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ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Chilled is a debilitating effect applied by Frost Damage. It deals a single tick of Frost Damage, and makes targets more vulnerable to certain subsequent Frost Damage effects, such as Wall of Frost. When an enemy is chilled, Minor maim debuff is applied for 4 seconds reducing their damage dealt by 5%. If Chilled is applied while wielding an Ice Staff, then Minor Brittle is applied as well for 4 seconds, increasing the Critical Damage received by the target by 10%. The status can be removed with a Cleansing effect.

Applying StatusEdit

Source Class Type Affects Effect
Flawless Ritual (Champion Star) Any Passive Increases chance of applying Magical Status Effects by 30%/60%
Glacial Presence (Winter's Embrace) Warden Passive Increase chance of applying Chilled to enemies with Winter's Embrace abilities by 100%/200%. Increases the damage of your Chilled status effect by 308/613, scaling off your highest offensive stat.
Arctic Blast (Winter's Embrace) Warden Active Skill (morph) Area of Effect Increased chance to apply Chilled (15% chance per tick)
Impaling Shards (Winter's Embrace) Warden Active Skill Area of Effect Increased chance to apply Chilled
Gripping Shards (Winter's Embrace) Warden Active Skill (morph) Area of Effect Increased chance to apply Chilled
Winter's Revenge (Winter's Embrace) Warden Active Skill (morph) Area of Effect Increased chance to apply Chilled
Permafrost (Winter's Embrace) Warden Ultimate Skill Area of Effect Guaranteed apply each tick
Psychic Lesion (Herald of the Tome) Arcanist Passive Increases Status Effects damage by 7%/15% and Status Effects Chance by 27%/55%
Weapon with Frost Enchantment Any Core Combat Single Target 20% base chance
Elemental Force (Destruction Staff) Any Passive Increase Status Effect Chance by 50/100%
Ancient Knowledge (Destruction Staff) Any Passive Increases Status Effects damage by 6%/12% while wielding an Inferno Staff
Destructive Touch (Destruction Staff) Any Active Skill Single Target Guaranteed apply on initial hit while wielding an Ice Staff
Destructive Clench (Destruction Staff) Any Active Skill (morph) Single Target Guaranteed apply on initial hit while wielding an Ice Staff
Destructive Reach (Destruction Staff) Any Active Skill (morph) Single Target Guaranteed apply on initial hit while wielding an Ice Staff
Elemental Susceptibility (Destruction Staff) Any Active Skill (morph) Single Target Guaranteed apply every 7,5 seconds for 30 seconds
Elemental Weapon (Psijic Order) Any Active Skill (morph) Single Target Next light attack within 2 seconds applies either Burning, Concussion or Chilled
Elemental Explosion with Assassin's Misery script Any Active Skill Area of Effect Varies
Symmetry of the Weald (5 pieces) Any Set +200% Status Effects chance if you are over 50% Health
Serpent's Disdain (5 pieces) Any Set Increase Status Effects duration by 16 seconds
Perfected / Concentrated Force (2 pieces) Any Set Single Target Guaranteed apply every second cast of Force Shock
Caluurion's Legacy (5 pieces) Any Set Single Target Guaranteed apply if the set launches the frost projectile
Spattering Disjunction (5 pieces) Arcanist Set Single Target Dealing damage with an Arcanist ability applies 2 random Status Effects, up to every 7 seconds
Frozen Watcher (5 pieces) Any Set Area of Effect Increased chance to apply Chilled (15% chance per tick)
Hrothgar's Chill (5 pieces) Any Set Area of Effect Guaranteed apply to all enemies in a 8 meter radius
Glacial Guardian (5 pieces) Any Set Area of Effect Enemies touching the tether have +200% Status Effect chance
Threads of War (5 pieces) Any Set Varies Your Light and Heavy attacks gain 100% Status Effect chance
Frost Lancer Any Siege Weapon Area of Effect Guaranteed Apply on hit.

Exploiting StatusEdit

Source Type Effect
Force Pulse (Destruction Staff) Active Skill (morph) Deals Extra Area of Effect Damage
Wall of Frost (Destruction Staff) Active Skill While wielding an Ice Staff, snares and applies Minor Breach
Unstable Wall of Frost (Destruction Staff) Active Skill While wielding an Ice Staff, snares and applies Minor Breach
Blockade of Frost (Destruction Staff) Active Skill While wielding an Ice Staff, snares and applies Minor Breach
Frostbite (5 pieces) Set Increases damage done against Chilled targets by 4%