Skill: Armorer |
![]() |
Governing Attribute: Strength |
Specialization: Combat |
Increase: Successful Repair: +0.4 |
The Armorer skill is used to maintain weapons and armor at top effectiveness. Damaged weapons do less damage. Damaged armor provides less protection against attacks. As wear increases, the diminishing effectiveness of weapons and armor becomes dramatic.
This represents your skill at repairing damaged armor and weapons. To repair an item, you will need to use an armorer's hammer. These come in varying levels of quality, and have a limited number of uses. This skill can be invaluable if your gear is severely damaged while you are not near enough to a blacksmith to pay for repairs. Unless your skill level is very low, buying and using armorer's hammers is cheaper than paying for NPC repairs, and more so at higher levels, where your chance of success and magnitude of each repair is greater.
All Fighters Guild equipment chests have restocking supplies of armorer's hammers.
Character CreationEdit
The following races receive bonuses to their Armorer skill:
- +10 bonus: Orc
No classes have Armorer as a Major skill.
The following classes have Armorer as a Minor skill:
The following factions include Armorer as one of their favored skills:
- Fighters Guild
- House Redoran
- Imperial Knights (not joinable)
There is no Master Trainer for Armorer. Sirollus Saccus at the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison in Ebonheart was intended to serve this role, but due to an oversight, he does not actually offer training.
This bug is fixed by the Morrowind Patch Project.
The only trainers of this skill are:
- Avus Belvilo in the Storage Shack at Dren Plantation (up to 70)
- Ababael Timsar-Dadisun in a yurt at Zainab Camp (up to 68)
- Wayn at the Guild of Fighters in Balmora (up to 54)
The following books will increase your Armorer skill:
Repair ToolsEdit
* Only available for sale by Sirollus Saccus in Ebonheart.
Repair ChanceEdit
Your chance to successfully repair an item is:
(Armorer + (Strength / 10) + (Luck / 10)) / (0.75 + (0.5 * (Current Fatigue / Maximum Fatigue)))
Due to the formula dividing by the Fatigue modifier instead of multiplying, being tired increases your chance to repair (see bugs).
Condition RestoredEdit
How much of an item's condition is restored is:
3 * Quality * RNG0-99
Where Quality
is determined by the type of hammer you are using (see table), and RNG0-99
is the roll against your chance to repair.
A minimum of 1 point of condition is always restored on a successful repair.
- Having lower Fatigue increases the likelihood of successfully repairing an item.
- The Morrowind Code Patch fixes this bug.
- OpenMW fixes this bug.
- Repairing bound items might cause them to remain in your inventory forever. They cannot be removed, except with the console, nor repaired further.