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"If every soldier in my company could tap into the magic of the Weald, I'd have much less to worry about. Making a hasty retreat isn't a sign of weakness. It's a logistical goldmine." —Lieutenant Agrance
Gold Road Recall
Gold Road Recall
Customized Action
Type Recalling
Acquired From Crown Store
Price Free
Availability July 2 - August 15, 2024

Gold Road Recall is a customized action that alters the fast travel animation by making the player fade from the feet up inside a swirl of autumn leaves ending with just a pile of leaves on the ground. It is currently available in the Crown Store for free to those who earn the Champion of Vivec achievement within the promotional window. Its availability runs from July 2 to August 15, 2024 for all platforms. Unlocking the achievement requires completing the main quest in the Morrowind chapter.


Appearances: 1

  • Crown Store — July 2, 2024 - August 15, 2024[1]



There is one achievement associated with this collectible.

Achievement Points Description
   Champion of Vivec 50 Restore Lord Vivec's lost power, save Vivec City, and be named Champion of Vivec.
