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Lore talk:Calendar

Holidays ColorsEdit

The holidays colors are not very well distinguished. You may want to change them to red, green, blue and yellow. --DrPhoton 03:10, 24 October 2006 (EDT)


Too bad they didn't make (or add the contents ((of)) a calender with specific holidays for Oblivion. With the mass info involved, and the seemingly "neat" festivals that are held, It would have been nice to see a "change up" in the lives of the citizens of the Empire.-- 03:04, 20 April 2007 (EDT)

Morrowind and Oblivion overlappingEdit

Wouldn't it be fun to wait so much with your character in Morrowind before becoming the Nerevarine so the other hero in cyrodiil had already saved Tamriel? You'd hear stories about how Vvardenfel is safe again in Oblivion, while according to the timeline you're still busy doing that on Morrowind.. This is ofcourse only possible if I don't remember wrongly that there's only 5-6 years between the two games.. — Unsigned comment by Korunox (talkcontribs) at 00:34 on 18 February 2008 (GMT)

Actually, I believe in Oblivion, the incident in Vvardenfell was set a few years back on the timeline. The Hero in Morrowind had already disappeared, as the story goes. — Unsigned comment by Brandol (talkcontribs) at 01:39 on 18 February 2008 (GMT)
In oblivion it states the daedra are invadeing like all over tamriel and the Nerevarine had left on an expedition to akavir — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:16 on 1 May 2008 (GMT)
FYI the exact text is "Rumor has it the Nerevarine has left Morrowind on an expedition to Akavir, and has not been heard from since." but it's only a rumor after all. –RpehTCE 02:05, 1 May 2008 (EDT)

Thanks to NepheleEdit

Many thanks for showing me a new trick, using [[#foo|bar]]. --Uniblab 17:28, 5 May 2008 (EDT)

Someone please fix the Arena/Daggerfall calendarsEdit

I don't know who put the Oblivion-ified "Arena" calendar there, but it is wrong there. The calendar shown under "Daggerfall" is the one that both games --- Arena and Daggerfall --- used. I double-, triple, and tetra-checked this.
But the months in the Daggerfall entry are messed up; the days do not follow the natural rhythm --- where is it possible that each month starts on a monday when the month before ended on one?!? Everytime I put the changes there, someone takes them out again. Why? Can't the one bear being corrected?
kuli 19:54, 26 November 2008 (EST)

Addendum: the original calendar from Arena is [1].
--kuli 20:02, 26 November 2008 (EST)

This IS THE ORIGINAL ARENA CALENDAR! It was shipped with Arena. I know this because I own exactly this Tamriel Holiday Calendar in print from the TES:Arena cover box! Fools, everyone! --kuli 07:29, 29 November 2008 (EST)
Actually having looked at our article and the various calendars available on TIL it's pretty clear that the original version of the article here was correct. Arena shipped with a paper version of the calendar that was wrong, and that's what we have under Arena, with a note that the game actually used 30-day months. I'm afraid Kuli has the wrong end of the stick on this one. –RpehTCE 08:12, 29 November 2008 (EST)

Heartfire is spelled wrong...Edit

Why is Heartfire spelled Hearthfire in the lore article? In the US version of Oblivion it's spelled Heartfire. Is it just an error, or is it spelled Hearthfire in Arena and Daggerfall? My Daggerfall and Morrowind installs are broken right now, so I can't check. Knightlag 14:03, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

The note tells why: Hearthfire is occassionally referred to as Heartfire, the name given to said month in TES:Arena.Elliot talk 01:54, 20 September 2009 (UTC)


On our own website, I can find entries that put Chil'a on either the 20th or 24th of Evening Star. Looking around on other websites, I can also find it on the 21st. Can someone verify this, please? I'm not even sure where the info comes from. —Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 03:42, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

Monthly PowersEdit

You know what would be cool? Adding the birthsigns to the article! In the game, people born in different months get different abilities. Why don't we add that informations to the article? --Zander490 16:07, 11 June 2010 (UTC)

