Skyrim talk:Folgunthur
Right CombinationEdit
the right combination to 4 entrance stones? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:54 on 24 November 2011
- The last gate before entering Folgunthur Crypt, is locked by a large, round stone-door. To proceed beyond this door, enter the combination: Eagle, Eagle and then Dragon, from outer to inner circle. Then use the Ivory Claw to open it.
- where does one find this combination? is it in a book somewhere? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:51 on 4 December 2011
- If you pull up your inventory and rotate the Ivory Claw, the pattern should be inscribed on the back of it. -WalB 11:50, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
room with the gate in the floorEdit
no matter how many times i try using the right combination or otherwise the gate will not open anybody got any ideas? i have left and returned many times but i cannot get the damned thing to open.... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:55 on 10 December 2011
- I've added a more detailed explanation as to how the combination is set for the grated room. Hope it helps. -WalB 11:50, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
- From left to right: Bird, Whale, Snake ;) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:14 on 12 December 2011
- Just be sure to line the stone pictures up with the arrows on the ground, not so the pictures are facing the player character at the middle stone. 09:31, 18 December 2011 (UTC)
(←) In case it helps people: The confusing part of this puzzle is that you have to mirror the images rather than replicate the order. Mirror means that you have to match the images in reverse order (like a real mirror). If the order in the right-hand room is snake/whale/bird (from left-to-right facing them), then you need to reverse the order in the left-hand room: bird/whale/snake (also from left-to-right facing them). Or, put another way: make sure both snakes are closest to the doors, both whales are in the middle, and both birds are furthest from the doors.
The other confusing part is that the activator (pull-chain) is in the previous room (with the grate on the floor). (It's not the trap switch in the puzzle room.) Arbitrator 04:36, 30 December 2011 (UTC)
- Pillar glitch confirmed. I just had the same effect (XBox, all patches current): Press A to activate on any of the three, but no pillar movement possible. I fixed it by exiting the dungeon and reentering it right away. One other difference I noticed on second entry- the first time there had been no blood around the slain Adventurer sites, but on reentry there was plenty. -DSH 5/13/2012 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:58 on 13 May 2012 (UTC)
Looting Bug Applies to More Than Mikrul GauldursonEdit
I experienced this bug in the room with the two spiders and water. I wasn't able to loot the draugr except some (but not all) of their separated weapons. Reloading while they were alive and killing them again didn't help. I fixed it by quicksaving after I killed them and reloading from there. Arbitrator 04:42, 30 December 2011 (UTC)
- This happens in several dungeons. If you can, exit the area to a previous or new load area then return, this will also fix this. I have seen, on fairly rare instances, where the bodies cleanup even on a quick load like this. Sometimes all the bodies, sometimes just a few. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. Philbert 20:56, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
Rotating pillars near entranceEdit
In the first large room there are eight rotating pillars (the ones with various animal totem images on them). Do they do anything useful? Or did the Daynas Valen already set them up properly, just as he already used the ivory claw to open that room in the first place?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:52 on 31 December 2011 (UTC)
- The appropriate combination for these is depicted on the opposite wall. All the combination does is open and close the door however, so we can assume Daynas already opened it. 00:25, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
Unreachable Room?Edit
In Folgunthur Crypt, along the NE wall there is what looks like a hidden room in the map view. It is just NW of one of the divider walls. Has anyone found an access to this or is it just background? Philbert 21:08, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
- Just had a look, using TCL. It's not a hidden room, it just seems to be part of the crypt's architecture that intersects whatever plane is used when generating the map. --Reka 16:12, 3 February 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks! Philbert 15:41, 16 May 2012 (UTC)
- You can get in there by using whirlwind sprint along some broken bridge like pillars to get across all it has is a tiny bit of coins. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:20 on 13 October 2013
- Thanks! Philbert 15:41, 16 May 2012 (UTC)
Ivory Dragon Claw Troubles (Solved)Edit
Okay, so I've decided to collect all of Skyrim's Dragon Claws for the sake of collecting them. To do so, I started the Forbidden Legend quest. After clearing the dungeon, I would imagine my use of the Ivory Dragon Claw (For it's original purpose) would come to end. Unfortunately, it has decided otherwise.
