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Oblivion:Market District

< Oblivion: Places
Market District
Market District

The Market District is one of the six inner districts of the Imperial City, on the northeastern side of the city. As its name implies, it features a variety of shops and services.

Market District PeopleEdit

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Map of the Market District
  1. Gate to the Elven Gardens District
  2. Gate to City Isle and the walkway to the Imperial City Prison
  3. Gate to Green Emperor Way
  4. Gate to the Arena District
  5. North Watch Tower
  6. Northeast Watch Tower
  7. Divine Elegance
  8. Mystic Emporium
  9. Slash 'N Smash
  10. The Gilded Carafe
  11. The Best Defense
  12. Office of Imperial Commerce
  13. Stonewall Shields
  14. Edgar's Discount Spells
  15. Rindir's Staffs
  16. The Copious Coinpurse
  17. The Market Sewers
  18. First Edition
  19. The Merchants Inn
  20. A Fighting Chance
  21. The Main Ingredient
  22. Black Horse Courier
  23. Three Brothers Trade Goods
  24. Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise
  25. Warehouse
  26. The Feed Bag
  27. Red Diamond Jewelry