Andewen | |||
Location | Ezduiin, Ossuary of Telacar, Falinesti Autumn Site Ebon Stadmont ![]() |
Race | High Elf | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 15,000 (Ebon Stadmont) ![]() |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Follower | The Ebon Sanctum![]() |
Faction(s) | Mages Guild |
Andewen is a High Elf and one of Telenger the Artificer's assistants. According to Telenger, she is the Master of Incunabula of the Mages Guild. He frequently frustrates her, forcing her to ask you for help.
Related QuestsEdit
- The Mallari-Mora: Help Telenger the Artificer recover an ancient relic.
- The Unquiet Dead: Free the Mages Guild acolytes trapped in the Ossuary of Telacar.
- The Arbordawn Cult: Assist Telenger with a problem at the Falinesti Autumn Site.
- The Fires of Dune: Stop the Daedric invasion of Dune.
- The Ebon Sanctum : Escort the scholar Andewen as she investigates an ancient temple.
- A New Alliance : Attend a meeting with the Proxy Queen to ensure the Crystal Tower is protected.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
The Mallari-MoraEdit
You can speak to her before starting the quest:
- "It's not safe here. Get out of here if you want to see tomorrow."
You first meet her at Ezduiin, battling some hostile spirits with Hanthaerin and protecting Candangarilde. Talking to her, she'll say:
- "You're not dead. That makes you my new friend."
- Telenger sent me.
- "Thank the Stars for that old man. Cannie is hurt, and some of my team members have been taken. We need to get her back to camp. Now that you're here, we can make a break for it."
- Who took your team members?
- "Some of the spirits appeared, grabbed my researchers, and then vanished.,br>We need to get into the undercroft. It's the only place I can think they'd be."
- Is there anything I can do to help?
- "Perhaps. We were out there looking for runes. Combined, these runes form a key. We only need two more.
Take a look and I'll meet you at the entrance of Ezduiin's undercroft." - I'll get them and meet you there.
Speaking to her again:
- "Good luck. We all need it."
You meet her again at the entrance:
- "I made a bet with Hanthaerin on the way back to camp. Did you find the runes?"
- I have them.
- "That mer owes me five gold. You've done well.
Just a moment and I'll assemble the key." - Do you really think your researchers are in there?
- "I hope so! If they're not ….
Not worth thinking about right now." - Let's get inside.
She gets to opening the door.
- Andewen: "This will be quick." As it opens, she says:
- Andewen: "There. It's done."
- Andewen: "Let's go."
Enter the ruins and she gives you the next objective.
- Andewen: "Now, to find the others."
You finally find the injured Meldil, she will check on him.
- Andewen: "Meldil! Thank Auriel he's still alive!"
- Andewen: "Meldil. Have you seen the others?"
Speaking to her before Meldil:
- "The spirits have not been kind to him."
You can talk to her.
- "I'm going to tend to Meldil. We'll move to the room just behind me. We should be safer in there."
- Before you go, can I ask a few questions?
- "Of course, but speak quickly."
- Uricantar. Who is that?
- "It's a name we're all trying to forget. Uricantar is very close—was very close—to me.
Telenger cast him out of the guild and forebade him to use magic again." - What did he do?
- "He couldn't understand that power has to have limits. That some costs are too high.
You can see here what he's willing to do for a taste of power."
- "It's a name we're all trying to forget. Uricantar is very close—was very close—to me.
- Meldil mentioned a place called Aetherius. What is that?
- "How long do you have? I'm sorry. This is just not the place for a protracted metaphysical conversation.
It may be enough to say that Aetherius is the spirit realm. The land of the dead." - He also spoke of a shard of Aetherius.
- "I can't begin to guess. Not without more information. But the use of the Mallari-Mora. It may have twisted, broken off a part of the spirit world.
If a mage were to gain access to such a place—the power. That sounds like Uricantar."
- "How long do you have? I'm sorry. This is just not the place for a protracted metaphysical conversation.
Save the researchers, then return.
- "By the light of Auri-El, you've returned."
- Uricantar's plan has failed.
- "You are a capable sort, Stars guard your steps. I'm going to get us out of here.
Put a stop to this madness. Find Uricantar and end him." - I'll deal with Uricantar.
After speaking to Uricantar, she will say:
- "May the Stars guide you, my friend."
Defeat Uricantar, and meet her back at the camp.
