This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project. The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Details
Quests: written by already written, checked by Vulpa
Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game) Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Manic (CS & in-game) Personal Inventory: written by mxk101 (CS), checked by Manic (CS & in-game) House Contents: written by GK, checked by Manic (in-game) Unique Dialogue: written by Vulpa (in-game), checked by SerCenKing (CS) Rumors: written by Vulpa (in-game), checked by SerCenKing (CS) Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS) |
Seridur (RefID: 0001E078) |
Home City | Imperial City, Temple District | ||
House | Seridur's House | ||
Race | High Elf | Gender | Male |
Level | PC+2 | Class | Nightblade |
RefID | 0001E078 | BaseID | 0001CF76 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 35 + (3+1)x(PC+1), PC=3-49 | ||
Magicka | 225 + 1.5x(PC+1) (max=350) | ||
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 5 |
Essential | Until Order of the Virtuous Blood | ||
Faction(s) | Creatures; Seridur House; Order of the Virtuous Blood (Brother ![]() |
Seridur is a High Elf nightblade who lives in the Imperial City Temple District. Seridur is the head of the Order of the Virtuous Blood, which has its sanctuary in Seridur's basement; during the related quest you will learn more about Seridur and eventually make a tough decision regarding him.
Before the related quest, Seridur will simply wander around the ground of his house, occasionally chatting with his assistant and bodyguard Cylben Dolovas.
He wears a set of upper class clothing: a blue velvet outfit and a pair of blue suede shoes. He carries his key and a large amount of gold. Seridur also knows a leveled set of random nightblade spells.
Seridur is indeed a vampire, though rather unique. Instead of the standard vampire abilities, he has a set of abilities similar to a player with second day vampirism. He also gains the typical day two attribute and skill boosts. He does not, however, receive the special vampire spells but neither does he take Sun Damage. This also means that most means of identifying a vampire do not register his status. Another feature of Seridur's unique vampirism is that he is not part of the vampire faction that all other NPC vampires. As factions are used to determine who creatures and NPCs like and dislike, the undead occupants of Memorial Cave will not be able to identify him as an ally, and are very likely to attack him on sight. The vampires and wolves in the cave are less likely to be hostile towards Seridur, because he shares the creature faction with them.
At first, Seridur seems by and large a friendly chap, politely greeting you with:
- "Good day. My name is Seridur. I don't believe we've met."
- Imperial City
- "I'm sorry, but my studies keep me indoors for the most part. I know little of the rest of the city."
He will also frequently reassure you while in his house:
- "You're welcome here."
Related QuestsEdit
- Order of the Virtuous Blood: You are asked to help kill a vampire.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
When you first enter his home after beginning the related quest, he will immediately approach you and introduce himself with a little more openness as he refers to sending Ralsa Norvalo after you:
- "It's an honor to finally meet you. When I heard you were in town, I just had to send for your help. Your reputation precedes you. Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I am Seridur."
- Pleased to meet you, Seridur.
- "Likewise. Sorry to send Gilen's wife to get you in that manner, but it seemed safer if we weren't seen on the streets right now. If you'll come with me."
- Very well, lead on.
- "Splendid. Watch your step."
He will then lead you downstairs, and if you attempt to talk to him during the walk he will dismiss you:
- "Shhh. Not here. Keep following."
Once in his basement, Seridur will approach you and finally get to the crux of things:
- "Welcome. You're now in the sanctuary of the Order of the Virtuous Blood. Few outside our circle have ever set foot in our hallowed hall. We are, for lack of a better word, defenders. We guard this city from an infestation that plagues it. We are vampire hunters. I'm sure you are familiar with those despicable beings. Feeding on the innocent as if they were cattle. Well, this group was formed to combat them. Alas, we are but 3 old men, not able to match the fighting prowess of the vampire. We lack the strength to defeat them in battle."
- Vampire
- "Our goal is to root out the vampires that live in our fair city. So far, we've been unsuccessful finding one until now. It's come to the Order's attention that Temple District resident Roland Jenseric is a vampire, and has already claimed one victim. That's where you come in. We want you to slay this vampire and cleanse the city of his filth before he can feed or kill again."
If you leave conversation at this point he will say:
- "There's more to tell."
Speaking to him again will have him repeat the line above, before providing you with more information:
- Roland Jenseric
- "A few nights ago, I was roaming the city as I often do, looking for any signs of a vampire. As I headed passed [sic] Roland's house I heard a cry. I rushed into the back garden to find Roland struggling with a woman he'd been courting. I tried to intervene, but he was too strong. He threw his lover to the ground and turned his attention on me. Luckily, I managed to run back into the street and escape his grasp. I hid for a while and then returned to the garden. Roland was gone and the woman was dead. She had two puncture marks on the nape of her neck. That's when I realized he was a vampire. The Order needs you to track him and destroy him."
- How do I find him?
