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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Red Ruby Cave

< Mod / Skyrim: Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil: Places: Caves
Red Ruby Cave
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Clearable Yes
Dungeon Yes
Respawn Time 10 days or 30 days
Vampires, Animals
Important Treasure
A Game at Dinner
Circlet of Eminent Illusion
Console Location Code(s)
CYRRedRubyCaveExterior, CYRRedRubyCaveExterior03
CYRRedRubyCave01, CYRRedRubyCave02
County Bruma
Northeast of Frostfire Glade
Special Features
# of Arcane Enchanters 1
# of Ruby Geodes 1
Ore Veins
# of Ebony 2
Red Ruby Cave

Red Ruby Cave is a medium-sized cave containing vampires and animals, located northeast of Frostfire Glade. It contains two zones: Red Ruby Cave and Red Ruby Hollows.




Outside the cave you will find two Clouded Funnel plants, two Milk Thistle Branch plants, a birds' nest, one Blue Mountain Flower plant and one Motherwort Sprig plant.

Red Ruby CaveEdit

Though a cave, this zone very much resembles a mine, with various shafts and wooden struts. Immediately upon entering you will come across a skeleton corpse: loot it of the spell tome Sparks and continue down the mine shaft until you reach a small waterfall. Continue past it and past a raise drawbridge to your left, eventually heading up a winding tunnel, killing four rats and looting a chest on the way. You will eventually arrive on a wooden platform overlooking the previous waterfall which hosts a chest, a bedroll and a skeleton corpse. Pull the chain nearby to lower the drawbridge below, track back and cross the bridge heading east, looting a potion of healing along the way.

You emerge in a large room with a bear pit at the center of it, where two ebony ore veins are guarded by a bear. To the north is another bear with a blood-soaked skeleton and chest next to it. From here head north through a tunnel and past a few bear traps to arrive at a small camp with a blood-soaked bedroll and a table with a knapsack, a potion of plentiful healing, a leveled potion, a brass ring and an interrupted journal detailing the attempts by a miner named Aretino to find the cave's famous rubies.

Head south, past a novice-locked gate, and you will indeed find a ruby geode and a few more rats, including one by a nest of hay hiding a dozen gold coins. Eventually you will surface on a ledge overlooking the bear pit. Head south, past another bear, and pull the chain opening a secret stone door. Past this are a few more rats, a vampire, his thrall, a potion of plentiful stamina and the door to the Hollows.

After returning from Red Ruby Hollows, jump down the hole and you will find yourself in front of the waterfall at the start.

Red Ruby HollowsEdit

Upon entering, fight past four rats until you reach a plank bridge over a waterfall-fed pool; inside the pool are three skeletons and a coin purse. Advance down the tunnels, dispatching two more rats and head west into a small room with a vampire, his thrall, a few coffins and a multitude of bones. Turn back and head north and you will arrive in a large room hosting a long table laden with silverware and with a throne at one end. Here you will find another vampire and three thralls along with an arcane enchanter, a barrel of uncommon ingredients, an alembic, a filled common soul gem and a copy of Opusculus Lamae Bal. Before taking the southeastern tunnel, quickly head northwest to a raised wooden platform where you will find a diamond and two rubies atop a bloodied altar, and a key-requiring gate.

Head southeast and you will arrive at a torture room with tools, cages and cells inhabited by a vampire and two thralls. In one of the cells you will find the body of Aretino, the unlucky ruby miner. Press on to the sleeping quarters, where you will find three beds, a circlet of eminent illusion, two rubies, a gold ingot, a potent magicka poison, a fear poison and a weak paralysis poison. Follow the winding tunnel to the vampire master's chambers, where you will find a bed, a boss chest, a strongbox, the Alchemy skill book A Game at Dinner, a flawless ruby, a common ruby, two coin purses and the key opening the nearby gate, leading back to the main room. Head east instead for a quick exit back to Red Ruby Cave.