- "I prayed for your safe return. It's good to be out under the open sky again.
I hope … I hope Uricantar went down without much struggle."
After you have accepted your reward from Telenger, she'll say:
- "Without your help, the tale of Andewen in Ezduiin would have gone very differently, I think.
Good luck in your travels."
The Unquiet DeadEdit
She is found in the camp in the Ossuary of Telacar. Approaching her if you choose to start the quest through her:
- "They must be out there. How could this have happened?"
If you accept the quest through the dead guild acolyte:
- "This was supposed to be a simple assignment. I should never have allowed Lieutenant Urien to push us around!"
Otherwise peaking to her to find out what happened:
- "I don't understand. I observed all the proper protocols. How could so many have…have perished?"
- What's wrong?
- "The Ossuary of Telacar was thought to be the resting place of Mannimarco's most powerful disciple. We were searching the site—carefully, mind you—when the shades awoke."
- What happened?
- "I don't know! They poured out of the ground. The soldiers rushed me back to camp, and now I'm the only one remaining.
Lieutenant Urien won't let me venture from the camp, but you have no such restriction. Please, find my acolytes! Some must still live!" - I'll find the acolytes.
Speaking to her again:
- "Some of the acolytes must still be alive. They must be."
After rescuing the acolytes and before speaking to Kelurmend:
- "Eleril and Yalorasse made it to safety.
Did you see Kelurmend out there? I pray he's still alive."
Rescue the acolytes and return to her.
- "I appreciate what you did for the acolytes. They weren't prepared for any of this.
I'm relieved Kelurmend is safe, but don't tell him I said that." - Kelurmend told me you found an artifact.
- "The bone scepter? Yes. It's in my pack, just outside this tent."
If you look for the bone scepter before speaking to her, she'll object:
- Andewen: "What are you doing?"
- Andewen: "That's not your property."
- Andewen: "I demand to know what you're doing!"
Speaking to her about the scepter:
- "That bone scepter is the only thing of note we've found. There's no end of trouble since we pulled it from the ruin.
It's not dangerous, not directly. What I mean to say is that holding it won't rot your hand off. At least, not immediately." - What does it do?
- "It summons all the shades, I suspect. It certainly doesn't control them. Not that I've found, anyway.
Although ... hmmm. The markings carved into the scepter are old Ayleid for "Pale Sentinel." Could that mean the creature at the heart of the ruin?" - What creature?
- "It's the only shade we've heard speak, though it mostly just wails. It is rather pale, come to think of it. And the scepter works obsidian into bone, which is an old form of necromantic control ….
Say, would you care to help prove a theory?" - What exactly do you have in mind?
- "If that shade is in fact the Pale Sentinel, that bone scepter may have some control over it. And if it's directing the rest of the shades, perhaps you could force it to stop.
Besides, we can't allow Telacar's ancient traps to remain active. Not this close to Elden Root."- All right, I'll test your theory.
- "If the bone scepter can control the Pale Sentinel, perhaps the shades will settle down. Then we can get back to excavating the Ossuary of Telacar."
- Before I go—who is Telacar? / Who is Telacar?
- "He was a necromancer, one of Mannimarco's most talented apprentices. But he and his wife Vastarie eventually left Mannimarco's tutelage."
- Why did they leave?
- "It isn't entirely clear. There are many theories, but they all boil down to a difference of opinion.
Seems to be the way of things with necromancers."
- All right, I'll test your theory.
After talking to the Pale Sentinel and before going inside the ossuary:
- "The Ossuary of Telacar was sealed for generations. There are many conflicting tales, but all agree that this was the resting place of Telacar, a powerful necromancer and student of Mannimarco.
The tales said nothing about shades."
Investigate the shades inside the ruins. After you return to the surface, she says:
- "I don't know what you did, but the shades are a bit sluggish. We'll hold off the dig until they return to the ground... if they return.
I should send word back to the Mages Guild. They'll want to know everything."
The Arbordawn CultEdit
When you first approach the camp at Falenesti's Autumn Site, you'll hear Telenger and Andewen… discussing things:
- Telenger the Artificer: "Nonsense, dear. Just send down one of our most capable assistants."
- Andewen: "What about the cult? <Telenger teleports away> You crazy old wizard!"
