Book Information Breakout |
Added by | Tamriel Data | ||
ID | T_Bk_BreakoutTR | ||
Up | The Autobiography of an Orc | ||
Prev. | Olgol gro-Muk's Private Notes | Next | How to Break in a Set of Armor |
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Spell | Smoke and Mirrors | ||
Locations | |||
Found in the following locations:
And so, my murderous intentions toward Furnius revealed, I was hastily placed in a cell in the local prison. Not having had the benefit of an artificially inflated intelligence at the time, I became quite confused; perhaps the guard had misinterpreted my plan out of ignorance, I thought. I was supremely confident that the fellow would come around, and see things however it was I had outlined them. My confidence eroded thoroughly after the first week.
I was placed in a cell with a charming Khajiiti woman, though I fear I wasn't the most pleasant company unless I made myself smarter via spell. She had been, of course, arrested for theft, but being one who had harbored murderous intentions, I could hardly hold that against her. Indeed, she was good company, and helped pass the time with stories of the heroes and mythology of Elsweyr.
But as time wore on, I became aware that she would be released, and I would not. Saddened, I implored her to teach me some skill that might aid my escape. Truly, I feared that she might steal something of such worth that the guard would simply kill her next time, and wanted to ensure her safety. At any rate, she laboriously taught me a mild Chameleon spell in the weeks before her release.
Once I was alone, I spent my days catching rats in my cell, then made them appear to disappear. It wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done, as the invisible rats invited themselves into the prison food stocks, and so made my meals more rationed.
Experimentation taught me some interesting things. While the spell only worked when cast on something organic and vital, it would also effect the armor of the target, and so could extend its influence quite a bit farther. While the most obvious method to use this spell to escape would be to cast it on myself, to make the guard open the door and search the cell, the Khajiiti woman had warned me that such practices were well known to guards and so not advisable.
I scratched my handsome green head for a moment, then struck upon a solution. A thick moss grew on the wall at the back of my cell, and I cast the spell on it. My hopes were borne out, for much of the wall became transparent! I shouted for the guard in excitement, telling him that some foul criminals were trying to break me out. Why anyone would try something like that, I do not know, but thankfully, the guard did not raise similar questions. Instead, he saw what appeared to be an open wall to the outside, and rushed to unlock my cell to, ironically, prevent my escape.
Once the door was open, I grabbed the guard, and threw him into the invisible wall. As expected, his fear stunned him much more than the blow, for he had expected a fall of a few stories. Time enough for me to take his sword, at which point I demanded he remove his armor. That done, I struck the poor fellow unconscious. If only he could have figured out my brilliant plan to kill Furnius, he could have spared himself a headache, I thought sadly. Luckily, no other guards were present.
I quickly hid myself in a storeroom to don the armor, and appropriated a closed helm from the guard's stocks. Thus, in plain daylight did I walk out of prison without being challenged by any of my former mates in the Legion.