I tried to exhaust it's "quest item" status by closing and reopening every puzzle and door associated with it within Folgunthur. Still, it remains in my inventory as a half-pound of decor. Could anyone help me to figure out how to make the claw become nonessential? Are there more doors I could use it on? Or am I just missing something? (I play Skryim on Xbox 360-So no console commands unfortunately) --SlyKhajiit 15:47, 21 April 2012 (UTC)
- At a guess I would say that you need to finish the Forbidden Legend quest. The Silencer has spokenTalk 19:51, 21 April 2012 (UTC)
- That's what I was hoping would do it. I'll mention if it is successful or not. Thank you. --SlyKhajiit 16:02, 21 April 2012 (UTC)
- It's worked, I feel a little ridiculous seeing how easy it was to rid myself of the Ivory and Emerald claws. I mostly assumed they would be there forever considering the first character I tried this quest with was eternally bugged. I never got past Geirmund's Hall with her. Anyways, problem solved. I'll try to make sure I have a real issue the next time I edit a Talk page. Thanks. --SlyKhajiit 16:16, 21 April 2012 (UTC)
Post-Quest RespawnsEdit
Has anyone checked the dungeon after completing the related quest or at least the portion that involves this dungeon? Is it near-identical down to fighting Mikrul wielding another Gauldur Blackblade? That one perhaps properly leveled to when you either re-enter the ruin or re-enter the second zone? I know that much of the loot in the second zone found on that table up the stairs in front of the door appears to be generated on entry to the second zone, but in 3 reloads from a save in front of the Ivory claw door Mikrul was still a feeble opponent for a level 40 character who must have picked up the book to start the quest sometime around when the second-weakest version of the Gauldur Blackblade was the appropriate level and the Orcish weapons found throughout both zones would have been more useful finds. Even odder was that some properly-leveled items also appeared throughout the ruin, such as a glass helmet placed on the small table behind the claw door along with an Orcish sword.-- 06:18, 28 May 2012 (UTC)
- (PS3 user) I just revisited this dungeon long after doing the associated quest, and nothing inside had reset. All containers were empty, no enemies to fight.MrC (talk) 23:13, 6 January 2014 (GMT)
- Confirmed on Xbox 360. Nothing has respawned.--Beezer1029 (talk) 17:06, 7 March 2014 (GMT)
- @ the last 2 editors: are you both absolutely sure that you hadn't entered the dungeon in at least 31 days? According to the article, it is supposed to respawn in at most 30 days, so if it isn't, then either the article is wrong or both of you are experiencing a bug. --Xyzzy Talk 17:47, 7 March 2014 (GMT)
- Confirm. I cleared Folgunther almost exactly a year ago, both in real time and in-game. Completed Folguther Feb 28 2013/ Morndas 3:02 am 8th of Evening Star, 4E 201. Have not been back since today March 7, 2014, in-game is Morndas 8:57 pm Evening Star, 4E 202. Was going to write a non-quest walk-through, but nothing had respawned.--Beezer1029 (talk) 18:33, 7 March 2014 (GMT)
- I just tested this as I was trying to experiment with the game's respawn mechanics. I had cleared the dungeon previously, but I visited it again to confirm the locations of a few fallen enemy weapons, then I fast traveled to Winstead Manor and waited for at least 31 days (went from the 19th of a month until the 22nd of the next month). Then I fast traveled back to folgunthur and it hadn't respawned. Fallen draugr and their weapons were exactly where they were 31+ days ago when I checked. Can anyone confirm that this place even does respawn? It may have been assumed for some reason when originally written. 20:27, 18 July 2019 (UTC)
- Confirm. I cleared Folgunther almost exactly a year ago, both in real time and in-game. Completed Folguther Feb 28 2013/ Morndas 3:02 am 8th of Evening Star, 4E 201. Have not been back since today March 7, 2014, in-game is Morndas 8:57 pm Evening Star, 4E 202. Was going to write a non-quest walk-through, but nothing had respawned.--Beezer1029 (talk) 18:33, 7 March 2014 (GMT)
