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Tamriel Rebuilt:Monastery of St. Delyn

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Outposts(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Fathen Drel)
Monastery of St. Delyn
Console Location Code(s)
"Monastery of St. Delyn"
Othreleth Woods, [-1,-31]
Monastery of St. Delyn

The Monastery of St. Delyn is a woodland retreat dedicated to St. Delyn the Wise.

The master of the monastery is Aeyne Redothril, who oversees a small number of monks and a well-stocked library. Her equal in rank, Dohna Bethalas, states that he is only visiting.

The Temple quest The Crook of the Crossing will send you here in search of the titular artifact, and Aeyne will be able to point you in the right direction.

To reach the monastery, leave Hlan Oek via the southern gate, and follow the road round to the west and northwest. You'll pass by some mushroom mangroves. Take the first dirt path branching right after these, and then the next right after that. You'll end up at the monastery door.

Related QuestsEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Aeyne Redothril   Dark Elf Enchanter Tribunal Temple Diviner(Diviner) 28 148 200 90 30
Burhan   Redguard Scribe Tribunal Temple Novice(Novice) 14 134 138 50 30 Trainer
Denu Fareloth   Dark Elf Monk Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 11 68 154 90 30
Dohna Bethalas   Dark Elf Alchemist Tribunal Temple Diviner(Diviner) 19 111 200 50 30
Fathen Drel   Dark Elf Scribe Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 11 106 144 90 30
Llayne Nethri   Dark Elf Scribe Tribunal Temple Initiate(Initiate) 17 142 170 90 30
Traven Romalen   Dark Elf Cook 5 65 116 50 30


  • The monastery was initially built as the base of a new faction, the studious Kenassa Tong, as shown by the residual id of the key found here (TR_m7_TV8_KT_Key). This faction's implementation was ultimately dropped.