Approaching her, she will mutter:
- "The stars challenge me with that crazy old wizard…"
If she recognizes you she'll greet you with open arms:
- "Thank Auri-El, a competent soul! Good to see you again. You'd think that I'd be used to working with him, but …."
If not:
- "Damn it, old man! Apologies. That wasn't meant for you. You'd think that I'd be used to working with him, but …."
- What's wrong?
- "Once again, I'm out in the field with the great and powerful Telenger. And, once again, he's trying very hard to drive me mad. Would you be willing to lend that crazy old wizard a hand?"
- What would you have me do?
- "We came here to study the old Falinesti site. Unfortunately, a mad cult now controls the tunnels, the Halls of Ichor. They've used a set of corruption stones to seal the main entrance. Destroy those stones, and you'll gain access to the tunnels."
- Consider it done.
Asking her further questions:
- "You're a gift from the Stars. Once you're into the tunnels, Telenger should be easy to find. Do whatever it takes to get that old fool out of there."
- Who are these cultists you mentioned?
- "The people that normally live here, the people in the camp nearby, call themselves the Falinesti Faithful. They patiently await the return of the great city, hoping it will change their lives. The Arbordawn … have lost their patience."
- What do you mean?
- "The Faithful could probably tell you more. But, as I understand it, a charismatic member has decided they can force the city to return. They're zealots, now. They won't let anyone into the pit. Telenger, of course …."
- Telenger …?
- "He took it as a challenge. Look, he's a fantastically powerful wizard. These cultists aren't really a danger to him, the way they are to you and I. But he just refuses to come out of there, no matter how much I beg."
- What is this place? / Why are you folks out here?
- "This is a resting site for the great walking city of the Falinesti. Every Autumn the massive treebeast would creak and groan its way across the landscape. Set out roots in the Halls of Ichor, down there in the tunnels."
- Who were the Falinesti?
- "The greatest Greenspeakers the world has ever seen. They were not satisfied with merely growing the odd village here or there. They wished to craft a perfect fusion of city and forest. One they could show the world!"
- Where was it the rest of the year?
- "Let's see … the other three sites are spread throughout Valenwood. Spring saw the city in the depths of Greenshade. Summer it set down roots in Malabal Tor. And from here, it would seek to Winter in the Grahtwood."
- Where is the city now?
- "No one knows. The city pulled up roots and began the trek to its next site … and simply never arrived. This happened some hundred and fifty to two hundred years ago. No one's seen it since. That's why we're here."
- Where is the city now?
- "Let's see … the other three sites are spread throughout Valenwood. Spring saw the city in the depths of Greenshade. Summer it set down roots in Malabal Tor. And from here, it would seek to Winter in the Grahtwood."
- Who were the Falinesti?
- "This is a resting site for the great walking city of the Falinesti. Every Autumn the massive treebeast would creak and groan its way across the landscape. Set out roots in the Halls of Ichor, down there in the tunnels."
- How have you been, Andewen? (If you met her before in the past)
- "Oh, you know. Working as hard as I can to keep him alive. Making sure the new students don't hear about past expeditions. The usual."
- Have you been anywhere since we last spoke?
- "One or two smaller outings. Nothing like this. I've been trying to keep him close to home in Skywatch. Once I even managed to get him to a lecture on time. That was a good day."
After destroying the corruption stones and before you speak to Telenger:
- "I'm very glad you're in there keeping him out of trouble. I swear, sometimes I feel more a nursemaid than a scholar. Hah!"
After finding and assisting Telenger, you'll both return to the camp:
- "Honestly, I don't think I'll ever get used to the way he pops around. But at least he's back in one piece and not complaining—for now."
Finish the quest, and she'll remark:
- "Perhaps he'll listen to me. For once. I swear, I think it's a miracle of the Divines that any of his students last past the first year."
The Fires of DuneEdit
If you assist her at the Falenesti's Autumn Site prior to arriving at Dune, she'll be there to greet you:
- "Your work here and in Falinesti should be a beacon for others."
The Ebon SanctumEdit
She will stand by the entrance to Ebon Stadmont, muttering to herself.
- Andewen: "Wherever could that blasted mercenary be?"
If you took the quest from that certain mercenary, she says:
- "Greetings, my friend. Fancy meeting you all the way out here.
Say, have you met with another High Elf around here? Heavy armor, sour disposition? I hired her as an escort for my expedition, and unfortunately I cannot start without her." - I ran into your mercenary on the way here. She says she quits.