This article is about the calendar itself. Game-specific details are found in each game's namespace. --GKtalk2me 22:20, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
i believe he is suggesting that we mark what dates mark what birthsigns, like the zodiac IRL — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:49 on 22 September 2010
15 years later, I have added the matching birthsign to each month. Fyraltari (talk) 23:22, 25 February 2025 (UTC)

Perseverence/Perseverance dayEdit

Well, which variant of the word should be used. As it stands now, the calendar date for 27 Sun's Dawn links to Perseverence day, while the article describes Perseverance day. Of course, that means that the calendar links to something that doesn't exist. Quill 16:43, 29 July 2010 (UTC)

The spelling in the Daggerfall text file is "Perserverance Day" (with the spelling error) so I've changed it to that. rpeh •TCE 17:14, 31 July 2010 (UTC)


Is there any rhyme or reason to the weather in Oblivion? Because I'm getting snow as far south as Bravil in what I assume would be summer (Midyear to Sun's Height) in my game. (I'm just a visitor and I don't know how to sign, sorry.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:27 on March 25, 2011

I'm not sure about Lore wise, but gameplay-wise, weather is dependent upon the climate of the area. Each region has its own climate, which is a group of possible weather situations, each with their own percent chance of occurring at any given time. Snow is usual a possible, but very unlikely choice in many parts of Cyrodiil. --DKong27 Talk Cont 02:29, 26 March 2011 (UTC)

Lore PerspectiveEdit

A cleanup tag was recently added to the article (and was later removed), bringing up the subject of the silly provinceName and cityName variables strewn throughout the article. Daggerfall:Holidays already lists these in-game descriptions, and those kind of game specifications don't belong in lorespace. I propose that the holiday descriptions be slightly rewritten to sound less flowery and remove the variables (replacing them with "Iliac Bay region" or something to that effect). --Legoless 16:33, 30 August 2011 (UTC)

Update the CalendarEdit

With the patch 8 calendar was changed, now you start the game on a Sunday 17. Tested on Xbox and PC. — Unsigned comment by John LR (talkcontribs) on 28 April 2012

Hearth FireEdit

I believe this statement to be erroneous, my copy of kyrim uses "Heartfire": "In Skyrim, "Heart Fire" is used exclusively on the game calendar, although it appears as "Hearth Fire" (as one or two words) in some books." --OblivionDuruza 03:32, 9 July 2012 (UTC)

Any programmers here?Edit

It would be really great to have a Java applet or something here, or linked to from this page, that would allow us to calculate Tamrielic date information. I am thinking of something like this, but with more features and a webform interface. For instance, time durations across an Era border are not easy, being that there were 2920 years in the First Era, 896 years in the Second Era, and 433 years in the Third Era. Also, being able to compute the weekday (day of the week) for any given date would be handy. The tables on this page are great, but what if you are looking for a date that isn't actually in a TES game? This is the Lore namespace, after all, and we are not only concerned with events that occur in the games. Darictalk 22:36, 27 January 2013 (GMT)

