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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Proper Channels (TR_m4_IL_Kathletter)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Rojanna mentioned Kathellomar was looking for me downstairs.
Kathellomar gave me a letter to Lord-General Caecalia Victrix at the Ebon Tower's Legion headquarters in Old Ebonheart. He said its contents would persuade her to remove Rojanna Jades from her post due to her recent actions.
I've delivered Kathellomar's letter to the Lord-General and confirmed its contents. She told me Rojanna would be "promoted" to a position in the Order of Mournhold in Almalexia.
I've delivered Kathellomar's letter to the Lord-General but denied to confirm its contents. She said Kathellomar would be punished for trying to sabotage the career of his superior.
Finishes quest
Kathellomar thanks me for helping him, and gave me a pair of adamantium pauldrons.
Finishes quest
Rojanna thanked me for defending her, and gave me a pair of adamantium greaves.