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Tamriel Rebuilt:Brelar Gildaren

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Brelar Gildaren (TR_m1_Brelar_Gildaren)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Ranyon-ruhn
House Brelar Gildaren's House
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 15 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 128 Magicka 110
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Brelar Gildaren

Brelar Gildaren is a Dark Elf commoner who lives in a house near the silt strider tower in Ranyon-ruhn. He is the brother of Manari Gildaren and Hekka Gildaren. His refusal to cooperate with Cartil Florius is causing a delay to the town census and annoying Nevrile Omayn.

He wears a common shirt, a pair of common pants, a pair of common shoes, and a Ring of Fireballs. He wields a Silver Viperblade.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit

House TelvanniEdit


  • my trade:
"I call myself a commoner, meaning I know all sorts of jobs, but I've been a miner for the last months. Unfortunately, I don't have a regular job, so I just have to keep on asking Mirisun Varen to re-hire me. But it's alright, %PCName, that's what it is to be a commoner. The only thing I'm worried about while unemployed is my sister."
  • sister:
"She's a good girl, and a pretty one too. If she worked, she wouldn't have kept the freshness of her youth, and finding a husband could be difficult. But I want the best for her so I don't mind the anxiety and the double-shifts, as long as that's what it takes to keep her happy."

House Telvanni: Census in Ranyon-ruhnEdit

  • Greetings:

If you are a Dark Elf, a High Elf, or a Wood Elf:

"Huh? What? This isn't to do with that damned census is it?"

If you are any other race:

"Get out of my house, n'wah!" Goodbye
  • census:

If you are a Dark Elf, a High Elf, or a Wood Elf:

"Huh? Why should I trust you?"

If Disposition is at least 60:

"Well, you look like a respectable mer, not like that filthy n'wah trying to pry into my private life. Okay, I work at the mine, and I earn about 20 drakes a day. I'm only telling you this for the Master's benefit, though."

If you are any other race:

"What? I'm not telling you anything, filthy n'wah. Now get out of here!" Goodbye

Trouble in Ranyon-ruhn: Unconventional MethodsEdit

  • recruit some miners:
"Well, I've tried to keep my sister Manari out of work, to keep the freshness of her youth, but if Mithras wants miners... I suppose you could talk to her about it."