We could do something in JavaScript, but I'm not sure whether or not we want one. • JAT 22:38, 27 January 2013 (GMT)
If you are wanting the UESP to become the premier place for Elder Scrolls knowledge, I think this would be a great addition to the site. Just think of how many lore discussions could be resolved by a simple, quick calculation of, say, the duration of a particular Emperor's reign. It would also be invaluable for my intended use of such a script: writing TES fan fiction that is lore-friendly. Darictalk 22:46, 27 January 2013 (GMT)
There is the Alchemy Calculator for Oblivion, something similar may be possible for a calendar tool. --Alfwyn (talk) 22:51, 27 January 2013 (GMT)
I realize I'm several years late with this, but for whatever it's worth, I'm working on an Excel document that can do just that. So far I'm fairly confident it can accurately track the days of the week, the phases of the moons and the occurrence of the Shade of the Revenant for any given date, but I'm still missing information on the movements of the Serpent and the occurrence of lunar alignments (the rare phenomenon that results in the birth of a Mane). There's also the problem of the file size, resulting from my use of lookup tables for maximum accuracy.
To elaborate on what I have so far: the Dawn Era is ignored, for obvious reasons. For the sake of convenience, I'm assuming the other eras all begin on Morning Star 1 and end on Evening Star 31 without fail. I'm also assuming that only the Merethic Era and the Second Era lack a "year zero", based on information from their respective articles here on UESP. Skyrim is the point of reference for the days of the week; interestingly, this causes 3E 399 to match the physical calendar shipped with Arena perfectly. The point of reference for the Shade of the Revenant is Oblivion, again for obvious reasons, and is assumed not to begin occurring until shortly after the Warp in the West, as it depends upon Mannimarco's ascension to godhood.
For slightly less obvious reasons, Morrowind is the point of reference for the phases of the moons, as I believe it is the only game in which all phase combinations are possible. In Arena and Daggerfall, the moons are offset from each other slightly, but their cycles are otherwise identical, from what I understand. Meanwhile, Oblivion and Skyrim have them out-and-out phase-locked. In Morrowind, Masser is the same as always, but Secunda is given a longer and slightly erratic cycle. The default INI settings suggest the duration of Secunda's cycle to be exactly 1.2 times that of Masser, resulting in an odd pattern that repeats after five cycles. Separate research conducted here seems to corroborate this. Furthermore, the Construction Set gives "new" as the default phase for both moons, so I'm considering the beginning of that phase to mark the beginning of both moons' combined cycle. Assuming that the first day of the game (Last Seed 16, 3E 427) then uses the default setting and therefore marks the beginning of a cycle, a viable reference point is created for every other possible date.
Any corrections and/or additions to the above data are more than welcome. -- Glitchipedia (talk) 08:07, 16 September 2017 (UTC)

Skyrim, 2 years later?Edit

What happens (in Skyrim, at least) when 2 years in-game has passed? The Calendar only show progression up to the end of 4E 202. I am currently at 4E 202, on the 6th or Rain's Hand. I know I still have a little while to go, but I am curious as to what happens. Does the calendar 'stop' and the day stays on the 31st of Evening Star, 4E 202, or is more calendar included, with only the first two years shown?

Piffinatour (talk) 22:07, 4 February 2013 (GMT)

It keeps going. I've got a character in 4E 203. I think the calendar shown here is just part of what was included with the collectors edition of the game. It by no means represents the limits of the game, which can presumably keep going indefinitely. Although I'd guess that there'd be a wraparound glitch if you took it too far, but that'd be at approximately 4E 2 Billion, or maybe just 4E 65536 if they used a short int for it. Either way not something most players are likely to see unless they cranked up the game-clock speed ridiculously high. TheRealLurlock (talk) 22:34, 4 February 2013 (GMT)

skyrim calendar subsection inaccuracyEdit

the skyrim calendar section of the lore: calendar page seems to be out of sync with the actual in-game calendar.

let me give you an example that should reveal the formula for correctly shifting your dates represented for the year 201 and 202. (xbox) I chose to serve time in jail due to a small bug that could not be fixed otherwise. after stashing all of my stolen items in the breezehome loot chest, I walked outside and checked the time: "sundas, 28th of morning star, 4E" (does not list year for some reason but should be 202 considering the game starts half way through 4E 201) ...get arrested... after serving my time I checked the date once more: "sundas, 4th of suns dawn, 4E 202"