- @ the last 2 editors: are you both absolutely sure that you hadn't entered the dungeon in at least 31 days? According to the article, it is supposed to respawn in at most 30 days, so if it isn't, then either the article is wrong or both of you are experiencing a bug. --Xyzzy Talk 17:47, 7 March 2014 (GMT)
- Confirmed on Xbox 360. Nothing has respawned.--Beezer1029 (talk) 17:06, 7 March 2014 (GMT)
Failure to respawn prohibits Dragon Shout acquisitionEdit
My third Skyrim character was unable to acquire the Dragon Shout from the Word Wall in Folgunthur even after several reloads. Instead, the sound just loops (loudly) near the wall without providing the visual effects on the wall. Hoping a respawn of the dungeon would fix this issue (I am playing on the Xbox 360), after over a year of in-game time the dungeon has not reset. Word Wall quests do not direct me back to the dungeon (I have obtained all other shouts) and presence of the Ivory Claw in my inventory does not seem to make a difference. Has anyone else had this dungeon fail to respawn? Is there any way to force or encourage a respawn? Thank you for your time. Garland the Elder 01:55, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
Ebony bladeEdit
the part at the end, after descending the stairs guarded by a trapdoor/grate, and where the frostbite spiders are, I found an Ebony Blade. It's in the pool of water to the right, and did require a bit of fishing around- has anyone else seen this?Itssnowing 22:27, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
- Was it the artifact called the Ebony Blade, or just an Ebony sword? --XyzzyTalk 22:36, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
- I should have clarified, sorry- it was a ebony greatsword. I think it may have been a bug, because I just found another at the end of the crypt, hovering next to the door. — Unsigned comment by Itssnowing (talk • contribs) at 15:49 on 29 July 2012
- I went back and checked. Yes, there is an ebony greatsword sticking out of the water in an alcove of that room. After someone determines whether is it leveled or not, it should be added to the article. --XyzzyTalk 22:56, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
- Neato. If it's any help, my character is level 36.Itssnowing 23:16, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
- I went back and checked. Yes, there is an ebony greatsword sticking out of the water in an alcove of that room. After someone determines whether is it leveled or not, it should be added to the article. --XyzzyTalk 22:56, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
- I should have clarified, sorry- it was a ebony greatsword. I think it may have been a bug, because I just found another at the end of the crypt, hovering next to the door. — Unsigned comment by Itssnowing (talk • contribs) at 15:49 on 29 July 2012
(←) I would agree that it's leveled, but it does not level properly very frequently. I found an Iron Greatsword at level 52, and the one in the second zone treasure and word wall room changes every time I reload a save from just before entering the zone for the first time. It was steel, then dwarven, then iron. The other items leveled very randomly too.--Playerseekingbugs (talk) 18:44, 8 December 2012 (GMT)
- That description seems more to be random rather than leveled. —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:51, 8 December 2012 (GMT)
- Exactly. I guess I should be digging through more relevant pages to find out how the game does leveling with dummy items and chests and why it always seems so random, but this was one case I just experienced. I'm using a character who's mastered all crafting skills and knows how to use Fortify Restoration without breaking the gameplay utterly. And I can thus make just about anything I want and I don't rely heavily on dungeon loot, but I would still like the leveling system for loot to treat my character as the level 50+ he is. I think that should entail at least frequent Dwarven and Elven loot, not Iron and Steel and rarely even Orcish at times.--Playerseekingbugs (talk) 08:11, 9 December 2012 (GMT)
So... I have made a mistake and sold the Ivory Dragon Claw but do not recall where I sold it. Does anyone have any hints as how to find it again? I need it to finish one of my quests.