- "Hardly a surprise, given her demeanor last we spoke.
Still, it's hard to get someone to agree to escort you into Ebon Stadmont. From what I heard, the forest appears to ... shift as you move through it. Makes it a bit tricky to navigate." - Why do you need to travel though the forest?
- "Well, I've found research of an ancient temple, somewhere in this very forest. I've come to study what secrets it may have, but I don't think it wise to go it alone.
Say, would you be willing to escort me? I must say, I do pay well." - Sure, I'll help.
If you haven't met her before:
- "Hmm. Rugged individual, obviously well-traveled. Yes, you should do quite nicely.
Are you available for hire? I need an escort for an expedition. I expect we'll encounter some Daedra along the way, but I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle." - What kind of expedition?
- "Put simply, I've found records of an ancient temple, somewhere in this very forest. I've come to study what secrets it may hold.
I will warn you, Ebon Stadmont can be tricky to navigate. You'll have to keep a look out." - Tricky to navigate? How so?
- "Travelers become lost, sometimes for days. From what I heard, the forest appears to … shift as you move through it. We'll need to keep close together.
So? Want to help me unlock an ancient mystery? I must say, I do pay well." - Sure, I'll escort you through Ebon Stadmont.
If you took the quest directly from her, and you've met her before:
- "Greetings, my friend. Fancy meeting you all the way out here.
Perhaps you could help me once more? I need an escort for my expedition. I expect we'll encounter some Daedra along the way, but I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle." - What kind of expedition?
- "Put simply, I've found records of an ancient temple, somewhere in this very forest. I've come to study what secrets it may hold. I will warn you, Ebon Stadmont can be tricky to navigate. You'll have to keep a look out."
- Tricky to navigate? How so?
- "Travelers become lost, sometimes for days. From what I heard, the forest appears to... shift as you move through it. We'll need to keep close together. So? Want to help me unlock an ancient mystery? I must say, I do pay well."
- Sure, I'll escort you through Ebon Stadmont.
The rest of the dialogue is the same.
- "Thank you for accepting my offer. I'm quite excited to be heading my own expedition. Telenger may have a great mind, but sometimes he's a bit... much. It's nice to finally be able to break free from being just his assistant."
- Have you quit being Telenger's assistant then?
- "Oh, no, of course not. The Mages Guild still requires me to accompany him on his expeditions. I've just taken a short sabbatical is all.
Soon as I finish my research here, I'm sure I'll be off on more hair-raising adventures." - It seems as though you're not very happy as Telenger's assistant.
- "Well, being Telenger's assistant is... informative, in many ways. But I think now's the time to prove to the Mages Guild, and to myself, that I can strike out on my own.
Ebon Stadmont just happened to catch my interest."
- "Oh, no, of course not. The Mages Guild still requires me to accompany him on his expeditions. I've just taken a short sabbatical is all.
- Can you tell me more about Ebon Stadmont?
- "The ruins within Ebon Stadmont are ancient, perhaps even built in the Merethic Era. They contain inscriptions of a mysterious language, which only a few have begun to translate.
I believe these inscriptions can help lead us to the inner temple."- Can you tell me about the language?
- "It's old, even from a High Elf's perspective. I've found translations of only a few phrases, and even those are sparse.
An interesting topic for a linguist perhaps, but for me it's only the means to an end. The temple is all I wish to investigate." - How will the inscription help us find the temple?
- "As I said before, this forest is tricky to navigate. The pathways twist and shift as you walk through it. That's why the temple hasn't been explored previously.
Following these inscriptions should lead us to the temple."
- "It's old, even from a High Elf's perspective. I've found translations of only a few phrases, and even those are sparse.
- What do you know about the temple?
- "Not much. Even though one can see the temple through the trees, the forest has made all research near impossible. It most likely was a place of worship, now abandoned.
For some reason, the worshipers wished for the temple to remain inaccessible." - Inaccessible? How so?
- "The nature of this forest doesn't allow travelers to simply walk to the temple we seek. Someone must have used magic to accomplish this, in order to keep outsiders from entering. Luckily, the inscriptions here should guide us."
- "Not much. Even though one can see the temple through the trees, the forest has made all research near impossible. It most likely was a place of worship, now abandoned.
- Can you tell me about the language?
