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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)
Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game) Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Vulpa (N/A - CS) Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by mxk101 (in-game) House Contents: written by GuildKnight (N/A - lives in Cheydinhal Castle Barracks), checked by Forfeit (in-game) Unique Dialogue: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Faction: written by already there, checked by Vulpa (CS) |
Ulrich Leland (RefID: 000055F8) |
Home City | Cheydinhal | ||
House | Cheydinhal Castle Barracks | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Level | PC+15 | Class | Knight |
RefID | 000055F8 | BaseID | 000034CC |
Other Information | |||
Health | 38 + (5+2.6)x(PC+14), PC=1-4 | ||
Magicka | 175 + 1.5x(PC+14) (max=300) | ||
Responsibility | 99 | Aggression | 5 |
Essential | Until Corruption and Conscience is begun (Conditional Scripted Death) | ||
Follower | Corruption and Conscience | ||
Faction(s) | Cheydinhal Castle; Cheydinhal Citizens; Cheydinhal Guards |

Ulrich Leland is a Breton knight and the Captain of the Cheydinhal city guard. His policies on hefty fines and strict enforcement have made him rather unpopular with most of the residents of the city, and even some of the other guards. Investigation will reveal that Ulrich is not entirely honest with the proceeds of these fines and you will need to decide his fate. As Captain of the Guard, Ulrich will also be sent to Bruma's aid if you complete The Wayward Knight.
Ulrich follows a simple routine: he sleeps in his private quarters in the guard barracks from midnight to 6am and then spends all of his day randomly patrolling around town or relaxing in the barracks. The only exception is when sits down for a two-hour breakfast at 10am.
He wields a silver battleaxe in combat. As befits his role, he wears a Cheydinhal Cuirass, chainmail boots, chainmail greaves, and chainmail gauntlets. He carries the keys to Castle Cheydinhal's interior and exterior, and one to his quarters in the Cheydinhal barracks. He also carries a small amount of gold. Ulrich also has the ability to use a leveled set of knight spells.
Before Corruption and Conscience, Ulrich will not talk to you. If engaged in conversation, he will just say:
- "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
- "Get out of my way before I have you slapped in irons"
Related QuestsEdit
- Allies for Bruma: You are asked to bring in reinforcements for Bruma from the other towns.
- Defense of Bruma: Let a Great Oblivion Gate open outside of Bruma.
- Corruption and Conscience: The Captain of the Guard in Cheydinhal is corrupt and the citizens want him removed.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Allies for BrumaEdit
If you complete The Wayward Knight and have not yet completed Corruption and Conscience, Count Andel Indarys will dispatch Ulrich and another Cheydinhal guardsman to Bruma to aid in its defense. Ulrich will set off immediately and pitch up his tent once he gets there. At this point he follows a very simple routine, sleeping from 1am to 6am and pacing around the tent at all other times. If you try to speak to him now, he will simply say:
- "So, you're the famous Hero of Kvatch."
Defense of BrumaEdit
Once you give the order to commence the battle for Bruma, Ulrich will line up just outside the eastern gate with any militiamen or guardsmen who have come to Bruma's aid. As soon as Martin has reached the group, he will set out sprinting to the site of the battle, before forming up on the left flank. If you speak to him at any point now he will be frustrated:
- "I'm a bit busy here!"
If he survives the ensuing battle, he will cheer for Martin as the Great Gate is closed. If you speak to him now he will grudgingly admit:
- "Congratulations on your victory. Your fame was well-deserved, it seems."
Once Martin leaves for Cloud Ruler Temple, Ulrich sets off for home in Cheydinhal and resumes his usual routine, though a bug will cause him to head back to Bruma daily at 1am.
Corruption and ConscienceEdit
You may hear the citizens of Cheydinhal complain about Ulrich and the fines he's been imposing:
- "They charged me 5 gold for littering! Littering!! I barely make that in a year! These fines are ridiculous!"
- "I can't believe the ridiculous new fines the guards are imposing. Ever since Ulrich took over as Captain of the Guard, this place is going downhill."
If you ask them to elaborate, they will point you towards Llevana Nedaren:
- Fines
- "Ever since Ulrich Leland took over the Captain of the Guard post, this city's gone downhill. It's getting almost scary to walk the streets. The guards have imposed new, ridiculously heavy fines for every infraction under the sun. They almost seem to make up laws just for charging fines.If you can't pay the fine, they can take your property away or toss you in the castle dungeons. Nothing we can do about it really. If you're interested, go talk to Llevana Nedaren. She seems the most outspoken against Ulrich and his new fines."
Sure enough, Llevana has plenty to say about Ulrich, and not much good:
- "That madman won't be satisfied until everyone in town is dead broke...or in jail! What in Oblivion is Ulrich doing with all that money anyway? I'm sure he's lining his pockets with the gold of the good citizens of Cheydinhal."
- Llevana: "I don't know where the Count found him, but I sure wish he'd send him back. He's a menace to this town."
She also tasks you with enlisting the help Garrus Darelliun, a potentially sympathetic guard. Once you speak to him, he confirms Llevana's suspicions that something is awry:
- Ulrich Leland
- "Ulrich is definitely up to something. Every day, we take in exorbitant fines from the people. Where most of that money goes, I have a good idea. Ulrich keeps his quarters locked, but I've glimpsed inside. The things he has in there could never be purchased on a Captain's salary. At first I thought maybe he was from wealthy stock, but many of the goods have been delivered recently."
