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Baron Praxis

Joined 20 June 2011

Sup? I'm Baron. I've played Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim for uncountable hours each and loved them all. I come to this site all the time (mostly for lore and such) and I've made a few contributions here and there so I decided to finally make an account here.


Oh yeah, guess I should add some...

  This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years and 11 days.
  This user is a loremaster.
  This user is male.
  This user is from the United States.
  This user has made a grand total of   54 edits in 4760 days.
  This user is a WikiGnome.
  This user plays on a Windows PC.
  This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena.
  This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
  This User is a Breton
  This user is a Master in the Fighters Guild.
  This user is a Listener in the Dark Brotherhood.
  This user is a Champion of Cyrodiil in the Order of the Dragon.
  This user is a Gray Fox in the Thieves Guild.
  This user is an atheist.
  This user is an Ashkhan in the Ashlanders.
  This user is a Grand Spymaster in the Blades.
  This user is an Associate in the Mages Guild.
  This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the Thorn.
  This user is a Wizard in House Telvanni.