Frustrated journeyman174.49.84.67 12:02, 11 April 2013 (GMT)
a purse in a touchEdit
there is a purse hided in a torch in the first floor of the main chamber with two levels, right below the body of Daynas Valen on the second floor. is there any other hided things like this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:25 on 15 May 2014 (GMT)
- Sometimes, in a brawl, items will become dislodged or displaced and afterwards, found in surprising places.--Beezer1029 (talk) 18:37, 16 May 2014 (GMT)
Word WallEdit
Word Wall says "Here lies (the) beautiful Khajiit Anurassa whose warmth cannot be extinguished even by cold death." isn't it noteworthy that a khajiit was buried in this tomb? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:41 on 28 February 2015 (GMT)
- This is one of three possible word walls that can be found here, depending of how many words of the Frost Breath shout you have learned before. It is as such not noteworthy here under Folgunthur. I doubt it will be noteworthy at all, but if it is, it will be either under Skyrim:Word Wall or possibly under Skyrim:Frost Breath —MortenOSlash (talk) 21:25, 28 February 2015 (GMT)
Word Wall failing to give shoutEdit
As for the bug and possible fixes.....I have PS3. I tried all the "fixes";waiting 10 days, 30 days, waiting at the wall, etc. For me....and this is just a theory....I had the "Friend" tell me about a word of power in Folgunthur. I waited until I completed the Thieves Guide and was at level 80. I had to reload a save game from BEFORE I went to Bonestrewn Crest. That was the only thing to fix the bug. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:37 on 17 April 2016 (UTC)
After the Word WallEdit
Just after the Word Wall, my character returned to Folgunthor through the double doors. I did not see a random stamina potion; instead I got a random healing potion. Can someone verify if this is simply meant to be a random beneficial potion? Emma of Falkreath (talk) 20:36, 3 December 2017 (UTC) Emma
- Decided to answer my own question. Came with on another run with a higher-level character. So I can verify that it's a healing potion, or at least a random beneficial potion :: Emma of Falkreath (talk) 20:35, 19 February 2018 (UTC) Emma
May contain dragon priest?Edit
- What does the original author mean by "The stairs on the right lead up into a room which *may* contain a dragon priest and two draugr." I have played through this almost 10 times now and never have I seen any draugr in this room much less a dragon priest. Was this placed here by accident? Arcanearcher (talk) 09:40, 16 November 2021 (UTC)
Gauldurson Lives?Edit
Hi - I am running a character at Level 94, and have been playing him now for about 4 or 5 years. I completed Forbidden Legend etc in October 2018, defeating Mikrul Gauldurson in the process. I experienced no bugs in completing the dungeon and quest at that time. I have just re-visited Folgunthur (30th October 2022) just to see if I'd missed any loot, and lo and behold when I reached the main Crypt Room I saw (in the distance beyond the central sarcophagus) a Draugr corpse spinning on its axis. As I approached the "corpse" resurrected and appeared in my compass bar as Mikrul Gauldurson, with a health level of about a 1/4" red bar (if you see what I mean). I started "having a bit of fun" by using various shouts on him (Ice Form, Dismay, Disarm, Unrelenting Force etc) all of which worked, but after a while I noticed his health bar had recovered to "full", exactly in the manner of a non-killable NPC. Being unable to kill him, I froze him and legged it out of the barrow. So far he hasn't followed! I just wondered if anyone else has had this experience. I shall check back to the barrow in a week or two to see if he's still around! I recorded the occurrence in case anybody doesn't believe me!
When is this dungeon's level set?Edit
My current character is level 65, not levelled up from 64. I just completed clearing Folgunthur. There wasn't a single Draugr Deathlord in the entire place, and Mikrul yielded a measly lesser soul. I hadn't even discovered the location until I entered as a level 64/65 character, so I wasn't expecting such low level enemies. I had completed Saarthal a good ways back, but I hadn't read the Writ of Sealing or any of the Lost Legends books, so the quest had not yet started. It's not exactly a critical issue, but I was curious as to exactly what circumstances cause the level of this dungeon to be set and whether that's something worth noting on the page. Valeria (talk) 01:46, 6 March 2025 (UTC)