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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (in-game)
Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game) Services: written by N/A (None offered), checked by SerCenKing (CS) Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by mxk101 (in-game) House Contents: written by GK (lives at Priory of the Nine), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game) Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game) Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS) |
Sir Caius (RefID: xx001C72) |
Added by | Knights of the Nine | ||
Location | Priory of the Nine | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Level | PC-3 (min=3) | Class | Knight |
RefID | xx001C72 | BaseID | xx000F7C |
Other Information | |||
Health | 43 + (5+2.6)x(PC-4), PC=8-22 | ||
Magicka | 100 + 1.5x(PC-4) (max=250) | ||
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 0 |
Faction(s) | Knights of the Nine (Knight Commander ![]() |
Sir Caius is an Imperial ghost added by the Knights of the Nine official download. He was a Knight of the Nine long ago and quested for the Cuirass of the Crusader with Sir Amiel and Sir Torolf, according to Sir Amiel's Journal. He is now found in ethereal form in the basement of the Priory of the Nine, guarding the Cuirass.
Sir Caius wears chainmail boots, gauntlets, greaves, and helmet. He also wears a Knight of the Nine Cuirass and carries a Knights of the Nine Shield. He wields a steel longsword in combat.
Related QuestsEdit
- Priory of the Nine: Retrieve the Cuirass of the Crusader from the Priory of the Nine.
- Umaril the Unfeathered: Defeat Umaril and kill him for good, in both the physical and spiritual planes.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Priory of the NineEdit
Caius is the fifth ethereal knight you will need to defeat in order to access the Cuirass of the Crusader. After you've defeated Sir Henrik, Sir Amiel will introduce him with:
- "You have overcome half of us and yet you remain standing. Perhaps Sir Caius shall test your true mettle."
After you defeat him, Amiel will exclaim:
- "You show a fury of faith that I have not seen in centuries. But now you face Sir Juncan."
Caius will then return to his position and kneel down. Once you have defeated all other knights, he will remain standing in the same spot in the chapel undercroft. You will now be able to ask him about some of the relics:
- Gauntlets of the Crusader
- "The Gauntlets were recovered by Sir Casimir. One of our few victories during our time. But then even our victories became our failure."
- Knights of the Nine
- "In death, we continue the work that escaped us in life. The relics must still be guarded, for some day they shall be needed once more."
Asking him about Sir Berich before being given the Greaves of the Crusader by Lathon will net you:
- Sir Berich
- "Alas that my old comrade is not among us here. We do not know why his spirit did not join us here to guard our last Relic. We were estranged in life, but I had hoped that in death we could be reconciled. For my part, I now know that I am largely to blame for the ruin of the old Order. Sir Amiel takes too much upon himself. I will say no more."
The Sword of the CrusaderEdit
Once you learn of the fate of Sir Berich, Caius will tell you of his part in Berich's descent into evil:
- Sir Berich
- "Alas that the evil begun on the day of my death should have struck so deep! When Sir Berich said he would take his Relics with him to war, and would not listen to Sir Amiel's pleas, I allowed my anger to get the best of me. Know that I was the one who drew weapon first against Sir Berich. He merely defended himself, and proved the better swordsman. And now, because of me... evil has claimed his very soul."
Sir Amiel will also provide you some more backstory:
- Sir Berich
- "I have no doubt that it all began on the day that he left the Order with the Sword and Greaves. Sir Caius tried to stop him. They fought, and Sir Berich slew Sir Caius with the holy Sword, on the Priory steps. That was the end of the old Order. Many of Sir Berich's friends left with him. I tried to hold the rest together, but it was no use."
Once you destroy the wraith of Lord Vlindrel, he will thank you for setting right his mistake:
- Sir Berich
- "You put right the evil that I began through my own weakness. Sir Berich is once again part of our fellowship, and shall be forevermore."
Speaking to Berich himself will reveal another side to the story:
- "The evil took hold of me the day that I slew Sir Caius on the Priory steps. I baited him, knowing his temper, and then I killed him when he drew against me. I killed him in cold blood, with the holy Sword itself! I could have disarmed him or wounded him. But a cold pride had taken hold of me, and so I slew him, and went to war, and never returned. The evil grew upon me until I became cruel, a tyrranical ruler, a terror upon the land. In death, evil held me even tighter than in life. Thanks to you, that all is behind me. Sir Caius and I will go to Aetherius side by side, as of old. The gods are truly merciful."
Umaril the UnfeatheredEdit
After speaking to Sir Amiel upon your return from definitively defeating Umaril the Unfeathered, Caius and all other knights will ascend into Aetherius and disappear from the game. Instead you will be able to visit his tomb in the basement of the Priory of the Nine and receive Stendarr's Blessing: "Stendarr grants you the gift of legerity. Always be swift to protect and swift to forgive." The blessing grants you an additional five points to your Personality Attribute. This effect is semi-permanent: it stays in effect until you activate another of the Knights' tombs and receive a different blessing.