- "The ruins within Ebon Stadmont are ancient, perhaps even built in the Merethic Era. They contain inscriptions of a mysterious language, which only a few have begun to translate.
- Have you quit being Telenger's assistant then?
After entering the portal into Ebon Stadmont:
- Andewen: "We"re looking for inscriptions. Alert me once you see any gibberish carved into stone."
Speaking to her while she follows you:
- "Now, I need you to keep a look out for inscriptions—strange symbols, carved into stone. As soon as you see one, just call me over and I'll take a rubbing.
You'll also need to handle any malicious creatures we come across."
After finding the "Inscribed Stonework", she kneels down and inspects it:
- Andewen: "Yes, this is exactly what we're looking for. Why, it's almost as if I can hear the words. Sel-rah ang-yond. Eastern... temple?"
As she reads it, several Daedra spawn, with an ogrim called Nogral spawning at the end.
- Andewen: "Daedra? I don't have time for distractions. Could you hold them off while I finish translating?"
After defeating them, she runs off:
- Andewen: "The inscription indicates that the temple is further up. Quick, follow me."
Entering the next gate, you'll get separated. She will say any of the following. This can repeat if you get lost again afterwards:
- Andewen: "How did we get separated? I was just behind you!"
- Andewen: "Hello? I think we got separated!"
- Andewen: "By Auri-El, how did I end up here?"
Upon approaching the correct portal:
- Andewen: "I hear you! Over here!"
- Andewen: "This way! I'm over here!"
- Andewen: "Is that you?"
If you take the wrong portal, you both reunite at the start and she says any of the following:
- Andewen: "I swear I was walking in the opposite direction. Well, let's carry on!"
- Andewen: "Huh. At least we're back together. Come on, this forest has to end somewhere."
- Andewen: "Oh, hello. How did we end up back here? Let's try this again."
When reuniting with the correct portal, she says:
- Andewen: "Well, seems the rumors are true. Ebon Stadmont truly does twist around you. Perhaps another inscription will help guide us."
Speaking to her once properly reunited:
- "You'll want to keep close. The pathways in this forest seem to be... broken somehow. In the metaphysical sense."
- Can you tell me more about Ebon Stadmont?
- Here, the answers are the same as above.
- Can you tell me more about Ebon Stadmont?
- I thought this language was ancient. How can you read it so easily?
- "Curious. Should I perhaps be insulted?
You're right though. Even with my previous research, I shouldn't be able to pick up a language this complex so quickly. It may sound strange, but it's almost as if the inscriptions are... speaking to me?" - Speaking to you?
- "A dark voice. Perhaps a woman's? It's foggy though, like a memory or a dream.
This language must have magical properties. I'll just have to remain sharp, that's all. Make sure it doesn't muddle my mind."
- "Curious. Should I perhaps be insulted?
- What's wrong with the doors in this forest? / Do you know what's wrong with the doors in this forest?
- "I can do little but speculate, but I believe this twisting pathway is somehow protecting the temple. Only by reading the inscription were we able to make it this far.
If the answer is anywhere, it's within the temple. We should keep moving."
- "I can do little but speculate, but I believe this twisting pathway is somehow protecting the temple. Only by reading the inscription were we able to make it this far.
- I thought this language was ancient. How can you read it so easily?
Upon studying the second inscription:
- Andewen: "A-ha. Now, let's see... That voice again. Pa-rah Eek-nay. Past... pathway?"
After the Daedra spawn:
- Andewen: "Daedra again? Oh, we don't have time for this!"
After defeating them:
- Andewen: "I've got it! Follow me, the temple should be just ahead."
Enter the Ebon Sanctum. Andewen is not seen anywhere, but leaves a note behind telling you to follow her. Examine the stone above the note:
- Spirit of Ebon Sanctum: "Parah voleisto … the past revealed …."
Inside, she'll scream for help from a daedra:
- Andewen: "There you are! Quickly, up the stairs. Take care of that thing before it takes care of us!"
After defeating the shrike, she'll call for you again:
- Andewen: "I need help down here!"
Bandage Fletch and she'll say:
- Andewen: "Thank the Stars, I think he's coming to."
At one point, you were able to speak with Andewen after bandaging Fletch, but it seems the ability to do so has been disabled. In previous updates, you could have spoken with her, to which she would say:
- "Let's hear what this mer has to say. Perhaps he'll know what's going on in this forest."
