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Tamriel Rebuilt:Miner Problems

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Miscellaneous / Firewatch
Investigate a problem with some diamond miners.
Quest Giver: Fila Artoria
Location(s): Firewatch, Vantus Manor
Reward: 3x Diamond
ID: TR_m1_FW_MinerProblems
Inside Vantus Mine.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Fila Artoria who wants you to pick up some diamonds for inspection.
  2. Speak with Jociel Marinard at Vantus Mine
  3. Investigate why Marvus Termian has stopped work.
  4. Bring an item/cast a spell to cure Marvus' "poisoning".
  5. Speak to Marvus.
  6. Speak to Sandol.
  7. Ask Jociel about Sandol.
  8. Persuade Marvus to continue work (req. 70+ disposition).
  9. Return to Jociel.
  10. Deliver the 5x Diamond Sample to Fila Artoria.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Vantus ManorEdit

Vantus Manor is a wealthy mansion in Firewatch's Vaynth Quarter, where it overlooks the fountain. Inside, Fila Artoria is looking for an assistant to conduct one of the regular inspections of the Vantus-owned diamond mine. She'll ask you to help me with some diamonds.

"Vantus Mine is the richest diamond mine in Morrowind. In order to ensure the excellence of our diamonds, we perform regular quality inspections. Since I'm quite busy right now, I am looking for a reliable person to retrieve the diamond samples for inspection. Are you interested?" - Fila Artoria

Agree, and she will give you a key to the mine's packing room, and provide directions:

"Excellent. Tell Jociel Marinard I sent you and he'll give you what I need. He'll be in the packing room. It's locked, so take this key -- the mine sits along the northern road out of the city. That is all."

Vantus MineEdit

Vantus Mine is a little way along the road leading from Firewatch's northern gate. You'll need to speak to Jociel Marinard in the mine's packing room - this is to the north of the large chamber. Fila has given you the key. Ask Jociel about the samples for inspection. He'll request your help before passing them on. Jociel feels that there's something wrong with Marvus:

"I'm not sure what's wrong with him, exactly, but he's been standing against the wall for a while now. I need him to start mining again. He's on the path back towards the exit, where you came from, standing on his ladder."

Find Marvus in the central chamber, on a ladder that leans against the eastern wall. He believes himself to have been poisoned. Return to Jociel for 30 gold to pay for a cure poison potion. Jociel suggests that you go to Mist-Eyes' apothecary in Firewatch to obtain one. Bring this potion back to Marvus (you can also just give him one of your own or use a cure poison spell effect).

Industrial RelationsEdit

While Marvus will feel better, he will also refuse to restart mining until the individual he believes responsible for his poisoning, Sandol, is removed:

Sandol's the shifty-looking Redguard. He's down there in the mine, somewhere. I'm sure he's the one who poisoned me. I won't start mining again until he's punished. - Marvus Termian

Sandol, found at the bottom of the main chamber, will be incredulous at the idea:

"Marvus is saying that I *poisoned* him? That's ridiculous! I saw him eating raw mushrooms yesterday -- if he was poisoned, that's how! If I get so much as a slap on the wrist for this, I'm gone from this mine forever." - Sandol

Once you have spoken to both, return to Jociel in the packing room and ask him about Sandol. He'll note that he cannot possible lose either, and will ask you to speak to Marvus once more, to persuade him to recommence work regardless. You'll need to get Marvus' disposition up to 70+ to succeed in this. Once you have, tell Jociel that you've done all he asked, and he will give you samples to return to Fila. Bringing these samples to her will end the quest, seeing you rewarded with, as you might expect, a handful of diamonds.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Miner Problems (TR_m1_FW_MinerProblems)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Dothasi Vantus' steward, Fila Artoria, asked me to collect some samples for inspection from the Vantus Diamond Mine north of the city. Jociel Marinard in the packing room should be able to give me those samples.
20 Jociel Marinard has the samples I need but he refuses to give them to me just yet. It appears that there is something wrong with Marvus Termian, a miner, and I won't get anything out of Jociel until I've solved the problem. I should talk to this Marvus and figure out what's wrong.
30 Marvus is feeling very ill and suspects he has been poisoned. He asked me to bring him a potion of cure poison as soon as possible. He mentioned that Jociel might pay for it.
35 Jociel gave me some money to buy a potion of cure poison for Marvus Termian.
40 I brought a curing potion to Marvus Termian.
45 I cured Marvus Termian with a spell.
50 After Marvus was cured he told me he suspects Sandol, a fellow miner, of poisoning him. Marvus described him as a rather "shifty looking" type.
60 Sandol says that Marvus' accusations are utterly ridiculous, and that if he gets punished for them, he'll quit.
70 Jociel told me that he can't get rid of either Sandol or Marvus, so he wants me to persuade Marvus to start mining again.
80 I managed to persuade Marvus to start mining again.
100 I told Jociel that everything was taken care of, and he gave me the samples I need for Fila.
110 Finishes quest  I delivered the diamond samples for inspection to Fila. She thanked me and rewarded me with three diamonds.