- "I would start by searching his home. He hasn't been there for days, so it should be safe. Return to us here if you have questions. We meet at night."
At this point, his schedule becomes more varied, but still seems suspiciously that of a night-owl. If you enter the house at any time between 5am and 5pm, Cylben will inform you that: "Seridur is asleep right now. He's had a long night of study, and is exhausted. Do not disturb him. He'll be up at five this evening." In fact, Seridur only sleeps until 1pm, then spending the next four hours wandering around the ground floor. At 5pm he sits down to eat a two-hour meal, before heading to the basement at 7pm to meet with his fellow Order members. He stays there until 2am, when he heads back to the ground floor to pace around until his bedtime at 5am.
If you speak to him again, he will be more than willing to offer up further information:
- "Anything you require, you're welcome to it."
- "Is there more I can help you with?"
- Roland Jenseric
- "His home is located in the Temple District. Right across the garden from my home in fact. Ironic, isn't it?"
- Vampire
- "Vampires are nasty creatures. They drink the blood of others to conceal their true nature. Such trickery makes them difficult to find. You may ask Gilen Norvalo or Grey-Throat about these creatures as well. They've learned much."
He will then bid you farewell with
- "Who knows when Roland may strike again. You must hurry."
Returning to him after searching Roland's house will have him muse:
- "A letter, eh?"
- Roland Jenseric
- "I wasn't aware he had a cabin outside of the city. Perhaps that's where he lures his victims. Be careful, he may have others with him. I'm afraid we cannot go with you to this remote location. Fighting is not our specialty. Watch yourself... vampires are known to be crafty."
- Vampire
- "I believe that Grey-Throat and Gilen may have more information for you regarding these creatures."
Once you enter the cabin, Roland will turn everything on its head:
- Seridur says you're a vampire.
- "That bastard! Seridur dares accuse me of being a vampire? Me?! Ha! He's the one who is the vampire! I can't believe him! I knew he would try and pin this on me! If only I could get my hands on him... "
- Calm down and explain, Roland.
- "I - I'm sorry. I've been hiding up here in this cabin and I've forgotten my manners. Try and understand. I loved her, I'd never harm her! Relfina was the love of my life. For the first time, I had a positive outlook. Then I saw Seridur looking at her with those coveting eyes. When she started taking walks in the garden at night, I became suspicious. I didn't want to lose her. I should have trusted her... oh, Relfina...."
- What happened that night?
- "Yes. I must let someone else know. That night, I decided to follow Relfina. I wanted to see where she went on her walks. When she stopped in the garden, and Seridur stepped out of the shadows, my heart sank. Then, suddenly, he was upon her! She seemed entranced as he wrapped his arms around her and sank his teeth into her neck. I burst from my hiding place and attacked Seridur. He became startled for a moment and tossed Relfina aside. She fell to the ground and I heard a sickening crack as her head struck a stone. I was no equal to Seridur. He knocked me down in one quick movement. As I lost consciousness, I saw him laugh and then run away. Now I know why he didn't finish me that night. He wanted to cast suspicions on me instead."
- Why didn't you tell someone?
- "I panicked. By the time I awoke, her body was gone. I knew Seridur was a respected member of the community. They'd never believe he was a vampire."
Speaking to Roland again, will have him say:
- Vampire
- "As you know, the vampire can't remain in sunlight. I'd wager that you'll never see Seridur outside during that time of day."
- Seridur
- "I know about Seridur and his 'secret order.' What better way for a vampire to hide than to pretend he hunts them? You may want to speak to Phintias at the First Edition bookshop in the Market District of the city. I know he goes there occasionally. I doubt that he's told Gilen and Grey-Throat anything, but you could always try."
When you leave conversation, he will warn you:
- "Remain leery of Seridur, he's much more cunning than you may suspect."
Seridur's PathEdit
If you decide to kill Roland and return to Seridur, he will ask:
- "I hope you've returned victorious."
- "Has the deed been done?"
- Yes, Roland is dead.
- "Excellent. I knew you wouldn't disappoint the Order. Here's the reward that was promised. However, I must ask that you reveal nothing about us. You've done a great service for the Imperial City, and you should be proud."
After this, he will only ever say to you again:
- "Good evening, brother/sister."
- "I'm sorry, I'm very busy now. There's still much work to be done. Good day."
At this point, his schedule will remain almost the same as before, except he will be found in the basement from 7pm until his 5am bedtime.
Roland's PathEdit
If instead you choose not to kill Roland and return to Seridur before speaking to Phintias, he will ask:
- "Have you slain Roland?"
- He wasn't there. (lie)
- "Hmmm. He must have known we'd look there. Search around town and see if you can find any more information."
- He said he wasn't a vampire.
- "Well of course he'd say that! He'd do anything to save his skin! Please, don't let him deceive you. You must return there and put an end to his masquerade. Quickly, before he has a chance to get away!"
