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Morrowind:Kill Raynasa Rethan

< Morrowind: Quests: House Telvanni / Bitter Coast
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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written

This article is about the House Telvanni quest. For the similar House Redoran quest, see Slay Raynasa Rethan.

Kill this Hlaalu noble in Rethan Manor south of Balmora.
Quest Giver: Aryon in Tel Vos
Location(s): Rethan Manor
Prerequisite Quest: Recruit a Mouth, stronghold(first phase)
Next Quest: Kill Banden Indarys
Reward: None
Disposition: +10 (Aryon)
Reputation Gain: +10 (Telvanni),
+1 Reputation
ID: HT_AttackRethan
Required Rank: Wizard

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Master Aryon for chores.
  2. Travel to Rethan Manor and kill Raynasa Rethan.
  3. Return to Aryon to complete the quest.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit


Once you reach the rank of Wizard and have built the first stage of your stronghold, Councilor Aryon will ask you to kill Raynasa Rethan, master of the Hlaalu stronghold Rethan Manor.

Kill Raynasa RethanEdit

Rethan Manor is located on the Odai Plateau, south along the Odai River from Balmora. Raynasa Rethan is on the top floor. Unlike the other residents, she is automatically hostile towards you. Don't worry about watching your back, as they won't join the fight unless you attack them.

Once Rethan is dead, return to Aryon to complete the quest.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Quest_ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal Console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Kill Raynasa Rethan (HT_AttackRethan)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Master Aryon asked me to kill Raynasa Rethan, the master of the newly built Hlaalu Stronghold of Rethan Manor.
100 Finishes quest  Master Aryon thanked me for killing Raynasa Rethan.

Prev: Recruit a Mouth Up: House Telvanni Quests Next: Kill Banden Indarys