These are all of the newspapers included in Tamriel Data. These are all books that are marked as scrolls and unenchanted, with IDs starting with T_News
Unlike normal books and notes, newspapers are scripted to change articles based on time and journal entries. Individual articles are placed in the world via a 'spawner', thus guaranteed placements are fairly uncommon. Newspapers change every 2 days unless they are picked up, and there is a chance that the spawner will put out no article.
Currently, Tamriel Rebuilt features The Ebonheart Bellman, a newspaper based in Old Ebonheart which covers quest events from both Tamriel Rebuilt and vanilla Morrowind, including the DLCs Tribunal and Bloodmoon. There are plans to add a Narsis-based newspaper called The Canyon Echo in future releases.
Project Cyrodiil features The Abecean Monitor, a newspaper based in Anvil which covers quest events purely from Project Cyrodiil.
Skyrim: Home of the Nords does not have any newspapers.
The Abecean MonitorEdit
- BLACK ISLE CO. UP AMIDST DOUBTS — A damning report on an interview with a Black Isle Company spokesperson
- BLACK ISLE CO. UP DESPITE FLAWS — A cautious assessment of an interview with a Black Isle Company spokesperson
- BLACK ISLE CO. UP SKY-HIGH — A glowing review of an interview with a Black Isle Company spokesperson
- BRINA CROSS MERCHANT SLAIN — A report on a murder in Brina Cross
- BRUSH FIRES ALONG GOLD ROAD — A report on a wildfire near the Anvil-Sutch border
- COMMENTARY: OLD TROUBLE AND NEW — A political cartoon of Queen Millona
- DIBELLANS IN DISARRAY — A report on the politics of Anvil's Temple of Dibella Estetica
- DRUG KINGPIN ARRESTED IN ANVIL — A report on the arrest of a notorious drug lord
- EDITORIAL: DARK ELF SLAVERY — A flowery opinion piece on the Empire's tolerance of slavery in Morrowind
- EDITORIAL: ON THE IMPERIAL NAVY — An opinion piece on the state of the Imperial Navy
- EDITORIAL: ON THE KING OF SUTCH — An opinion piece on King Cirellus' death
- EXOTIC DISEASE IN ANVIL — A report on a rare disease outbreak in Anvil
- FORT HEATH MINE OUTPUT SLOWS — A report on the viability of Fort Heath's iron mine
- GOLD ROAD TO UNDERGO REPAIRS — A report on future repairs to the Gold Road
- HADRACHS TO MISS NEXT ELECTION — A report on the fortunes of one of Anvil's noble families
- IAS EXPLORES GARLAS AGEA! — A report on a new archaeological breakthrough
- IMPERIAL PRINCE VISITS ANVIL — A report on Prince Enman Septim's surprise visit to Anvil
- INFAMOUS GOBLIN CHIEFTAIN SLAIN — A report on the killing of Warchief Hurutka
- KIMOI CASE REACHED DEAD END — An update report on the murder of a Brina Cross merchant
- LOCAL BUSINESSMAN ARRESTED — A report on the arrest of the Sea Elf Unsolyo
- LOCAL BUSINESSMAN EXONERATED — An update report on the arrest of the Sea Elf Unsolyo
- LOST MAGE FOUND UNDER THE SEA — A report on the miraculous survival of Divides-To-Iron
- MARAV STRIKE SETTLED PEACEFULLY — A report on a resolved labor issue in Marav
- MASQUED CAPTAIN APPREHENDED — A report on the arrest of the Masqued Captain
- MASQUED CAPTAIN ESCAPES CUSTODY — A update report on the arrest of the Masqued Captain
- MERCHANTS TO SAIL FOR AKAVIR? — A report on a wildly ambitious potential trade mission to Akavir
- NAVY PATROL ATTACKED — A report on a mysterious attack on two Imperial Navy vessels
- NEAR ABECEAN SMUGGLING REBOUND — A report on the return of smugglers to the Abecean Sea
- NEW POCKET GUIDE TO THE EMPIRE — A report on the upcoming release of the Third Edition of the Pocket Guide to the Empire
- QUEEN MILLONA DEPOSED — A report on the crowning of a new Queen in Anvil
- SHIP LOST IN A PIRATE ATTACK? — A report on the loss of the Emperor Cassynder to potential pirates
- SOULREST VETERANS RETURN — A report on the return of Imperial Navy marines from Black Marsh
- SUMMERSET FOOD IMPORTS RISE — A report on the increasing demand for Cyrodiilic food in the Summerset Isles
- THE BRIGAND'S FIGHT PIT FORTUNE — A report on the Abecette Fight Pit's newest star, The Brigand
- THE CREATURE'S FIGHT PIT FURY — A report on the Abecette Fight Pit's newest star, The Creature
- THE PILGRIM'S FIGHT PIT FAME — A report on the Abecette Fight Pit's newest star, The Pilgrim
- URRI THE RED PARDONED — A report on a controversial pardon of an infamous pirate
- USURPER'S NECROMANCER DESTROYED — A report on the defeat of the necromancer general Edroth by the Mages Guild
