There are many different kinds of birds in Tamriel. Their feathers come in a variety of hues, and they can be found almost anywhere.
- Abatross
- Bird-of-Paradise
- Blackbird
- Bluebird
- Bunting
- Buzzard
- Canah
- Canary
- Cardinal
- Chicken
- Chub Loon
- Coot
- Cormorant
- Corvid
- Crane
- Cuckoo
- Curlew
- Dove
- Duck
- Eagle
- Egret
- Falcon
- Fellrunner
- Finch
- Flycatcher
- Garnetbeak
- Gooblet
- Goose
- Grackle
- Gristlewing
- Grosbeak
- Grouse
- Guzzard
- Hawk
- Heron
- Hornbill
- Hummingbird
- Ibis
- Jalfbird
- Kingbird
- Kingfisher
- Kiskadee
- Lark
- Loon
- Meadowlark
- Mustard-Wing
- Nightjar
- Nightingale
- Oriole
- Osprey
- Owl
- Parrot
- Peacock
- Pelican
- Petrel
- Pheasant
- Phoenix
- Pigeon
- Plover
- Quail
- Razorbill
- Robin
- Sandpiper
- Seagull
- Shrike
- Sparrow
- Starling
- Stork
- Swan
- Tanager
- Tern
- Terror Bird
- Thrush
- Tick Bird
- Turkey
- Vireo
- Vulture
- Wagtail
- Warbler
- Whip-poor-will
- Wraxu
- Wren
- Yellowthroat
- Hackwings are interchangeably described as "large birds" and "flying lizards".
See AlsoEdit
- Birds of Gloommire by Domind Kamaz and Junior Researcher Unila Rotheloth — A description of avian fauna in Gloommire
- Birds of Wrothgar A field journal by Haenelisse, Vice-Chairman of the Bird-Watchers Society of Alinor — A bird watcher's journey through the icy Wrothgarian mountains
- Mystery of the Chub Loon by Zabia-ko — A treatise on a unique Wrothgarian bird
- Terror-Birds: Up Close and Personal by Dardarfin — A traveler's notes on the carnivorous birds of Elsweyr