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Morrowind:Galom Daeus

< Morrowind: Places: Dwemer Ruins(Redirected from Morrowind:Gergio)
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Dwemer Ruin:
Galom Daeus
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Vampires, Cattle, Dwemer Centurions
Console Location Code(s)
Galom Daeus, Entry; Galom Daeus, Observatory
Molag Amur, [8,0]
Galom Daeus

Galom Daeus is a Dwemer ruin southwest of Uvirith's Grave, occupied by the Berne Vampire Clan.

It is the site of a Temple quest. The ruins are divided into two areas, the Entry and the Observatory.

Related QuestsEdit

Berne ClanEdit

House TelvanniEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit

  • Slay Raxle Berne: Cleanse out the vampire lair Galom Daeus and kill the elder vampire Raxle Berne.



Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Arenara   Imperial Smith Berne Clan Minion(Minion) 12 143 98 0 90 / 30 Entry Blacksmith; Merchant
Clasomo   Imperial Monk Berne Clan Reaver(Reaver) 18 131 108 0 90 Observatory
Eloe   Imperial Bard Berne Clan Minion(Minion) 10 91 140 0 90 Entry
Fammana   Imperial Bard Berne Clan Stalker(Stalker) 15 120 162 0 90 Observatory
Gergio   Imperial Monk Berne Clan Servant(Servant) 14 109 100 0 90 Entry
Germia   Imperial Agent Berne Clan Stalker(Stalker) 16 131 112 0 90/30 Entry Merchant
Ildogesto   Imperial Enforcer Berne Clan Stalker(Stalker) 15 107 110 0 90 Entry Has a key
Leone   Imperial Acrobat Berne Clan Servant(Servant) 14 127 100 0 90 Entry
Raxle Berne   Imperial Enforcer Berne Clan Ancient(Ancient) 30 179 144 0 30 Observatory Head of the Berne Clan
Reberio   Imperial Acrobat Berne Clan Stalker(Stalker) 14 127 100 0 90 Observatory


Galom Daeus EntryEdit

This is the main entry area of the ruins. There are six vampires, and four cattle. There is low-level armor and weapons around and in chests, as well as a repair hammer. The book Antecedants of Dwemer Law, a pair of Daedric boots, some ebony throwing stars (in a chest), and a pair of glass boots (in another chest) are located within this area of the ruins.

Galom Daeus ObservatoryEdit

The telescope

The Observatory is the inner sanctum of the Berne clan. There are two steam centurions, four vampires and four cattle in this part of the ruins. There are more base armor and weapons, repair hammers, potions, and ingredients around. There is also a Daedric shield hidden away here, on the ledge ringing the inside of the observatory, as well as four books: Mysticism; Vampires of Vvardenfell, v II; Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi; and Galur Rithari's Papers.


  • The pair of Daedric boots found here is the only one in the game other than the pair worn by Divayth Fyr.
  • Eloe, the Imperial vampire in the first room, has a tendency to walk off the edge of the lava pit. If she is missing from your game, she has probably fallen into the lava, which will kill her almost instantly and obscure her corpse. Thankfully, she does not carry much loot or serve any important purpose.
  • Galom Daeus also appears in ESO.
  • In Latin, the word deus means god. The word "Galom" spelled backwards is molag, which in Dark Elvish, translates to fire.