  • if you compare the dates in my example to the dates in the skyrim calendar subsection you will find that they do not correspond. perhaps I'm missing something and forgive me if I am, but these are the dates my game displays on xbox. according to the subsection calendar, the 28th of morning star is on a Turdas, ect... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:39 on 8 February 2013
I've noticed that the game doesn't always start on the same day of the week (at least in the XBOX version). It always starts on the 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201, but I've seen this date shown as Loredas AND Sundas on different run throughs.
Spacedranger (talk) 20:04, 25 February 2013 (GMT)
There is something above, that the starting weekday was changed with a patch. Looking through old savegames, that is consistent with my experience. Older saves agree with the calendar of 4E201, newly started ones are a day off (e.g. 17th of Last Seed = Sundas).
Another thing, Sun's Height is documented as having 31 days in 201 and 30 in 202 - is that intentional? --Alfwyn (talk) 21:19, 25 February 2013 (GMT)
(moved from IP's talk page) I too have noticed that the days and dates on my skyrim game do not match the calander noted here. — Unsigned comment by Purp1ehazze (talkcontribs) at 15:12 on 24 February 2013
Well, in my game Morning Star 1 202 starts on Tirdas, instead of Turdas. Yet, Evening Star 31 201 ends on Middas. It is unknown why year 202 moved up 2 days of the week in the game. All months retain their amounts(31, 28, 31, 30, etc..) including Sun's Height. Not sure what's going on. Rasikko (talk) 18:57, 9 February 2018 (UTC)
After going through all of my old saves starting from 31rst Evening Star, I found the exact date for when my in-game calendar goes out of sync with the vanilla calendar. 22nd Sun's Dusk. And I found the cause. 21rst Sun's Dusk is the correct day of week: Fredas, it was 8:xx PM at the time. I remember what I did on that save file, and went through all the steps. I took Serana back to the castle, refused Harkon's gift, and went back to the boat. It is still the 21rst Sun's Dusk, 10:xx PM. I had a hunch what was going to happen next.. When I fast traveled back to Dawnguard castle, 22nd Sun's Dusk was skipped as normal, as it takes a full day to go from that boat to Dawnguard. What did not change correctly was the day of week. 23rd Sun's Dusk fell on Loredas in game, when it was supposed to be Sundas. I fast traveled to and from again to try and reproduce the problem, but no avail, maybe it's due to the times not being so close to midnight. However I think fast traveling to different world spaces will some how throw the system handling the day of week out of sync. Having said that.. the calendar on the main page could very likely be correct apart from the past issue with Sun's Height. Maybe that will shed some light on a few things. According to my calculations, the day of week in my game is 2 days out of sync.--Rasikko (talk) 14:13, 10 February 2018 (UTC)

Skyrim Calendar - Sun's HeightEdit

Another poster got me looking at the page, and while I'm not sure it's related to the problem he mentioned, Sun's Height has 31 days in 4E 201, but only 30 in 4E 202. If someone has a game spanning a long period, can they please verify this. I'm assuming, since it corresponds to July, that it should be 31 in both cases. Robin Hood  (talk) 20:19, 29 July 2013 (GMT)

Honestly, I think that the way the calendar was created in Skyrim got messed up. I have no proof (I haven't really tested it) but I am fairly certain that the calendar is based of the year that the character is created. So people who created characters this year would get this year's calendar, and people who created characters last year would get last years calendar. However, they didn't account for the fact that last year was a leap year, which causes characters to have months of different days in different years. All this would need to do to be tested is for someone who has a character created last year to check to see if the month that matches up with February has 28 or 29 days. I could be completely wrong of course :P Jeancey (talk) 20:41, 29 July 2013 (GMT)
Playing around a bit, it looks like the game always starts on the 17th of Last Seed, but the day of the week varies. As near as I can tell, it'll be Sundas most of the time, but it retains whatever weekday it was in the last game you had loaded, so if you load a game where it's Fredas, then start a new game, it'll be Fredas the 17th of Last Seed. That needs a little verification, though, as I didn't play for all that long.
As it happens, I've already passed Sun's Height 202 in my current game; reloading an earlier save, it had 31 days, so our calendar is just plain wrong. The leap year thing is something we'll have to confirm, but that should have nothing to do with Sun's Height, I would think. Robin Hood  (talk) 23:38, 29 July 2013 (GMT)

How do NPCs tell time?Edit

Or more specifically, are there any timepieces in Tamriel? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:09 on 4 February 2014 (GMT)

There are hourglasses in Oblivion. 16:02, 6 February 2015 (GMT)

Last seed 17Edit

Why do both oblivion and skyrim start on this day? Fallout 3 also starts on Aug. 17. 15:04, 13 March 2015 (GMT)

