You will often explore Dungeons during your adventures. These provide an essential source of Treasure and experience. Each type of Dungeon contains different creatures.
You can generally judge a Dungeon's difficulty based solely its type, with Caves being the easiest and Dwemer Cities being the toughest. The five Dungeon types are:
- Cave: Fairly straight forward and frequently filled with Animal enemies.
- Mine: Both Human and Animal enemies are found in Mines.
- Tomb: You will find the most Undead creatures here.
- Ruin: The most frequent enemy type is Daedra enemies.
- Dwemer City: Filled with Automaton enemies and traps, these are the typically the toughest Dungeons.
Dungeon Challenge CardsEdit
Each Chapter has a separate Dungeon Challenge card that shows which Encounters you will face inside each type of Dungeon. In some cases later on in the story, you will have to face more than one enemy at the same time.
When two or more players end their movement in the same Dungeon and declare that they want to explore it, all players involved face the Dungeon together. This takes the turn action for each player involved. You cannot be a part of a Dungeon exploration party and attempt to complete a Quest card on the same turn.
Dungeon CombatEdit
When fighting different Encounters within the same Dungeon, you recover your Stamina and Magicka between battles, but not your Health. You may also switch your Equipment, trade amongst other players, or even escape the Dungeon. Escaping a Dungeon between Encounters does not have a penalty, as opposed to escaping during Combat.
When the last enemy is defeated, the Dungeon is completed. The player who dealt the killing blow gains a Treasure card in addition to the rewards from the Enemy card. If the highest level enemy was level 3 or lower, the extra reward will be a Basic Treasure. If the highest enemy level was 4 or higher, the reward is an Advanced Treasure.
Once rewards are distributed, the defeated Dungeon cards are placed on the appropriate Dungeon's discard piles. However, as you level up, low level enemies may be removed from the game. When your Health, Stamina, or Magicka has reached a threshold, enemies of a certain level can be removed. This threshold begins at 6, at which point enemies at level 0 can be removed, and progresses up to 10, where enemies at level 4 or lower can be removed. You can keep track of which enemies can be removed on your Character Board. Summoned creatures are not removed from the game this way. If you escape Combat, no cards are discarded.
At the end of Combat, after all low level enemies have been removed from the game and all defeated Dungeon cards are in their respective discard piles, you draw an additional card from each Dungeon deck you used, shuffle it with the discard pile of that Dungeon deck, and place the resulting deck back on top of the original Dungeon deck. If any players involved in the Dungeon Exploration have a Legendary Skill, the whole Dungeon deck is shuffled instead. This may make the Dungeon decks considerably more challenging.
There are five decks for Dungeon Encounters. These will mostly contain the matching Enemy cards, but can also contain thematically related enemies, Traps, and Puzzles. The five Encounter decks are:
- - Animals and wild beasts.
- - Dwemer automatons and contraptions.
- - Daedric enemies.
- - Humans and humanoids.
- - Undead creatures.
