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Bonemold ArmorEdit
For information on Bonemold in the vanilla game, see the Morrowind article.
Bonemold, also known as Great House armor, is an expensive medium weight armor which can generally only be afforded by Morrowind's Dunmer nobles. The armor is composed of bones which are artificially shaped and assembled before being fixed with resin glues. There are a variety of Bonemold designs for each of the various houses. The book Bone tells the story of their invention.
Tamriel Data adds a number of Bonemold armor sets used in different regions of the Morrowind mainland.
Note: The below information was based on the following Tamriel Rebuilt planning document at the time of writing, and may not reflect the latest development plans.
- Bal-Darum Bonemold is a favored armor of House Redoran's Stones March, having been battle-tested against Malahk Orcs and other border trespassers.
- Chuzei Bonemold is sometimes donned by mercenaries of western Morrowind. Metal mail beneath the Bonemold plates provides additional protection.
- Hlaryn-An Bonemold is the armor of guards watching over the Hlaalu upper classes resident in the city of Narsis.
- Iuvan-Thir Bonemold is a Bonemold armor of House Indoril used by the Indoril chapels of the east side of the Thirr River, such as Roa Dyr and Nanaav.
- Maradlai Bonemold is a slightly ramshackle armor often worn by outlaws. It lacks boots, gauntlets and greaves.
- Mar-Revul Bonemold is an armor of the Redoran of the Waters March - a territory now largely overrun by the Hlaalu. It will be worn in the last Redoran redoubts of Ald Iuval and Ald Marak.
- Morath-An Bonemold is a style of House Hlaalu originating in the Othreleth Woods region. It is planned to be used by guards in Kragenmoor, and is additionally worn by the caravan guards of Arvud.
- Native Gah'Kogo Bonemold is a style of House Dres.
- Ouada-An Bonemold is a Hlaalu armor originally used by guards watching the Thirr River for escaped slaves, and is worn by guards in Hlaalu settlements along that river.
- Shipal-Arai Bonemold is a Hlaalu armor used in dry and arid regions such as Shipal-Shin and Roth Roryn. While implemented in Tamriel Data v11 as Shipal-Arai Bonemold, developer documentation indicates that it will receive the name Isruhn-An in a future release.
- Ulvra-Serad Bonemold is an armor of House Indoril planned to be added to the guards of its settlements in the Mephalan Vales
In addition to the above, Tamriel Data adds the Native Sammas Bonemold Helm, which is favored in areas with harsh environments or where bad weather is common.