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Tamriel Rebuilt:Don't Touch My Gems!

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Old Ebonheart
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Assist a mage in his study of curses.
Quest Giver: Maniel Sylbenitte in Old Ebonheart
Location(s): Old Ebonheart
Reward: 500 gold

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Pick up the cursed diamond in the Mages' Guild Basement.
  2. Talk to Maniel Sylbenitte about cursed gems.
  3. Bring Maniel any five cursed gems that are not cursed emeralds, diamonds or rubies.
  4. Speak to Maniel a week later. Urge caution.
  5. Speak to Maniel the following week for the reward.


  • Maniel will still take cursed rubies/emeralds/diamonds/tektite/blackpearls, but 3 will be needed to count as the same amount of progression as 1 of any other gem.
  • The secret room in the nearby house of the necromancer, Hastophos Velifer in Old Ebonheart has a number of gems needed for the quest at the cost of a little thievery:
    1. A cursed black pearl can be found set in the front of the water bowl.
    2. Cursed tektite, bloodstone and jet is present on top of the bookshelf, under the skulls.
    3. Cursed turquoise is present under the book on the table.

Example locations of cursed gemsEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Don't Touch My Gems! (TR_m3_MG_CursedGems)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I found a supposedly cursed gem in the Old Ebonheart Guild of Mages. There was a note warning me not to touch it, but I picked it up. It seemed that the one who left it thought moving it would summon some kind of monster, but it only summoned a little scrib.
15 Maniel asked me to help provide him with gems found on Daedric shrine altars, but I refused. I have more important things to do.
20 I agreed to help Maniel study the cursed gems found on Daedric shrine altars. I need to bring him at least five gems that summoned a Dremora when I touched them. He said he has already studied diamonds and some other types of gems, and is preferably looking for different ones.
30 There are now enough gems for Maniel to study. Time will show how well he delivers on his promises.
31 Finishes quest  Maniel is dead. If there is a lesson to be learned here, it's the importance of never losing caution in summoning.
40 A week has passed. I should go see if Maniel made any progress.
50 Maniel tried something stupid and summoned an angry Dremora Lord that attacked me right away. Luckily, we were able to kill it.
61 I warned Maniel not to risk our lives with silly experiments, but he refused to listen. He did, however, promise me he'll be more careful from now on. I guess that's something... He told me to come back later to see the results.
62 I told Maniel to go on with the research. I know it might be dangerous, but that's a risk both of us are willing to take.
71 Another week has passed. I should go see how Maniel's research is progressing.
72 Another week has passed. I should go see how Maniel's research is progressing.
81 Finishes quest  Maniel thanked me again for urging caution and gave me a potent gem as a reward for everything I've done for him.
81 Finishes quest  I found the corpses of Maniel and two dremoras in his room. I guess one of his experiments went terribly wrong. The mages won't be amused about that. There was a potent looking amulet on his body, but I think it's cursed.