Name | Level | Enemy Type |
Bear | 0 | Animal |
Mudcrab | 0 | Animal |
Sabre CatDG† | 0 | Animal |
Skeever | 0 | Animal |
Bear Trap | 1 | Trap |
Chaurus ReaperFtA | 1 | Animal |
Giant Frostbite Spider | 2 | Animal |
Ice WraithFtA | 2 | Animal |
Snow BearFtA | 3 | Animal |
Snow Wolf | 3 | Animal |
Flail Trap | 4 | Trap |
Side TunnelLE | 5 | Puzzle |
Snowy Sabre CatDG† | 5 | Animal |
Spriggan matron | 5 | Animal |
Chaurus Reaper | 6 | Animal |
Mammoth | 7 | Animal |
Spriggan Earth MotherGF‡ | 8 | Animal |
Chaurus HunterGF‡ | 9 | Animal |
Name | Level | Enemy Type |
Dwarven Spider | 0 | Automaton |
Dwarven Spider Worker | 0 | Automaton |
Poison Gas Trap | 0 | Trap |
Dwarven Sphere | 1 | Automaton |
Dwarven Spider SoldierFtA | 1 | Automaton |
Dwarven Ballista Trap | 2 | Trap |
Dwarven Sphere GuardianFtA | 2 | Automaton |
Dwarven Spider ClutterFtA | 3 | Automaton |
Dwarven Spider Guardian | 3 | Automaton |
Dwarven Centurion | 4 | Automaton |
Feral FalmerDG† | 4 | Human |
Abandoned Treasure RoomLE | 5 | Puzzle |
Dwarven Sphere Master | 5 | Automaton |
Dwarven Thresher Trap | 6 | Trap |
Dwarven Centurion Master | 7 | Automaton |
Feral Nightmaster VampireDG† | 7 | Undead |
Dwarven Centurion ArmyGF‡ | 8 | Automaton |
Storm Dwarven CenturionGF‡ | 9 | Automaton |
Name | Level | Enemy Type |
Dremora Churl | 0 | Daedra |
Explosive Gas Trap | 0 | Trap |
Flame Atronach | 0 | Daedra |
Dremora CaitiffFtA | 1 | Daedra |
Dremora Kynval | 1 | Daedra |
Dremora ArcherFtA | 2 | Daedra |
Swinging Blade Trap | 2 | Trap |
Frost Atronach | 3 | Daedra |
Dremora MageFtA | 3 | Daedra |
Feral Vampire AssassinDG† | 3 | Undead |
Dremora Markynaz | 4 | Daedra |
Battering Ram Trap | 5 | Trap |
Secret CryptLE | 5 | Puzzle |
Tyler^ | 5 | Daedra |
Storm Atronach | 6 | Daedra |
Dremora Lord | 7 | Daedra |
Molag Bal DremoraDG† | 7 | Daedra |
Ancient Frost AtronachGF‡ | 8 | Daedra |
Ancient Flame AtronachGF‡ | 9 | Daedra |
Name | Level | Enemy Type |
Bandit Archer | 0 | Human |
Bandit Berserker | 0 | Human |
Bear Trap | 0 | Trap |
Bandit Guardian | 1 | Human |
Feral Vampire ThrallDG† | 1 | Human |
Fire MageFtA | 1 | Human |
Bandit Chief | 2 | Human |
Ice MageFtA | 2 | Human |
Dart Trap | 3 | Trap |
Mercenaries^ | 3 | Human |
Storm MageFtA | 3 | Human |
Altmer Assassins^ | 4 | Human |
Ice Mage Adept | 4 | Human |
Falmer Spellsword | 5 | Human |
Hidden Mine ShaftLE | 5 | Puzzle |
Spear Trap | 6 | Trap |
Starving VampireDG† | 6 | Undead |
Master Necromancer | 7 | Human |
Frozen Falmer ShamanGF‡ | 8 | Human |
Falmer ShadowmasterGF‡ | 9 | Human |
Name | Level | Enemy Type |
Draugr | 0 | Undead |
Flamethrower Trap | 0 | Trap |
Vampire Fledgling | 0 | Undead |
SkeletonFtA | 1 | Undead |
Restless Draugr | 1 | Undead |
Feral Vampire NightstalkerDG† | 2 | Undead |
GhostFtA | 2 | Undead |
Vampire Mistwalker | 2 | Undead |
Corrupted ShadeFtA | 3 | Undead |
Rune Trap | 3 | Trap |
Draugr Overlord | 4 | Undead |
Sealed ReliquaryLE | 5 | Puzzle |
Spear Trap | 5 | Trap |
Ancient Vampire | 6 | Undead |
Draugr Death Overlord | 7 | Undead |
Feral Master VampireDG† | 7 | Undead |
WispmotherGF‡ | 8 | Undead |
Arch NecromancerGF‡ | 9 | Undead |