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Skyrim talk:Elisif's Tribute

Not Secretly Worshiping TalosEdit

The talk about secretly worshiping Talos is inaccurate-- unless someone can provide backing evidence such as speech from another NPC or text. She offers a dialog option where she clearly states she does not worship Talos and the tribute should be placed at the shrine, as with all other shrines, because of tradition. Right now it is pure conjecture, and even if it does suggest some affirmation in Talos worship, the party that worships Talos could be Torygg and her tribute could have been performed on behalf of her late husband's wishes. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:07 on 12 December 2011

I concur. Following a will is not the same as being a secret worshipper. If no one else objects, let's revise the page in a week. -RedKnight 11:51, 22 December 2011 (UTC) P.S. Please use wiki sigs (-~~~~) so things are timestamped etc. Thanks.
Done 06:17, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

Pickpocketed War HornEdit

Being a prolific thief, I randomly pickpocketed the War Horn from Elisif ages ago, and only now realized that there is an associated quest. Does anybody know if this will affect the quest once it's time for her to give it to me? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:06 on 3 January 2012

It's been long enough that there's a good chance the person who asked about this has already found out for themselves, but this seems like something others might wonder about, and it seems rather minor a thing to note on the actual page. Just tested pickpocketing the horn then trying to do the quest. She still gives you the quest, as usual (except you already have the horn, so she doesn't give it to you again). Quest continues normally from there. I didn't steal the horn until she was ready to give me the quest (immediately after completing The Man Who Cried Wolf and talking to Falk), though, so I can't say if taking it earlier interferes - I would imagine it wouldn't cause a problem, but I can't say for certain. MuddlingThrough 05:17, 23 May 2012 (UTC)

Lorcalin Attack at ShrineEdit

After I placed the horn I was attacked by a Thalmor Wizard named "Agent Lorcalin" who had one Thalmor Soldier with him at level 21. After barely surviving, I found a note on him from Elenwen that ordered him to find the Talos Shrine and hunt down any heretics he finds there. I've never had this happen until I purchased the Dawnguard and Hearthfire DLC's but I haven't checked them yet to see which one he might have come from. Tiger8u2 (talk) 03:45, 24 January 2013 (GMT)

He has a page here, and he was actually present in the base game. I'm guessing the chance of him appearing is small, as I've never seen him when doing that quest myself, and his page was completely blank for a full year. It's also possible that, even though he was present in the base game, something in the scripting was messed up and was fixed in a patch or with one of those add-ons. Might be worth looking into. — ABCface 04:34, 24 January 2013 (GMT)
Seems possible it is related to Dawnguard, as he has never appeared in the 10+ times I have done this quest, and Dawnguard is the only DLC I don't have (360). 17:03, 29 September 2017 (UTC)
Have Dawnguard, done the quest countless times, he's never appeared for me. 19:04, 26 August 2019 (UTC)
He's supposed to appear downhill from the shrine a little bit the moment you enter the area, so it's possible (if unlikely) that you could be running away too quickly and never see him. I've also seen a number of messages over the years about him appearing there, then getting distracted by a creature or wandering some other direction than he's supposed to for no obvious reason. There's obviously something odd going on with him, though, because in Skyrim SE, he's fond of simply popping in right at the shrine rather than appearing where he should. I've looked at the game files myself, and don't see anything unusual either for Oldrim or SSE. Even Arthmoor didn't spot anything when I was talking to him about it a while back, though he was at least able to fix the bizarre popping-in phenomenon for USSEP through a roundabout method. Robin Hood  (talk) 19:43, 26 August 2019 (UTC)
Now it has me curious, I really never even knew this guy existed. I'm going to do a run-through where I actually TRY to get him to appear, doing things differently than I usually do. Approach vector, all that. Doubt it will make a difference, but if it does, I'll post here. 20:51, 26 August 2019 (UTC)
Okay, tried MANY different variations on delivering the horn, attempted delivery over fifty times, confirmed that this NPC does NOT EVER spawn in the base game, despite being in the game files. Does not matter what level you are, what direction you approach, nothing - he simply does not spawn unless you have a mod or the unofficial update FORCING him to spawn. Probably the article should reflect this. 10:34, 31 August 2019 (UTC)

Find Agent Lorcalin Without Unofficial Skyrim Patch?Edit

I finished quest morethan twenty times,never attacked by Thalmor.I tried finish Civil War quest/remove DLC on LE/clear random encounter place before approach the shrine.None of them worked until add USP.

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