't they? So what's the difference?"
Aslfur: "Yes, well. Perhaps you're right."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Laid to RestEdit

After you've approached the burned down house, but haven't yet spoken to Jarl Idgrod about it, you ask Jonna about it:

Is there a story behind that burned down house?
"Hroggar's house? It burned down not too long ago. It's a real pity about his wife and kid. The screams woke half the town. Most folk won't go near it now for fear it's cursed."
How did the fire start?
"Hroggar claims it was a hearth fire. Some folks say Hroggar started it himself."
With his own wife and child inside?
"That's what they say. See, he's living with Alva now. That started the day after the fire. It ain't right, movin' in with a new love the day after your kin die like that."
And of course they can't prove he murdered them.
"Aye. Our Jarl would sure like to know if he did though. Might even pay to find out."

When you've found Helgi's Ghost, you can head to Jonna and tell her you've seen the girl's ghost:

I saw Helgi's Ghost.
"The poor child is probably beggin' for us to string up her murderin' father. Best tell the Jarl."

After having defeated Laelette the Vampire, you can ask Jonna what she knows about her disappearance:

What can you tell me about Laelette?
"Now there's a mystery. She ran away when the war started. Her husband, Thonnir, was devastated. No note or nothin'. I'm pretty sure she up and joined the Stormcloaks."


  • Although her character class is technically Blacksmith, she provides no such services, only Food Vendor ones, due to the merchant factions she is in.
  • In the Prima Official Game Guide, the summary for her reads "Jonna is the sister of Falion, both from Hammerfell. She and her brother have traveled together their whole lives, but when something "drew" Falion to Morthal, they both settled. The town was without an inn at the time, so Jonna modified one of the homes. She doesn't get a lot of business, but she does appreciate visitors who stop by and can stand to hear Lurbuk's painful ballads."