Dark Heart of Skyrim Announcements — January 18, 2020
As part of a global reveal event held on January 16, ZeniMax Online Studios has announced two of the upcoming content releases for ESO as part of the year-long "Dark Heart of Skyrim" storyline: the Harrowstorm dungeon pack coming in March 2020, and the Greymoor Chapter due for release in June. Harrowstorm features two new group dungeons named Icereach and Unhallowed Grave, and will be available for public testing sometime next week. Greymoor will be set in Western Skyrim, roughly spanning the holds of Hjaalmarch and Haafingar; in addition, a significant portion of the explorable area is actually located deep underground, in the massive province-spanning caverns known as Blackreach. The story is focused on aiding Lyris Titanborn in stopping a Vampire Lord from invading the surface world and conquering all of Tamriel. The Chapter will also be adding a new treasure hunting "Antiquities" game system.
Information on the latter two content releases for 2020 will be announced later this year and will consist of a second dungeon pack and a zone DLC. It was teased that the zone would be taking place in the Reach. Greymoor and its Collectors Editions are available for pre-order now, and if you log into ESO and kill any enemy before January 22 you will receive a promotional Long-Winged Bat pet as part of the announcement.