The Return of the Dragons, also known as the Dragon Crisis,[1] was an invasion of Tamriel that occurred in 4E 201, orchestrated by Alduin, the Nordic god of time. Alduin, along with the plethora of dragons that he resurrected, caused destruction and chaos throughout Skyrim and Morrowind.[2] However, a mysterious hero revealed to be the Nordic hero of legend, the Last Dragonborn, rose up and was able to defeat Alduin, as foretold by the Prophecy of the Dragonborn. It was concurrent with the Stormcloak Rebellion, a civil war in Skyrim, fought between the Third Empire's Imperial Legion forces, mobilized in western Skyrim, and the Stormcloak rebels of eastern Skyrim.
During the Merethic Era, Dragon Priests kept the population enthralled and obedient by means of a widespread Dragon-worshipping cult, and many people of this era became the undead draugr that still prowl the crypts of Skyrim, Solstheim, Atmora, and anywhere else the Dragon priests "kept peace between Dragons and men".[3][4] The center of power in Skyrim of this Dragon empire is thought to have been Bromjunaar, where Dragon priests decided matters of their law.[5]
Nordic legend holds that Alduin led his brethren and their once-benevolent minions to terrorize and subjugate the mortal races, triggering a rebellion.[3][6] The Dragons began indiscriminately slaughtering them under the orders of Alduin, who had chosen to forsake his proper duties and conquer the land.[7][8]
During this Dragon War, mortals found ways to kill the Dragons, who were previously thought undefeatable.[3][9] Some people, notably priests of the Nine Divines, claim that Akatosh intervened against the Dragons to help end the war, and that some Dragons fought against their own kind.[3][10] The Dragon Paarthurnax, originally the first lieutenant and brother of Alduin, took pity on the Nords (purportedly at the request of Kyne), and instructed several in the ways of the thu'um so that they could channel the power of their own voices using the tongue of the Dragons.[7].Three legendary Nord heroes of the age, Felldir the Old, Hakon One-Eye, and Gormlaith Golden-Hilt took the task of defeating Alduin upon themselves.[7] They initially attempted to recruit the Dragon Priest Miraak who thanks to his unique nature as the first Dragonborn in history had a tremendous edge against the foe, but Miraak refused to give aid.[11] Near the end of the war, these ancient heroes confronted Alduin at the summit of the Throat of the World.[12] With no conventional means to defeat the wyrm, Felldir the Old used an Elder Scroll to perform an incantation that ejected Alduin from their time, propelling him into the future and leaving behind a Time Wound.[12] The remaining Dragons were hunted and killed until they were nearly extinct, clearing the way for the many empires which have risen and fallen since.[3][10]
Major EventsEdit
Alduin's soul was not absorbed by the Dragonborn, and he may not have been completely destroyed.[23] It is possible that he will one day return to fulfill his role as the World-Eater.[24] The surviving dragons had varying reactions to Alduin's vanquishing. Paarthurnax lamented the death of his brother but intended to teach the surviving dragons the philosophy he had come to adopt, the Way of the Voice.[7] Some dragons viewed this attempt at new leadership by Paarthurnax as tyranny, instead bowing to the superiority of the Last Dragonborn, who, as the slayer of Alduin, they felt was the rightful heir to his lordship.[25] The Blades discovered Paarthurnax's whereabouts, and appealed to the Dragonborn to kill Paarthurnax as punishment for his ancient crimes against humanity. Paarthurnax's fate is currently unknown.[26]
- A Similar Dragon invasion of Tamriel occurred in Elsweyr, orchestrated by Kaalgrontiid, in 2E 582.[27][28]
- ^ Odahviing lore summary by TES Legends Asia
- ^ Dragonborn guard dialogue
- ^ a b c d e The Dragon War — Torhal Bjorik
- ^ Amongst the Draugr — Bernadette Bantien, College of Winterhold
- ^ A Minor Maze
- ^ Dragon Language: Myth no More — Hela Thrice-Versed
- ^ a b c d Paarthurnax's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy — Alexandre Simon, High Priest of the Akatosh Chantry, Wayrest
- ^ There Be Dragons — Torhal Bjorik
- ^ a b Atlas of Dragons — Brother Mathnan
- ^ Miraak's dialogue in Skyrim: Dragonborn
- ^ a b Alduin's Bane quest in Skyrim
- ^ Events of Skyrim
- ^ Events of Dragon Rising in Skyrim
- ^ Map of Dragon Burials
- ^ A Blade in the Dark quest in Skyrim
- ^ a b Events of Alduin's Wall in Skyrim
- ^ Karthspire Scourge card in Legends
- ^ a b Events of Alduin's Bane in Skyrim
- ^ Events of The Fallen in Skyrim
- ^ Events of The World-Eater's Eyrie in Skyrim
- ^ Ysgramor's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ a b Events of Sovngarde in Skyrim
- ^ Arngeir's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Odahviing's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Possible events of Skyrim
- ^ Events of ESO
- ^ Events of ESO: Elsweyr