Does nobody here know? 00:40, 25 March 2015 (GMT)
Actually, Oblivion starts out on 27 of Last Seed, not the 17th. Although that is still curious since it's all within the same month, and Fallout 3 and Skyrim do start out on the same day. This made me go back, and Morrowind begins on the 16th of Last Seed. Further back, this trend is broken (Daggerfall is the fourth of Morning Star), but that is curious. I do not think there is a known reason for this, so it might be worth asking. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 03:34, 25 March 2015 (GMT)

First day of weekEdit

Is it due to Bethesda being a US company we are using the local US standard with Sunday/Sundas as first day of week, rather then the International ISO standard where Monday/Morndas is the first day of week, or is it part of the game code? —MortenOSlash (talk) 20:57, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

It's taken from the Daggerfall calendar where every month starts on a Sundas, and ends on a Morndas (one day working weeks whoo). Given that the Empire seems to have a new calendar every few years I don't think we can take it as a hard fact, but for display purposes here it's much easier to use one layout (i.e. using Sundas as the start of the week), than have different layouts for each calendar. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:15, 7 August 2017 (UTC)


I have seen an argonian journal use this term. Timeoin (talk) 10:12, 26 November 2017 (UTC)

It seems to be the name of a month (or equivalent to month) in the Argonian calendar. We really don’t know anything more about it, though; so I don’t see how it could be really relevant to this page. Aran Anumarile Autaracu Alatasel (talk) 19:47, 26 November 2017 (UTC)

Holiday Celebration in ArenaEdit

Are the holidays in Arena only celebrated in the cities, or is it in every single settlement. It probably is but I just need confirmation. --Vincentius1 (talk) 19:26, 13 January 2018 (UTC)

Clockwork CalendarEdit

Barilzar's Journal begins on the twenty-sixth click of the gear, on the fourteenth rotation of the cyclical time-keeper, ever since he had begun to work as a Clockwork Apostle. Based on that, we can assume that the Clockwork City uses a different method of calculating time, by using the Great Gear. I think this is something worth noting for the Calendar page. Also in Engine of Expression book, there is the phrase "Before three clicks into place," which basically means to hurry up. There is a bunch of other phrases in the Engine of Expression that reference time. Would this be good for this page or the Clockwork City page? --Vincentius1 (talk) 15:30, 11 February 2018 (UTC)

Real life months listed next to holiday monthsEdit

My edit on the irl months being listed next to the holiday months were reverted on the basis of "real-life counterpart name is irrelevant to this section and information". I would argue that it is relevant as for example, frostfall falls during October and the witches festival at that time has become inspired by irl Halloween. I gave my reasoning on that it is annoying and counterproductive having to scroll back up to see what the irl season equivalent is to the ingame season. — Unsigned comment by Zebendal (talkcontribs) at 02:08 on 2 December 2018 (UTC)