- VALENWOOD CITY SEEKS AID — A report on a Bosmeri diplomatic mission seeking aid from the Kingdom of Anvil
- WHITE SCARAB COMPANY ANNEXED — A report on the Abecean Trading Company's new acquisition
The Canyon EchoEdit
- EMERGING CRIMINAL SYNDICATE — A report on the Ja-Natta Syndicate in Narsis
The Ebonheart BellmanEdit
- A NEW COURT WIZARD — A report on the appointment of Kelkemmello as the new Court Wizard
- A NEW COURT WIZARD — A report on the appointment of Saturius as the new Court Wizard
- ARCH-MAGE KILLED IN DUEL — A report on the death of Arch-Mage Trebonius on Vvardenfell
- ARTS AND CULTURE EDITION — A series of book review written by Conjur, albeit edited quite generously
- CALDERA MINE SHUTS DOWN — A report on the closure of the Caldera mine on Vvardenfell
- COLONY ESTABLISHED ON SOLSTHEIM — A report on the new colony of Raven Rock on Solstheim
- CORRUPTION ROCKS CALDERA MINE — A report on the arrest of Odral Helvi in Caldera
- COURT WIZARD RETURNS — A report on the return of the Court Wizard Tarhiel
- CRAZY CULTIST CAUSES COMMOTION — A report on the emergence of the Nerevarine on Vvardenfell
- DAEDRIC DOPPELGANGER DEAD — A report on the execution of General Casik
- DAGOTH UR DESTROYED — A report on the killing of Dagoth Ur on Vvardenfell
- EBONHEART FASHION TRENDSETTER — A report on Aetia Nemesia's fancy new outfit
- EBONY EXPORTS STRENGTHEN TROOPS — A report on a new set of ebony armor for Caecalia Victrix
- EEC EXPLORES ICY INVESTMENTS — A report on the East Empire Company's surveys of islands in the Sea of Ghosts
- FROST ATRONACH ATTACKS DOCKS — A report on the surprise conjuring of a frost atronach at the Old Ebonheart docks
- GANG WAR IN OLD EBONHEART — A report on the killing of Otrebus Delagia and his gang
- GENERAL CASIK ACQUITTED — A report on the surprising acquittal of General Casik's charges of treason
- GRIFT EXPOSED IN EEC — A report on the shocking arrest of Aetia Nemesia
- HARD-HEART HARD DONE BY — A report on the killing of the Master of the Fighters Guild on Vvardenfell
- HELSETH ASCENDS THE THRONE — A report on the crowning of the new King of Morrowind
- HELSETH HOSTS ARGONIAN EMISSARY — A report on the visit of Im-Kilaya to Mournhold
- HOUSE ELVES ELECT HORTATOR — A report on the new Hortator on Vvardenfell
- IMPERIAL TREASURES STOLEN! — A report on the string of thefts of artifacts in both Ebonhearts
- INNER SEA SECURED — A report on the rebuilding of Fort Firemoth and Sulfurwatch Keep
- KATARIAH'S DEATH MASK RECOVERED — A report on the recovery of a priceless artifact from underneath Old Ebonheart
- KING MOVES TO CONSOLIDATE POWER — A report on King Helseth's plan for governance in the wake of strange events in Mournhold
- KNIGHTS RECOVER LOST ARTIFACTS — A report on the recovery of the Lord's Mail and Chrysamere by the Imperial Legion on Vvardenfell
- LEGION SMASHES SOULREST REBELS — A report on the Imperial Navy's role in putting down rebels in Black Marsh
- LICH LAID LOW — A report on the defeat of Grurn and his minions at Fort Firemoth
- LONG-STANDING WAR TAX REPEALED — A report on the removal of one tax for another
- MAGES GUILD MONOPOLY GONE — A report on a new resolution pushed by House Telvanni on Vvardenfell
- MAGICAL BREAKTHROUGH IMMINENT? — A report on the sighting of Tarhiel with enchanted scrolls in Ebon Tower
- NECROMANCY BANNED IN OUR CITY — A report on the surprise ban on necromancy in Old Ebonheart
- NO SIGN OF RUMORED TOURNAMENT — A report on the still-elusive melee tournament supposed to be held in Old Ebonheart
- OTREBUS DELAGIA FOUND DEAD — A report on the killing of Otrebus Delagia
- OUR CITY'S TAVERNS REVIEWED — A review of the various taverns in both Ebonhearts
- RAVEN ROCK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT — A report on the appointment of a new East Empire Company Factor for Solstheim
- RED SECUNDA STUMPS ASTROLOGERS — A report on the appearance of a blood-red Secunda
- STENDARR'S TOWER GHOST NO MORE — A report on the banishment of the Fiery Horror in Stendarr's Tower
- THIEVES GUILD DECAPITATED! — A report on the killings of senior Thieves Guild members on Vvardenfell
- TWO ARCH-MAGES ON VVARDENFELL? — A report on the appointment of a new Arch-Mage for the Mages Guild on Vvardenfell
- UNREST IN CYRODIIL EXAGGERATED — A report on the rumors of riots in the Imperial City
- VVARDENFELL CRIME RISING — A report on the state of law and order on Vvardenfell