The Waterfront District is an outer district of the Imperial City, to the southwest of the central districts. It features the city's harbor; ships from Topal Bay sail up the Niben River to reach Lake Rumare and the city's port facilities. Two ships are docked in the harbor; one is an inn, and the other is run by pirates. The district serves as the headquarters of the Imperial Trading Company, which also maintains a pair of local warehouses. The harbor is partially encircled by a large wall, with a short bridge connecting the waterfront to the lighthouse and City Isle. Most of the local residents are poor and live outside the wall in decrepit shacks, one of which can be purchased as a player home. The area is considered the most dangerous of the city, with organized thieves active in the district.
Waterfront District PeopleEdit
Quests Starting HereEdit
- An Unexpected Voyage: The Bloated Float Inn has been hijacked by brigands while you slept!
Thieves GuildEdit
- Finding the Thieves Guild: So you want to join the Thieves Guild? Don't you know it doesn't even exist?
- May the Best Thief Win: You want to join, but are you a good enough thief?
- Untaxing the Poor: Steal the tax records for the Waterfront residents.
- The Elven Maiden: Steal a statuette for a mystery buyer.
- Turning a Blind Eye: Steal a stone for the Gray Fox.
- Arrow of Extrication: Steal an arrow for the Gray Fox.
- The Ultimate Heist: Steal an Elder Scroll for the Gray Fox, and for glory!
- Independent Thievery: Steal as much as you can, and sell it to a Thieves Guild fence.
Related QuestsEdit
- A Watery Grave: You must kill the captain of the pirate vessel Marie Elena.
- Buy a house in the Imperial City: Get your foot on the property ladder with a rundown shack in a poor district of the Imperial City.
- Misdirection: Help the Thieves Guild get the waterfront back to normal.