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Tamriel Rebuilt:Hastophos Velifer

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Hastophos Velifer (TR_m3_Hastophos Velifer)
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Hastophos Velifer's House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 19 Class Necromancer
Other Information
Health 144 Magicka 246
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Hastophos Velifer, Old Ebonheart's resident necromancer

Hastophos Velifer is an Imperial necromancer who practises his craft in the city of Old Ebonheart - one of the few places in Morrowind where necromancy is a legal and permitted practice. Given his rare specialism, his expertise can be called upon in a number of quests involving interaction with the dead, while the Temple quest, Outlandish Heresy, will see you attempt to shutter his operations entirely.

Hastophos' house contains a wealth of cursed riches, with a number of gems well-hidden around the rooms that will summon Dremora Lords on being picked up.

Related QuestsEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit

Mages GuildEdit
