Book Information The Gospel of Saint Seryn |
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ID | T_Bk_GospelOfSaintSerynTR | ||
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Twenty years after Lord Vivec drowned the Akaviri Horde, a girl named Seryn was born in a dreugher's hut near Veranis. Seryn's mother died tragically in childbirth and there were no siblings. Amanas, the father of Seryn, instructed her to take upon herself the tasks of her dead mother.
When Seryn was eleven, Amanas was attacked by a diseased dreugh, and he fell gravely ill. In his sickbed, the dying father prayed to the Daedra:
The fire is mine: let it consume thee,
And make a secret door
At the altar of Padhome,
In the House of Boet-hi-Ah
Where we become safe
And looked after.
But Seryn, who had always been a pious girl, prayed to ALMSIVI instead.
"Holy Triunes, spare my father, afflict me in his stead!"
Suddenly, the hut was filled with a blinding light and Lady Almalexia stood before the quivering girl. She addressed her thus:
"As you are pure of heart and full of empathy, I will grant you the power to consume the sickness of others and make it your own."
Almalexia touched the fragile youth with her mind and granted Seryn the ability, then vanished.
Seryn, not hesitant to use her new-found ability. touched her father and thereby made his disease her own, curing Amanas in the process. As Seryn had taken over her mother's tasks at such a young age, she was tough as a guar, and in a few days she had conquered the disease.
When she was better, both father and daughter praised ALMSIVI.
When Seryn was fifteen and she was at home with Amanas, a group of diseased followers of The House Of Troubles came to the hut. Seryn was homely and had a crooked back, and this was much to the delight of Molag Bal. When Amanas opened the door, the followers demanded that he bring Seryn forth for their wicked pleasure. Seryn prayed to ALMSIVI to save her. When the followers' hands touched the virgin's crooked form, all their afflictions left them, and they walked away in shame. Seryn healed herself of their diseases soon after.
After this, word of mouth spread and soon came the netchimen and the guar herders, came Sweeps and courtesans, came Sounds and commoners. And every time Seryn would pray to ALMSIVI, and every time she would accept their diseases and every time she would heal. Such was the crowd that gathered that soon the brewers, distillers, and the bakers had set up their stalls around the hut.
When Seryn reached the age for courtship, her chastity was never tested by suitors, for ALMSIVI had blessed Seryn with an unassailable bastion to protect it. She was homely; she had a hunched back and her skin was as the Sload's tegument.
Nonetheless, all manner of young men visited her and she took their burdens upon herself.
One day, a wealthy lady from a far away land visited the dreugher's hut. She was dark of skin, but not as the Dark Elves are, and she let Seryn come into her veiled litter. And Seryn prayed to ALMSIVI and touched the woman. When nothing happened, Seryn smiled and told the woman she was pregnant. The woman was carried away blushing.
And Seryn's House, anon Redoran sent its ill and afflicted to Seryn.
And the Chimer Wizards sent their ill and afflicted to Seryn.
And House Hlaalu sent its ill and afflicted to Seryn.
And House Indoril sent its ill and afflicted to Seryn.
And House Dres sent its ill and afflicted to Seryn, and Seryn took all of their burdens.
And Seryn prayed to ALMSIVI and took upon her Rotbone and Helljoint, Swamp Fever and Witbane, and Collywobbles and Rust Chancre, and she cured all.
And she touched the sufferers from Ataxia, from Chills, from Dampworm and Greenspore, from Rattles and Astral Vapors, from Rockjoint and Serpiginous Dementia. And Seryn mercifully accepted the burdens of the sick and took them on her own crooked back.
The Temple, concerned with the rising fame of Seryn, sent a priest to verify the miraculous healing of the sick. The priest, named Orolas, was a very cynical man and derided all that came to see Seryn. So great was Orolas's anger that he pushed the tables of the brewers and the bakers over. All stood in awe of Orolas's swollen face that was red from screaming righteous slurs. Then Seryn approached him and touched him. Orolas fell to his knees and begged for forgiveness, for Orolas had suffered from affliction for a long time, and the touch of Seryn had healed him. After the shamed priest had left, a messenger came from Kartur, saying that the sales of bread and spirits were now officially condoned by the Temple.
Soon thereafter, the Temple sent their incurable ill to Seryn, and also drunks, skooma addicts and those that frequented prostitutes. And every time she took their affliction and every time she healed. Pilgrims from all over Morrowind visited her.
Seryn lived to an old age, fearlessly accepting every disease from the sick.
On her final day, the Temple sent her a stretcher with a dying woman in it, as they were wont. However, by the time the stretcher reached the hut, the woman was already dead.
Seryn's brain was addled by old age, so she had not noticed the absence of life in the woman. After she prayed to ALMSIVI, she touched the corpse, and fell dead. The consternation of the faithful was great.
Seryn's body was burnt, according to the Redoran custom of the time. Her funeral was accompanied by the laments and the teeth-gnashings of the faithful, which all but drowned out the groans of the afflicted. When the funeral pyre was lit, it went out treeĀ [sic] times before the body was finally consumed by the flames. When the funeral was done, it rained continuously for two weeks.
After Seryn's death, the Temple was granted some of the former mercy the Triunes had granted to Seryn. Orolas, however, moved into a monastery and was never seen again.