Once in the garden:
- Fletch: "Forte? Is that you?"
- Maestro Forte: "Fletch! What's happened? The whole troupe is looking for you."
- Andewen: "Grand Maestro Forte? Why, I had no idea you were in Ebon Stadmont."
- Maestro Forte: "Grand? Oh no, I'm simply Maestro Forte. Hardly worthy of the title Grand yet!"
Speaking to her before speaking to the maestro:
- "Grand Maestro Forte's here as well? Why, this just gets more curious by the minute. Come, let's speak with him."
Andewen asks you to follow as she goes to investigate the stone the maestro mentioned:
- Andewen: "I know this is strange, but let's get to this stone. Perhaps it can answer some questions."
Inside the Northern Path:
- Andewen: "The House of Reveries? In Ebon Stadmont? Why wouldn't I have heard about that?"
Speaking to her as your follower:
- "This is all so strange. I just … need a moment to think. Puzzle it all out. Come, let's head to that northern stone."
Find the stone and activate it. A ghostly voice can be heard and Andewen comments on it:
- Spirit of Ebon Sanctum: "Lainkah faloweh … future's door …."
- Andewen: "Did you hear it too? That woman's voice? At first I thought I was imagining it."
- Andewen: "Future's door …. Drat. Well, I've realized where we are."
Speaking to her afterward:
- "A House of Reveries expedition I've never heard of. Grand Maestro Forte rebuffing his proper title.
And the temple room, where we found Fletch? It looked the same as the room we first entered, but there wasn't a cobweb or broken pew in sight." - That does all seem strange, but what does it mean?
- "It means we've ventured somewhere we never should have gone. The past.
I know it seems far-fetched, but remember that stone we first activated? I thought the inscription referenced an event … but the past was a destination, not an occurrence!" - The stone in the temple sent us to the past?
- "That's my theory, and I'd rather not explore further to find out. Affecting the past has far-reaching consequences. It makes me wonder what trouble we've already caused.
But this stone's inscription indicates it should send us back to the present." - How can you be sure?
- "I can't be sure, in all honesty, but we have to try. Otherwise we'll be stuck in the past."
- All right, I'll use this stone to go back to the present.
- "This stone should lead us back to our natural time. All you need to do is keep that destination clearly in your mind. I'll follow right behind you."
- Do you know about Maestro Forte's expedition?
- "It is quite intriguing. Grand Maestro Forte is the head of Summerset's greatest acting troupe, the House of Reveries. But I've also heard tale that he's a great academic as well.
Though perhaps I'm more familiar with his work than I thought." - What do you mean?
- "The research I've been using to help translate the language here came from an expedition that occurred around this time. Perhaps Maestro Forte wrote the very notes that led me here.
I'll ask him, but I'd rather not affect the past more than we have." - Do you think we've changed the past already?
- "Well, Fletch was very close to death. And I recall seeing bones in our present time, right where I found him injured. Most likely he was supposed to die.
I'm almost glad I was so ignorant when I healed him. I don't know what I would have done." - What do you mean?
- "As I said earlier, changing the past has far-reaching consequences. For all I know, healing Fletch could have dire consequences to our present.
I would have had to weigh his life against the potential impact of that change. Quite the somber thought."
- "It is quite intriguing. Grand Maestro Forte is the head of Summerset's greatest acting troupe, the House of Reveries. But I've also heard tale that he's a great academic as well.
- Why do I hear a woman's voice reading these inscriptions? / I see. Do you know why I hear a woman's voice reading these inscriptions?
- "I've been hearing this voice since I first started translating these inscriptions. It must be some sort of magic, connected to the inscriptions. Perhaps connected to the language itself, come to think of it."
- Isn't this language ancient? And not very well known?
- "Oh. It is rather odd for a mysterious language to speak to anyone who reads it.
The misdirecting nature of Ebon Stadmont must have kept researchers from studying these inscriptions, that's all. Not to mention the local wildlife." - It just seems rather convenient, a voice telling us where to go.
- "I'm not sure what to tell you. I do know we have to return to our time, and quickly. This mysterious voice, whatever its motivation, is the only thing helping us do that.
We have little choice but to follow it now."
Enter the door and you'll hear the voice of an old woman:
- Andewen: "Who's there? By Xarxes, it's … it's you!"
