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< Oblivion: People / Merchants
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project.
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Quests: written by Krusty (in-game)

Schedule: written by Krusty (in-game)

Services: written by Krusty (in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by Krusty (in-game), checked by mxk101 (CS)

House Contents: written by GuildKnight (N/A - lives in The Copious Coinpurse), checked by Krusty (in-game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Krusty (in-game), checked by Legoless (CS)

Rumors: not written

Faction: written by Krusty (in-game) (already written), checked by Helenaannevalentine (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)
(RefID: 0001D15D)
Home City Imperial City, Market District
Store The Copious Coinpurse
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Trader
RefID 0001D15D BaseID 00015E9E
Available 8am-8pm every day
Gold 800 Mercantile Apprentice (40)
Sells miscellaneous items,
Imperial Breeches
Other Information
Health 62 Magicka 130
Responsibility 100 Aggression 5
Essential Until Unfriendly Competition is completed
Faction(s) IC Citizens

Thoronir is a Wood Elf trader and proprietor of The Copious Coinpurse in the Market District of the Imperial City. He sells general goods, and has the best prices in town, but his sources may be somewhat unsavory... You can buy the unique Imperial Breeches from him only. He also sells the rare weightless shirt with suspenders. If he dies, his body never disappears.

Like the other merchants in the district, Thoronir lives a life of hard work and very little spare time. He sleeps in the private quarters above his shop every night between midnight and 6am. After waking up, he heads downstairs and eats his breakfast in the main trading room. At 8am, he unlocks the doors and spends the next twelve hours offering his services to the occasional customer. At 8pm, he closes up shop and leaves. On Morndas, Middas and Fredas he will go to the Merchants Inn and enjoy both his dinner and the company of the other traders. On Tirdas, Turdas and Loredas he heads for an evening stroll around the city's popular Arboretum and on Sundas, he goes to the Temple of the One for an evening prayer. He always heads back to his shop and finds his bed at midnight.

When you reach Stage 20 of the related quest, Thoronir will keep following his regular schedule but will break it off at 11pm to secretly meet up with his questionable supplier Agarmir in the backyard behind his store. The two of them will stay in the backyard all night before returning to their regular schedules at 7am. If you "overhear" their conversation, Thoronir will end it and go straight home to bed.

He wears a selection of middle-class clothing consisting of a pair of burgundy linens, a quilted doublet and doeskin shoes. He carries around his shop key and a large sum of gold.

When you meet him for the very first time, he will say: "What kind of deal can I make for you today?" And if you ask him about his city of choice, he will be more than self-assured: "I have the best prices in town? Why? I'm smart, and you're smart. We know the right people, we get the best deals."

Unfortunately, Thoronir's idea of "the right people" is far from perfect and when you start to investigate his business methods, you will get an "inventory" option and the following question: "What about my inventory?" If you choose to ask him where he gets his cheap wares, he will say: "Well, that would be a trade secret. I can't divulge how I pass the great savings on to you, now can I? Just like a baker not revealing his best recipes, I must keep my sources anonymous or every merchant in town would use them. Suffice to say, they are quite reliable and low cost. That way, you walk out with a full coinpurse!" If you choose to accuse him of stealing his wares, he will get angry and throw you out: "You have some nerve! Where do you come off accusing me of something you know nothing about? Now, either buy something or get out." If you choose to play nice and compliment him on his selection, he will proudly say: "Well thank you! It's not only a fine assortment of goods, but a bit of a treasure trove; you never know what I'll have in stock. I can see by the look on your face you wonder where I get all these fantastic items. I'll tell you what I tell everyone else who asks. It's all about who you know. My sources are good, but they are secret. Anyway, have fun looking around, and when you are ready to buy, give me a shout." Visiting him again in his shop will elicit nothing but a familiar greeting: "Welcome back."

To look into Thoronir's inventory further, you will need to follow him and overhear a shady conversation he has with Agarmir. During this conversation, they will discuss the newest shipment:

Thoronir: "That you, Agarmir?"
Agarmir: "Shhhh, not so loud. How many time have I told you that?"
Thoronir: "Sorry, I am not used to this kind of meeting. It always makes me nervous."
Agarmir: "Well, just shut up and listen to me. The next shipment will be sooner than I expected. Just have the money ready."
Thoronir: "Same assortment of things? I mean, I have enough clothing for now."
Agarmir: "You take what I get. I get notice at the last second, and I have to jump on it. No time to be picky about it."
Thoronir: "Well, that Society is putting more pressure on me. So maybe we better cut back for a while."
Agarmir: "You cut back now, and I'm going to take my business elsewhere. Or maybe pay a visit to that Jensine and tell her about your little scheme."
Thoronir: "Fine. You made your point. Contact me when you have the items, and we'll meet again."
Agarmir: "Don't worry, it will be very soon. Now get outta' here."

If you confront him at any stage during this exchange, he will end the conversdation with: "Why are you following me? Please... go away. I'm quite busy.".

Once you break into Agarmir's basement and discover that Thoronir's merchandise appears to be taken from the dead, you can speak to him about it. However, he will be disbelieving if you confront him without any proof: "Are you implying that my merchandise comes from the deceased? Your story is ridiculous. This sounds like some lie created by Jensine and her damned "society" to have me run out of town. Please... if you don't want to buy something, then just leave. Your wild accusations are upsetting me." Return to him with Agarmir's Macabre Manifest and he will suddenly change his tune: "I... can't believe what I'm seeing in this book. I'm mortified. To think these things here were once on the bodies of the recently deceased. It's just too horrible to comprehend. I don't even know what to say. I guess an apology is not enough. What can I do?" Respond with "Help me catch Agarmir." and he will continue: "Yes! That's the least I can do. First and foremost, I will never meet with him again. I can promise you that. Secondly, I remember him mentioning a place he had to be this very day. Ummm... yes. That's right. He said that he wouldn't be able to do anything else, as he had something important to do. You don't think he would dig up another... oh no, he wouldn't. But I guess he has been. Oh my. What have I done?" Respond with "Don't worry, I'll stop him." and he will say: "Yes, you do that. And in the meantime, I'll decide what to do with all of these ill-gotten things. I'm so sorry."

If you ask him about his inventory again, he will say: "I don't even want to look at it for another moment..." If you speak to him again, he will open with: "Were you able to stop Agarmir?" If you respond with "Not yet." he will say: "You must hurry. We cannot let him do this horrible task any longer." When you exit the conversation, he will say "We need one more piece of evidence to make Agarmir's guilt complete." If you say "Yes, here is his shovel.", he will respond with: "Then we can at last rest. I feared had he somehow bested you, I'd be next. It is fortunate that your skills exceeded his. I've come to some decisions. I intend to donate all of the money I have made, as well as what is left of these stolen items to the temple. I also want you to know that I had a long discussion with Jensine, and I have decided to join the Society. I realized you risked your life to give me a chance, and Thoronir never forgets things like that. Accept this ring as a humble reward. It's the least I can do to say thank you. Now, don't be a stranger! The Copious Coinpurse is still in business." And he will add: "I have disposed of all my ill-gotten merchandise, and replaced it with more expensive, but carefully obtained items."

He will then give you the Weatherward Circlet. If you visit him again, he will greet you with: "It is good to see you again."

Related QuestsEdit


  • If you tell Thoronir you have Agarmir's Shovel but it's not actually in your inventory, he will say: "I don't think you have the proof we need to lock this crime down and point the blame at Agarmir. You better go back and check." However, this line is impossible to trigger as the shovel is a quest item.