Cannibal LancetEdit
The Cannibal Lancet is a type of fish that could be found in the planetouched waters of the Imperial City during the Planemeld.
The Carp is a large type of fish that can be found in temperate lakes and streams, commonly found throughout Skyrim. They are popular as food and as pets.[1] Koi are a distinct variety of carp.
- The Grass Carp can be found in the rivers of Stormhaven
- The Salasso Carp can found in the lakes of the West Weald
- The Scum Carp can be found in the foul waters of Stonefalls
The Catfish is a very large, nosy type of fish with whiskers. They can be found in warm large waters.[1] Catfish skin is known to be used for parchment.[2] A common spotted species of catfish can be found in Skyrim. Catfish is used as an ingredient in the kitchens of Umbriel.
- The Bilious Catfish can be found in the foul waters of Grahtwood.
- The Fif Cat can be found in polluted water within the region of Pellitine in Elsweyr.
- The Forlorn Catfish can be found in the lakes of Craglorn.
- The Glass Catfish can be found in the warm rivers of Hew's Bane and in the underground cave waters of Skyrim.
- The Ogrim Goonch can be found in the foul waters of the Deadlands.
- The Stream Catfish can be found in the rivers of Rivenspire.
- The Thorny Catfish can be found in the rivers of Stonefalls.
- The Verminous Catfish can be found in the oily waters of the Clockwork City. It was previously presumed to be extinct.
The Cavefish is a type of fish that can be found in Coldharbour.
The Char is a type of fish that is related to salmon and can be found in the lakes of Eastmarch.
- The Arctic Char can be found on the coastal shores of Skyrim, especially near shipwrecks. They are also found further out in the Sea of Ghosts as they can be fished off the coasts of Solstheim
- The Frigid Char can be found in the lakes of Hjaalmarch and Haafingar.
The Chinlea is a type of fish that can be found in the cold river waters of the Wrothgarian Mountains.
The Chub is a small fish that can be found in foul water across Tamriel. They are used as bait to catch larger fish.
- The Deshaan Chub can be found in Deshaan.
- The Ichory Chub can be found in Rivenspire.
- The Lake Chub can be found in Stonefalls.
The Cichlid is a type of fish that can be found in the warm lakes of Hew's Bane. Flowerhorns are a distinct variety of cichlid.
The Cod is a type of large fish with three dorsal fins that can be found in differing areas of Tamriel. They often can be found in freezing waters in Skyrim and Solstheim.[3] Solitude sometimes export salted cod to other cities across Tamriel.[4]
- The Eucla Cod can be found in the Abecean Sea and Auridon Strait, off the coasts of Auridon.
- The Morid Cod can be found in the saltwater of the Bjoulsae River in Bangkorai.
- The Murray Cod can be found in the lakes of Greenshade.
- The Northpoint Cod can be found in the Sea of Ghosts, off the coast of Rivenspire.
- The Suncleft Cod can be found in the Abecean Sea, off the coasts of Galen.
- The Yokudan Cod can be found in the rivers of Craglorn.
The Coffinfish is a type of fish.
- The Hairy Coffinfish can be found in the cold waters of the Sea of Ghosts, off the coast of the Wrothgarian Mountains.
- The Sleeper Coffinfish can be found in the foul waters of Vvardenfell.
The Cornetfish is a type of fish.
- The Bluespotted Cornetfish is a type of cornetfish that can be found in the Abecean Sea, off the coasts of High Isle and Amenos.
Corpus HagfinEdit
The Corpus Hagfin is a type of fish that can be found in the foul waters of the Deadlands.
The Crestfish is a type of fish that can be found in the warm waters of the Abecean Sea, off the coast of Hew's Bane.
The Croaker is a type of fish that can be found in the rivers of Craglorn.
- The Black-Eyed Croaker can be found in the foul waters of the Deadlands.
Crystal HanniaEdit
The Crystal Hannia is a type of fish that can be found in the lakes of Summerset Isle.
Cusk EelEdit
The Cusk Eel is a type of eel-like fish that can be found in the foul waters of Greenshade.