Garrus asks you to convince Aldos Othran to testify against Ulrich, but he will be killed by a guard shortly thereafter. An enraged Llevana will ask for your help to violently avenge her fellow Dunmer:
- "There are no more options left. Ulrich must be dealt with, and actions speak louder than words. You must do something for me. Go tell Ulrich that I have some information that incriminates him. Tell him to come alone, or he won't get it. Then, lead him here, and I'll do the rest."
- "Ulrich will not buy his way out of this one...he'll pay. I promise you."
If you speak to Garrus he will try to dissuade you from violence and proposes an alternative approach:
- "I swear that Ulrich will pay for this. We must handle this carefully and prove to the Count that he needs to be arrested. Ulrich has been watching me, so I haven't been able to enact the plan I devised to bring him down. That ends today now that you're here. The evidence we need to incriminate Ulrich must lie within his quarters. You must sneak in there and retrieve it without being seen."
Whether you agree with Llevana's plan or decide to work with Garrus you will determine Ulrich's fate.
Llevana's ApproachEdit
If you decided to side with Llevana and speak to Ulrich, he will grumble:
- "I don't like being disturbed."
If you leave conversation without saying anything else he will spit:
- "Piss off."
If you ask him to follow you, he will happily comply and start following you:
- Follow Me
- "So, you say Llevana wishes to see me? Very well, lead on. This should prove amusing."
Speaking to him now will simply have him say:
- "Keep leading."
Once you arrive at Llevana's house, he will immediately question her and start a conversation:
- Ulrich: "So, Llevana, I hear you have something I'd want to see?"
- Llevana: "Ulrich, how dare you walk in here like you don't know what's going on."
- Ulrich: "Of course I know what's going on. What intrigues me is that you had the nerve to threaten me. I'm just curious to see what you've come up with."
- Llevana: "Just because you run the law in town doesn't put you above it. You're going to pay for what happened to Aldos."
- Ulrich: "Aldos was a drunkard and a fool. He decided to draw a blade and attack a guard, so he paid the price."
- Llevana: "You bastard! How many more people are going to "pay the price"? How many more have to die just so you can earn another gold coin?"
- Ulrich: "I'm not going to stand here and debate this all night. You give me that evidence, and I'll consider not having you executed."
- Llevana: "As you wish, Ulrich. Come my lovelies! Your feast has arrived!"
Llevana will now paralyze Ulrich, and call some vicious pet rats to eat him alive.
After this, you may overhear Cheydinhal's citizens say:
- "So, the mighty Ulrich Leland has fallen. Apparently Llevana Nedaren snapped and killed him. Good riddance I say."
Garrus's ApproachEdit
If you side with Garrus and manage to steal the incriminating letter, speaking to Ulrich will see him even more aggressive and threatening than usual:
- "You must have a deathwish."
- "Unless you relish the thought of decorating the end of my blade with your blood, I would get out of my sight."
When leaving conversation he will warn you:
- "You're really pushing it. Just keep disturbing me."
Once you report back to Garrus, he will be ecstatic:
- Ulrich Leland
- "You've done it! This will spell his undoing when I present it to Count Indarys. Splendid work, splendid work indeed!"
- "We finally got him! There'll be no excuses this time. Ulrich is mine."
When Garrus later meets you in the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn, he will inform you:
- "After speaking to the Count, and in light of the evidence you recovered, Ulrich has been removed from his post and arrested. Many guards are coming forward with more evidence of his greed, so it's safe to say he'll been [sic] spending quite a bit of time in the city dungeons."
- Ulrich Leland
- "Ulrich will be spending years in the city dungeons. This should give him plenty of time to reflect on what he's done."
If now you pay Ulrich a visit in the city dungeons, you will always find him standing by the cell door, never even eating or sleeping. As you approach, Ulrich will be defiant and threatening:
- "Come to gloat eh? Well you'll get no apologies from me!"
- "You better hope I never get out of here."
He will end the conversation with:
- "Remorse? Ha!"
After his imprisonment, the citizens of Cheydinhal can be heard saying:
- "Did you hear the news? Ulrich Leland was thrown in the dungeons for stealing money from the city coffers. Haha! Justice for the little guy!"
Unused DialogueEdit
- Ulrich has a number of "hello" and goodbye" lines which you will never hear due to his AI packages interfering:
- "Can't you see that I'm busy?"
- "What now?"
- "What's the hold up? I don't have all day."
- Ulrich also has a number of lines in case Aldos, Garrus or Llevana died before the quest could be completed. However, as they are all marked as Essential, you will never hear them.
- "Stand aside!"
- "I've nothing to say to you."
- "I've better things to do than waste time speaking with you."
- Although Ulrich is captain of the Cheydinhal Guard, he is not a member of the Guard class. Therefore he is unable to arrest you if you commit any crimes (although his high responsibility ensures that he immediately reports any crimes he may witness).
- Even if Ulrich was sent to Bruma, survived the battle at the Great Gate and returns home, he will always head back to Bruma at 1am to sleep, as the relevant package had faulty conditions.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.4.0, fixes this bug.
- If you complete the "Corruption and Conscience" quest, choose Garrus's method of having Ulrich thrown into the dungeons, then subsequently complete the Cheydinhal part of the "Allies for Bruma" quest, visiting Ulrich in the dungeons will result in him talking to you as if he were a soldier waiting for the Defense of Bruma battle. This is because Ulrich is added to the "MQ13 allies faction" faction even if he has been imprisoned. He will not actually talk to you in the dungeon - rather the subtitles will appear, but his lips do not move and he makes no sound. This has been seen to happen before the actual Battle of Bruma also, however, with him as a normal combatant.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.0.0, fixes this bug.