Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Loncano at the Alliance Rally Point in the Arboretum.
- Kill five daedroth or flame atronachs.
- Recover eight documents from Dremora in the center of the district.
- Return to the Alliance Base and speak to Loncano.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Book BurningEdit
At your Alliance Rally Point in the Arboretum, you will find an Altmer archivist named Loncano. He will plead with you to recover invaluable Imperial documents before they can be burned by the Daedra. The few surviving legionaries refuse to help him gather such "scraps of paper", but Loncano insists that endless war will break out if ancient records of genealogy and land ownership are allowed to be lost. Agree to help, and he will explain what you need to do.
The first step to this quest involves killing five daedroth or flame atronachs. The atronachs have less health, but are usually accompanied by other mobs and are located out in the open. The daedroth enemies, on the other hand, are isolated, and may prove a better choice if enemy players are about (providing you have the DPS to take them down).
Document RecoveryEdit
After killing five of the arsonist enemies, you will be tasked with recovering some documents. They are quest items that only drop from Dremora enemies in the center of the district. Dremora found outside the quest radius will not drop anything, nor will the patrolling Xivkyn. You will need to collect two of each of the following: Enlistment Records, Holdings and Delineations, Patent of Nobility and Register of Accounts and Holdings.
Once you've collected eight documents, return to your Alliance base (either through the sewers or through respawning/teleporting) and locate Loncano near Phrastus and Lady Cinnabar. He will reward you with leveled gold and a Light Tel Var Satchel, and will offer to let you collect more documents tomorrow.
- "I pray you were able to recover something."
- Here's what I managed to find.
- "Ah, well some is better than none. These are in remarkable condition, all things considered.
You've done me a great service. No - you've done all of Tamriel a great service, though they may never know it. You have my deepest thanks."
- Documents for this quest can be dropped by Dremora in any district within the Imperial City.
- Documents can be continued to be picked up even after both objectives have been completed, as long as the quest is active. Additional documents beyond the eighth will be added to the Quest Items section of the inventory. Doing so does not change the reward or Loncano's dialogue, however.
- Prior to Update 26, this quest could only be started after completing the final quest in the Imperial City storyline, The Sublime Brazier.
- The Siegemaster's Coffer you receive as a reward contains one Light Tel Var Satchel, which can be opened to receive 200 (originally 80 ), a Bound Affix Script and a Siege of Cyrodiil Merit if it is the first District Daily you have completed that day.
- The rewards for this quest are doubled by events such as Midyear Mayhem and the Imperial City Celebration Event. Although you receive two Siegemaster's Coffers, you can still only earn one Siege of Cyrodiil Merit per day.
Quest StagesEdit
Historical Accuracy | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Flame Atronachs and Daedroth are purging the city's histories and records with Daedric fire. Loncano told me that I must put a stop to this indiscriminate burning.
Objective: Slay Daedroth and Flame Atronachs in the Arboretum: 0/5
I must scour the district for any records or accounting I can find. Loncano believes I will have the most luck looking near the outskirts of the district, where archivists may have fled. Some of the Dremora may be carrying them as well.
Objective: Find Missing Imperial Records: 0/8
I've gathered some records from the Arboretum. I should bring them to Loncano in the Alliance base.
Objective: Find Loncano in the Alliance Base
I've gathered some Imperial records from the Arboretum. I should bring them to Loncano in the Alliance base.
Objective: Bring the records to Loncano in the Alliance Base
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.