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Location Random encounter in the West Weald
Race Redguard Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Isayas is a Redguard scholar of who can be found during a random encounter in the West Weald. He is traveling alongside Agmund the Insightful, and they have gotten themselves lost on the way to Skingrad.


You'll find he and his companion conversing on the side of the road.

Isayas: "Lost? How can we be lost? We make this trip every year."
Agmund the Insightful: "Give me a moment to get my bearings. This wouldn't have happened if we weren't debating all the time. It distracts me."

You can then speak to him.

"I hate to admit it but Agmund is right. Our accursed debate on the Molag Bal Paradox is what got us into this predicament."
What's the Molag Bal Paradox?
"It goes as follows. Molag Bal is the Daedric Lord of Domination. He always opposes the wishes of others. If everyone would express the belief that he exists, would he therefore cease to do so because his nature demands he oppose the wishes of others?"
What's the debate about?
"The question comes from the initial assumption that Molag Bal is subject to the metaphysical rules of the universe, which we call the Aurbis. If that's true, then is he truly a being of pure domination?"
What are you two doing out here?
"Agmund and I travel annually to the Temple of Julianos in Skingrad to challenge the sophists and mystics in friendly debate.
But we were so engaged in our discussion that we took a wrong turn. Looks like our wits need to be sharpened, indeed!"
Sophists and mystics?
"Julianos is the divine of wisdom and logic. His chapel attracts philosophers seeking to explain the Mundus. Agmund and I met at a similar gathering in Abibon-Gora. We got into a heated debate over the ethics of conjuration magic."
Abibon-Gora. That's far from Skingrad.
"Oh, yes! And Agmund comes from Winterhold! But despite our differences, we've become fast friends. Every year we make our way to Skingrad to debate and discuss. But this year we got distracted by the Molag Bal Paradox and are temporarily lost."
Is there some way I can help?
"I think you can. What are your thoughts on the paradox? Maybe then we can put our debate to rest and focus on getting to Skingrad.
You should hear both our opinions on the matter before you decide."

If you speak to him again, he'll say the following. You can also ask him for his opinion at this time, or inquire why they're here (see above).

"Speak to Agmund and hear his argument. I'll share mine. Then give us an outsider's perspective."
What are your thoughts on the paradox?
"Because Anuic and Padomaic forces simultaneously defy and support Molag Bal, he both simultaneously resists and submits to the will of others.
This then means Molag Bal is either not completely dominant, or is not completely real."

After asking Agmund for his opinion, you can return to Isayas with your verdict or again ask him what he and his companion are doing out in the wilderness.

"So do you now have a good grasp on the complexity of this paradox?"
I have some thoughts.
"Please, let's hear them! Maybe then we can finish our pilgrimage. There's a comfy inn and a bottle of wine waiting for me in Skingrad."
Perhaps Molag Bal represents the clash of free will and fate, and is himself suffering.
It sounds like Molag Bal is actually kind of pathetic, a prisoner of his own nature.
You know, I've confronted Molag Bal.
"Yes... yes, you're on to something. Any parent could tell you, a suffering child is a petulant child. Perhaps Molag Bal delivers pain to others because he himself is suffering in his desire for pure free will, which he can never achieve."
"The price of sapience is resisting things out of our control. That's indeed a sad thing. I'm not overly fond of Daedra. Their inflexible nature make them useful only as personifications of abstract concepts. But thank you for this new perspective."
Good to hear.
"I don't doubt it! We all must confront out inner Molag Bal at some point. That's the struggle of sapience—we cannot control what we desire. As a fellow philosopher, I applaud you."
"Well, thank you for putting up with our musings. We should probably be off. Skingrad awaits us!"

After you weigh in on the debate, Isayas and Agmund will walk away.

Isayas: "Let's get moving, Agmund. If we're lucky, there'll be sweet rolls available at the bakery by the time we arrive."
Agmund the Insightful: "Oh thank the Eight. I was going to say the same thing, Isayas.
Bye, traveler! Thanks for the help!"


There is one achievement associated with this NPC.

Achievement Points Description
   Wine and Warriors 5 Engage in local West Weald culture in various ways.