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Tamriel Rebuilt:Andrea Loria

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Andrea Loria (TR_m3_OE_imp_scribe)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Talos' Tower
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 11 Class Scribe
Other Information
Health 106 Magicka 144
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Legion 3(Agent)
Andrea Loria

Andrea Loria is an Imperial scribe and Agent of the Imperial Legion who can be found on the top floor of Talos' Tower in Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart.

She wears an expensive shirt with matching pants and shoes. She wields an Imperial dagger and carries a quill pen, 3 rolled papers, and 3 gold.

Aside from her natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, she knows the following spells: Blightguard, Cure Common Disease, Cure Common Disease on Other, Regenerate, and Rilm's Cure.


  • Greeting:

If you are not a member of the Imperial Legion:

"I have no business with you, trespasser." Goodbye
  • Background:
"I am an Imperial scribe. I take note of who passes through the Weir Gate. As use of this facility is highly restricted, the Empire wishes to ensure none of its officials are abusing it."