Follow the path and you'll meet a much aged Andewen:
- "Years and years, and I never could find you. And here you are, back where it all began. Looking as if you haven't aged a day.
My friend, what happened to you?" - I just came through the door, to get back to our original time.
- "So the stone did send you to the future, after all. I had feared the worst.
That day, I tried to follow after you and return to our original time. But the stone's magic faded, and the doorway closed. Try as I might, I couldn't get it to open." - What did you do?
- "I was trapped within Ebon Stadmont. For decades I've been studying this language and desperately searching for a way out. But my path would always lead me back here.
But I did it. I finally found a way to go back. To stop this all from happening." - What do you mean?
- "I must stop myself from ever going back in time.
I've been wasting my life within this cursed forest. The southern stone, that's the key to—wait. What's that? Is that … Fletch?" - Where?
While you were speaking to Andewen, Fletch has snuck up behind her. Before you can reach him, Fletch fires a single arrow at the her and she falls to the ground:
- Andewen: "Fletch—-argh!"
- Fletch: "I'm sorry dear, but your role has been cut!"
As Fletch runs into the temple, Andewen will say:
- Andewen: "The temple … you must go back …."
Speaking to her as she lays dying:
- "Go through the temple … the southern stone. Baneaweh tendell. Those are the words. Stop this … from happening.
Take my diary. It will prove … everything …."
Andewen becomes unresponsive, but still alive.
Follow Fletch and defeat him. Then speak to him back in the present only to find out that Andewen is alive and waiting for you outside the sanctum... and before the story ever starts:
- Andewen: "There you are! How did you get inside without me seeing you?"
Speaking to her outside the sanctum:
- "We finally made it to the temple! Oh, I just can't wait to see what secrets are inside."
- This temple is a trap! We need to leave this forest, now.
- "The temple is a trap? What do you mean?"
- Here, this book should fill you in.
- "A book? Why, this is my handwriting!
'I've been trapped within this forest for decades now. Trapped within the past. My face is filled with wrinkles, my heart darkened with regrets. My life was … stolen from me.'" - Something led you to this temple, all in an attempt to trap you here.
- "Something trying to … my goodness, this is all so hard to wrap my head around."
- That book should fill you in on the details, but for now we must leave.
- "Yes, I agree. You've gone above and beyond protecting me during this expedition, though the details seem a bit complicated. To think I would have been trapped here!
I'd say our contract is concluded. Thank you for all you've done." - "I suppose I did succeed in this expedition. The notes you've given me are written by my hand after all. Though of course that me won't exist now, since you've stopped me, and—.
And I'm going to stop now, before my head hurts." - I only know you were trapped here.
- "I'm sure these notes will give me more details.
The best thing to do now is share our findings with the Mages Guild. Let them know how dangerous this forest truly is. As for me, I'll join back up with Telenger." - Are you upset to be going back to Telenger?
- "You know, it may be silly, but I suppose I came here to step out of his shadow. If I could be the one to crack Ebon Stadmont, well, perhaps that would be enough.
And then I was trapped in the past to serve a mysterious being. Or I would have been." - I could see where that would put you off.
- "Telenger is the one who makes brash decisions and puts us all in danger, and I'm the one who helps fix it. Yet as soon as I lead, I find myself in the same position as him!
For now I'd rather clean up his messes, rather than make my own."
Andewen will walk down the steps to the landing and gave out over the landscape:
- Andewen: "Well, it is a lovely view. Once you put aside all the strangeness."
A New AllianceEdit
After saving the Crystal Tower, it falls to you to convince the Sapiarchs to take on outside help to prevent such disasters in the future. To help make the argument, Andewen will provide character testimony, if she was helped previously:
- Andewen: "Though the Sapiarchs and Mages Guild do not always see eye-to-eye, you know my reputation. This adventurer saved my life and I affirm their bravery and honor."
If you helped her previously, you can find Andewen in the Alinor Royal Palace at the end of A New Alliance where she'll say:
- "Only someone truly amazing would be able to change a Sapiarch's mind. Of course, from what I've seen, you were certainly the right candidate.
I just hope the Mages Guild is allowed to participate in the tower's protection." - How are you, Andewen?
- "Well, the research we collected within Ebon Stadmont hasn't been taken as well as I hoped. Many have questioned the credibility of my … sources.
Still, I'm hopeful that something good will come from our time there."