If you speak to him again after this, his response will vary based on your previous choice:
- "Keep me informed. I'm very interested to hear where he is hiding."
- "Well, don't just stand there! Go and kill him!"
He will also comment when approached:
- "You look uneasy. I hope things are going well."
Once you've discovered Seridur's secret, you can ask others involved with the quest how they feel about him. Grey-Throat and Gilen will respectively say:
- Seridur
- "Seridur is an honorable man. Forming the Order shows just how much he cares about the Imperial City and protecting its people."
- "Seridur? He founded this group a few years ago. I was impressed with his knowledge of vampires. When we decided to make the group official, Seridur offered his basement as our headquarters. Quite nice, isn't it?"
Ralsa will be less impressed:
- Seridur
- "Seridur is a nice enough fellow. For an Altmer, that is. I think he and Gilen, and that Argonian, Grey-Throat, have some kind of a club. They're very serious about it, but I'm sure it's just some boys night out kind of a thing."
Phintias will have more to say regarding Seridur and his travels:
- Seridur
- "Seridur? He comes in from time-to-time. Usually it's when he's out shopping. He always comes in with a large amount of travel food in his bag. Then sometimes he buys a few books. I asked him once about it, and he said that he goes out of the city on business trips. I think I overheard him once mention Memorial Cave to another patron of mine, but he never talked to me about it directly."
- Memorial Cave?
- "Yes. It's outside of the Imperial City. I heard it's a place where many of the heroes from past wars are buried. Sort of a subterranean graveyard. I just assumed Seridur had a relative that died and is buried there. Not many people go out there anymore, as the route is dangerous. But Seridur is a stubborn one. Hehe. Takes integrity for a man to risk his own life to honor the fallen. I admire him for that. I looked it up once in an old atlas I had in stock. Here, let me mark it on your map."
At this point, Seridur will be moved to the final room in Memorial Cave. Speaking to Gilen will have him tell you:
- Seridur
- "Oh, I believe he left a message with Grey-Throat. Something about not being here for a few days?"
Grey-Throat will confirm this and Seridur's absence from his home by saying:
- Seridur
- "Seridur said we should meet without him for a few days. He said something about doing field research? I'm sure he'll return soon."
Upon finding him deep within Memorial Cave and in full armor, he will exclaim:
- "You fool!"
- "Do you really think that I'm surprised to see you here? I let you find me. What better place to get rid of you than all the way out here. No messy bodies left behind, no evidence. I was sloppy last time with Roland's lover, and I won't make the same mistake twice. After I'm through with you, I'll find Roland and finish what I started. I knew hiring you was a mistake, but I had to keep up appearances. The damn "Order" insisted we get you into the picture. I think after I'm done with Roland, Gilen and Grey-Throat will have to be dealt with. Quite a list of things to do, wouldn't you say? Well, enough of my monologue. Time to feed!"
He will then engage in battle with you.
After you've dispatched him, Roland will be elated by his death when you head over to his cabin to inform him:
- "He's dead? Thank goodness! I feared I'd never be able to leave here, or worse, that he would come for me. I can finally return home. The ironic thing is that I think the Order of the Virtuous Blood should continue its work. Perhaps I'll speak to the others. Yes, I think that the Order will live on. Give me time to make arrangements, and meet me in Seridur's basement."
- Seridur
- "Let us never speak of that abomination again."
Gilen and Grey-Throat will be upset that they didn't realize Seridur's true identity:
- "Please forgive my ignorance. Had we known about Seridur, we'd never have put you in harm's way. I'm astounded that the very thing we decided to fight turned out to be in our midst."
- "It's good to see you again. I'm so sorry that we didn't realize Seridur's deception. He was a traitor. Thanks to you, the Order lives on. Long live the Order!"
His former bodyguard will also plead ignorance:
- "I didn't know Seridur was a vampire. I swear! I serve Roland now. Please, accept my apologies for my error in judgement."
Unused DialogueEdit
- Seridur has an unused line if you decline to follow to his basement, but you will never hear it as the topic never appears:
- What's this all about?
- "Look, I assure you, this is of the utmost importance. Together, we may be able to save the lives of many innocents. I implore you to follow."
- He also has two lines if you killed Roland which won't be heard as his greeting always ends the conversation:
- Roland Jenseric
- "We shall never speak of him again."
- "Until our paths cross again..."
- There are also two lines which you were meant to be heard if you intercepted him on his way to Memorial Cave. Howevere, as he is teleported there once you've spoken to Phintias, you will never hear them:
- "Just out for a brisk walk. Helps clear the head. Any other information I can help with?"
- Not right now.
- "Then I'll be on my way. Meet me back at my home tomorrow evening if you'd like. For now, I need some time to myself."
- Finally, Seridur has two "goodbye" lines which you will never hear as they are overridden by his AI packages:
- "This way."
- "I'll drain you until you live no more!"
- Seridur does not drop vampire dust when he dies.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.3.0, fixes this bug.