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Tamriel Rebuilt:Render unto Tiber

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Imperial Cult / Firewatch
Gilara Renus has some tasks for you to do before she'll give the cult a donation...
Quest Giver: Tarom
Location(s): Firewatch, Grand Chapel of Akatosh
Prerequisite Quest: Blessing for a Beast
Next Quest: The Ring of Respite
Reward: Scroll of Divine Intervention, Scroll of Heartwise, Scroll of Healing or

Silver Warhammer of Empire Everlasting

Disposition: +10-+20 (Tarom)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Imperial Cult)
ID: TR_m1_FW_IC2_Taxes
Gilara Renus awaits a 'minor miracle'.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Tarom in Firewatch's Grand Chapel of Akatosh.
  2. Talk to Gilara Renus about a donation to the Imperial Cult.
  3. Intimidate Gilara Renus or
  4. Investigate why Anice Derielle has not paid her taxes.
  5. Obtain Anice's dress from the clothier, Fedrin Adlan.
  6. Return to Anice.
  7. Return to Gilara.
  8. Deliver Gilara's letter to Tarom.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Tarom wishes you to investigate the matter of Gilara Renus' continued contribution to the Grand Chapel of Akatosh. It seems that she has stopped making payments, and Tarom would like you to convince her to resume.

Gilara Renus can be found within Firewatch's Census and Excise building on the docks, by the gate to the main town. Ask her about her continued contribution. She would, of course, love to help.

"Theurgist Tarom sent you to personally inquire about my continued contribution to the chapel? Well, of course I'm willing to continue making regular donations. My devotion to Akatosh is unassailable, my love for the chapel of the East Empire Everlasting as boundless as the Abecean sea. If I could, I would donate a thousand septims for each hour, no, each minute that Akatosh gave me upon Nirn, and double that for each day the Empire's banner flew proudly over this city. However, as of late I have been faced with an impossible conundrum that even my piety has been unable to resolve. I've been praying to Akatosh day and night, hoping that he might send some minor miracle."

It appears, in short, that she would like assistance from the Imperial Cult before any more donations are forthcoming. Ask her about the minor miracle. She will inform you that one Anice Derielle has been consistently failing to pay the taxes she owes. If Anice can be convinced to do so, Gilara will resume her own payments to the chapel. If you don't want to do all of that work, Gilara can be intimidated into continuing her donations (this method requires 60+ disposition however).

Anice Derielle lives in Firewatch's poorest neighborhood, Uriel's Quarter. Look for the area with the thatched roofs - you will find Anice's house by the well. Speak to her about the minor miracle. It transpires that she owes a debt to her clothier, and so cannot afford her taxes. She asks the Imperial Cult to show a little charity, and pay the clothier Fedrin Adlan for her new dress. You can choose to help her out, or intimidate her into paying up.

Fedrin Adlan owns a shop in Vaynth Quarter, which is the northern square of the city, with the fountain. Speak to him about the outstanding order. He'll demand 200 gold to release the dress. You'll need to pay this, and bring it back to Anice, who will be ecstatic. She will at least promise to pay her taxes going forward. Return to Gilara at the Customs and Excise building with the good news. She'll give you a letter for Tarom's eyes. Bringing this to him will complete the quest.


  • During quest development, the plan was also to place the dress within Fedrin's shop, so it could be stolen if necessary. However, this option has not made it into the Embers of Empire release, despite dialogue existing for it in the file.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Render unto Tiber (TR_m1_FW_IC2_Taxes)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Theurgist Tarom has asked me to secure Gilara Renus' continued contribution to the Chapel of Akatosh in Firewatch. She works at the Census and Excise office, on the docks.
20 Gilara Renus refused to resume her contributions to the chapel until I perform a "minor miracle" for her -- that is, convincing Anice Derielle to pay her taxes.
30 Anice Derielle said she doesn't have the money to pay her taxes, as she already owes money to her clothier, Fedrin Adlan in Vaynth Quarter, for an outstanding order. She asked me to pick up the order for her.
40 The clothier Fedrin Adlan told me that he has an outstanding order waiting for Anice Derielle. It will cost me 200 drakes to pick it up.
45 I paid the money that Anice Derielle owed to Fedrin Adlan, and in return he relinquished her order to me.
60 After giving her the dress that she asked me to pick up, Anice Derielle promised to resume paying her taxes. Gilara Renus will want to hear about this minor miracle.
70 With some persuasion, Anice Derielle promised to resume paying her taxes. Gilara Renus will want to hear about this minor miracle.
80 Gilara Renus has given me a letter for Theurgist Tarom which affirms her intention to make continued contributions to the chapel.
90 When Gilara Renus heard that Anice Derielle was dead, she became incensed and outright refused to donate to the chapel. She said that she expects an apology from the Theurgist himself for the incident.
100 Finishes quest  Tarom was pleased to hear of Gilara Renus' continued contribution to the chapel, and thanked me with a reward of three magical scrolls from the chapel's stores.
200 Finishes quest  Tarom was displeased to hear of the incident I had caused with Gilara Renus. He has expelled me from the Imperial Cult.
201 Finishes quest  Tarom was immensely displeased by the death of Gilara Renus. He has expelled me from the Imperial Cult.
202 Finishes quest  Tarom seemed intrigued with how I secured Gilara Renus' continued contribution to the Chapel of Akatosh in Firewatch. He has given me an enchanted Silver Warhammer.

Prev: Blessing for a Beast Up: Imperial Cult Quests Next: The Ring of Respite