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Tamriel Data:Newspapers

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Books

These are all of the newspapers included in Tamriel Data. These are all books that are marked as scrolls and unenchanted, with IDs starting with T_News.

Unlike normal books and notes, newspapers are scripted to change articles based on time and journal entries. Individual articles are placed in the world via a 'spawner', thus guaranteed placements are fairly uncommon. Newspapers change every 2 days unless they are picked up, and there is a chance that the spawner will put out no article.

Currently, Tamriel Rebuilt features The Ebonheart Bellman, a newspaper based in Old Ebonheart which covers quest events from both Tamriel Rebuilt and vanilla Morrowind, including the DLCs Tribunal and Bloodmoon. There are plans to add a Narsis-based newspaper called The Canyon Echo in future releases.

Project Cyrodiil features The Abecean Monitor, a newspaper based in Anvil which covers quest events purely from Project Cyrodiil.

Skyrim: Home of the Nords does not have any newspapers.

The Abecean MonitorEdit

The Canyon EchoEdit

The Ebonheart BellmanEdit