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Goats are animals that can be found in Hammerfell, Skyrim's Reach, and Cyrodiil's Colovia. Wild goats can typically be found in the mountains and highlands of these provinces. Domesticated goats share a similar range and are farmed for their fur and wool.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
T_Ham_Fau_Goat_01, T_Ham_Fau_Goat_02
Goat Fur 30
  • 1-4 pts melee
Weald Goat
Diseased Weald Goat
Mountain Goat
T_Sky_Fau_GoatMn_01, T_Sky_Fau_GoatMnFr_01
Raw Wool 50
  • 1-10 pts melee
Diseased Mountain Goat


  • Though most goats are passive, a few are not; mountain goats with the ID T_Sky_Fau_GoatMnFr_01 and all diseased goats will attack you if you get too close (within 3000 units). Unfortunately, there are no visual distinctions between these goats and their passive counterparts.
  • Despite their names, neither diseased Weald goats nor diseased mountain goats carry any diseases.