Without regarding the mishandling of the edit (insofar as it appeared as if the parenthetic punctuation had been placed directly adjacent to their correspondent text without so much as a space), this argument does not justify the inclusion. If declaring the link between the Witches Festival and the Halloween is desired, then it would be more prudent to do so either on the page for the Festival or on the Wikipedia page for Halloween. Indeed inasmuch as the UESP's lore sections are written as if from the perspective of a Tamrielic save the sparing use of Notes sections, to inundate the page with non-Tamrielic references would be detrimental rather than beneficial. Furthermore, I would suggest the removal of the Gregorian comparison in the initial section as nonrelevant information. — J. J. Fullerton talk﴿ 02:31, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
Why would you remove the intial Gregorian comparison at the top at all? from a outsider perspective who is new to the series, they will not know what to compare it to and as the holidays are portrayed as more like the irl equivalents we have even less reason to.Zebendal (talk) 02:41, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
As I perceive it, the role of the initial table is to provide comparisons of the months from game to game. A Gregorian calendar simply does not factor into the games. As this is information which pertains only to real life, it would be better served in the Notes section—especially as the UESP does not exist to remind its readers of how many days are in our own Gregorian months. Again, you mention the link between holidays and their equivalents; I still do not see the purpose of listing them at the top level when they are not listed on the individual pages for the holidays such as the page pertinent to the Witches Festival.
— J. J. Fullerton talk﴿ 03:07, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
I don't think the real months should be there either. The month headings are simply to divide the holidays. That's not where you find information on the months themselves, which is up above in the table. This would only make sense if in general we followed months by their real life counterparts whenever they are mentioned, which we certainly don't do. —Dillonn241 (talk) 09:38, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
Tamrielic holidays fall within Tamrielic months, not real-life months. ESO is the only game that has any relation to the real-life calendar, but only insofar as creating artificial events to coincide with holiday periods to encourage people to play the game. Real-life has no bearing on the calendar within ESO, or the period of events, length of time passed, or anything else that pertains to passing time within the game. Indeed the whole time period within ESO is years, but you can complete the whole solo-campaign within a few weeks. The comparison to the Gregorian calendar is entirely appropriate where it is, as the Tamrielic calendar(s) is derived from it, but once you note the initial comparison there is no relevance. What use is knowing what holidays fall within real-life months, when you could feasibly experience multiple of years within a game while only passing a few months in real-life (and not even play the game during that month irl), where the only relevant factor is what month you are in within the game.
Holidays do not rely on the month they fall in to be identifiable, especially considering that many holidays are not celebrated at the same time across the world, nor are all holidays celebrated across the world. What relevance does knowing that Morning Star is January to those countries and peoples whose New Year lies in a different month, or those that don't even have a set month for New Year (lunar year calendars), therefore not immediately being able to infer that the New Life Festival is "based" on New Year. In fact because it is listed first, and therefore being the first month of the year, it is very easy for those peoples to compare it to their own first month of the year and infer the implication of a festival at the time of the new year. Just have a look at wikipedia for any holiday event (Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, even Halloween) to see the diaspora of times and observance of events across the world. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:12, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
IRL months are relevant to roleplay reasons and listing them simply makes them easier to remember. It is a small edit to make the article slightly friendlier to a newbie reader. It does not take too much precious space, so there is virtually no drawback for having them. Phoenix Neko (talk) 23:30, 5 December 2018 (UTC)

Lore Error Bleeds Into Future GamesEdit

The Book Invocation of Azura keeps Nocturnal's Summoning Day as the Hearth Fire 3rd in all of its versions. On the Lore Page here itself, it claims "NOTE: A number of in game sources say this is the day one may summon Nocturnal, but that is actually the 8th." Thing is that the Invocation keeps the summoning day as the 3rd in recent games like Skyrim and ESO. We see in Daggerfall its actually on the 8th that it lets you summon Nocturnal, but wouldn't this be a bug if Daggerfall in-game texts tells you its the 3rd, and future game references it as the 3rd? How should this be approached to from a lore perspective? Should we stay with the 3rd from a lore perspective. Do we go with 3rd and note on Daggerfall:Daedra Summoning that the 8th summoning is a bug and is intended to be on the 3rd?Zebendal (talk) 07:12, 14 February 2021 (UTC)

In page 77 of the Daggerfall Chronicles, it also states that Nocturnal's summoning day is on the 3rd. With so much lore evidence from Daggerfall and in future Elder Scrolls Games, I am going go ahead and remove the 8th here and move it to the 3rd, and I will add the bug to the Daedra Summoning's page.Zebendal (talk) 06:41, 18 February 2021 (UTC)


Please revert this page back to how it was a week or 2 ago. The new page is atrociously bad in comparison to what it has been for the past few years. Far less information, arranged in a far less convenient and more muddled manner. It's just awful all around. Please revert.

This page contains all the previous information, in case you seek the table that was here before.Tyrvarion (talk) 21:24, 8 March 2023 (UTC)

Oh, man, you're a lifesaver... Thank you so much!

Is there a chance of adding a separate calendar to show the holidays throughout the year? ViVYer (talk) 20:01, 19 March 2023 (UTC)
I believe that the Arena Holidays are here (Arena:Calendar), is it that element from the older lorepage you mean? If yes the I beleive it can be added here: (General:Calendar) as well I think Tyrvarion (talk) 20:12, 19 March 2023 (UTC)
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