Ralgar Silver-Plow (RefID: xx06517C) |
Home City | Bruma | ||
House | Silver-Plow House | ||
Race | Elder | Gender | Male |
Level | 13 | Class | Ranger |
RefID | xx06517C | BaseID | xx06506F |
Other Information | |||
Health | 170 | Magicka | 50 |
Stamina | 110 | ||
Primary Skills | Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed | ||
Class Details | CombatRanger | ||
Morality | No Crime | Aggression | Unaggressive |
Faction(s) | CYRBrumaSilverplowHouseFaction; CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRHunterFaction; CYRTownBrumaFaction |
Ralgar Silver-Plow is an eldery ranger and retired hunter now living in Bruma with his wife Felki.
After waking up at 7am and eating a quick breakfast, Ralgar heads for the Jerall View Inn for a second serving. At 10am, he will head back home and spend the next two hours chopping wood just outside his house. At 12pm, he will head over to A Cut Above (on weekdays), Northern Arms (on Loredas) or the Cathedral of St. Martin (on Sundas) for three hours. From 3pm to 5pm, he will be found leaning by the wall in front of his house, before heading indoor for two hours of archery practice. After eating dinner at 7pm, he spends the rest of the evening sat in front of the fireplace until his bedtime at midnight.
He wears farmer's clothes and matching gloves and boots, as well as a Colovian fur hood, a silver garnet ring and a silver necklace. He is armed with an iron battleaxe, a hunting bow and 50 steel arrows. He also carries the key to his house, a copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2, a brown bear pelt and a random selection of gold, lockpicks, gems, jewelry, food and drink.
When first meeting him, he will greet you:
- "Ralgar Silver-Plow; retired hunter and tracker, at your service."
- "Watch what you say around my wife, Felki. She'll talk your ear off about old faerie tales and legends, if you let her."
- "Saw a beautiful stag the other day. Should've got my bow and went after it..."
- "Seen any game around lately?"
Ask him whether he is a hunter, and he asserts:
- "Used to be, yes! I hunted game all over county Bruma, from the Jeralls to the Valus in the south, into Chorrol. Bagged some pretty impressive beasts in my day. Say, would you like to hear about the time I killed the most monstrous grizzly in all of Cyrodiil?"
If you agree, he carries on:
- "I was out for a normal trek into the wild, and I found these tracks, you see. They weren't no ordinary tracks either- they were big, huge! Larger than any bear print I had seen before or since! I knew it was foolish to chase after such a monster, especially with the snow coming down as hard as it was. But I just thought of how beautiful its head would look, mounted over my mantle, and pressed on. It found me on the slopes of Dive Rock, galloping from a copse of trees faster than an avalanche, its roar louder than thunder! I didn't have time to put an arrow into his heart. I dropped my bow, pulled out my axe, and danced with the beast on that mountain. Fortunately, such a creature is not well suited for hunting on the steep crags of the Jeralls. After a little tussle, I sent the beast tumbling off the cliffs to its death. Took me nearly a week to find, clean, and haul the carcass back to Bruma. Now it sits above the fire, a proper trophy."
If you then say this sounds implausible, he cries:
- "What? Why, I tell you what! If you don't believe me, stop at my home later, and look at that monster's head above the fire!"
If instead you express your admiration, he will glow:
- "Thank you, thank you! I invite you to stop my home anytime to see the beast. But mind the wife - one wrong word and she'll talk your ear off about something or other. Not all of us can be proper, though, I suppose."
Asking about rumors around town will net you:
- "There's some bard down at the tavern, playing a real awful racket. Hope he leaves soon, or we might just have to run him out of town."
- "Lots of refugees coming in from Skyrim. Civil War is getting pretty nasty, I hear."
Ask him if he is married and he confirms:
- "Aye, that I am. Married in the true Nord way to my wife Felki. She might be a little talkative sometimes, with all her stories of myths and nonsense and what-not, but she is a good woman. At least I'm not like that, eh?"
You may overhear the following conversations between Ralgar and Felki:
Ralgar: "You need to stop spending so much money on these little trinkets. I almost didn't have enough to restring my bow!" |
Ralgar: "I could go for some good boar right now..." |
Felki: "Ralgar, have you seen my book on Winterhold?" |
Felki: "Going to head out on a hunt today?" |
In Northern Arms, you may overhear the following conversations between Ralgar, Eddvia Jucani and Hulgard:
Eddvia: "Good to see you, Ralgar. What can I do for you today?" |
Ralgar: "Greetings, Hulgard. Dropped off my bow here for repair a while ago. You taken care of it?" |
When in the market place, you may also hear him talk to Rilja Stone-Hearth:
Rilja: "Hail, Ralgar. What brings you here today? Buying something?"
Ralgar: "Got any new wares, Rilja? Any bows?" Rilja: "Sorry, Ralgar. Trade's been slow, what with all the trouble up north." Ralgar: "Ah, it was a long shot anyways. Thanks, Rilja." |
Ralgar: "Not today, Rilja. Selling." Rilja: "Oh? What is it?" Ralgar: "Nordic helm. My father found it in some barrow or something. Mine and Felki's anniversary is coming up, and since I have no use for it, well..." Rilja: "I understand. I have an old scroll written by one of Skyrim's High Kings. I'm sure Felki would love it." Ralgar: "You are a life saver, Rilja." |
Ralgar: "Wife sent me. She said you had some amulet or other?" Rilja: "I have several, actually. One supposedly worn by the Felldir the Old, another crafted in the fires of the Skyforge. Which one did Felki want?" Ralgar: "Eh, I have no bloody clue... just give me them both. I'll pay." Rilja: "You spoil her rotten, you know that?" Ralgar: "Yes, I do. Thanks." |
Ralgar: "Just looking, Rilja. Don't mind me." Rilja: "Alright, tell me if anything catches your interest." |