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Jarol Estate
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Striking Locale
Discoverable Yes
Completion None
Dungeon Yes
# of Zones 1
Owner Lord Quintus Jarol
Restricted Yes
Inside the Walls: Commander Pelletus
Estate Defender, Estate Fire Mage, Estate Marshal, Estate Mender, Estate Protector, Estate Rover, Estate Spellbreaker
Outside the Walls: Mercenary Brute, Mercenary Defender, Mercenary Warrior
Gold Coast
Northwest of Anvil
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Due to the Gold Coast's mild climate, it became fashionable during the Second Empire for Cyrodilic nobles to build country estates there, so Imperial manors, some quite sizable, dot the countryside.
Jarol Estate

Jarol Estate is an estate northwest of Anvil.

It is the private residence of Lord Quintus Jarol. The estate is patrolled by mercenaries on the outer walls and soldiers in the inner premises. It can be accessed via the smuggler tunnels beneath the Withered Rose inn.

Squirrels and Rats are found in the courtyard. A Trip Wire is at the first floor of the estate and more are in the smuggler tunnels with Oil Traps. Rats are found in the Wine Cellar. Rats and Centipedes are found in the smuggler tunnels.

Related QuestsEdit



The estate's front gate is located on the east end of the manor. A road from Anvil leads directly to it. If you decide to take the front door, you'll be confronted by a variety of overtly hostile mercenaries on this path. The front gate is protected by a simple lock. Once inside, you'll have to sneak past the justice neutral estate guards, who will attack you when they see you on account of the fact that you're trespassing.


The smuggler tunnels lead directly into an empty barn in the Jarol Estate courtyard. There is a large crate in front of the trapdoor, blocking it from view of any guards or citizens who may witness your trespass. Heading north and following the cobblestone path up some stairs will bring you to the manor's front entrance.

If you head north from the entrance, you can find a heavy sack amid a stack of crates near a box of tomatoes. If you face west from this point and move forward all the way to the estate wall, you may find that a chest has spawned beside a pile of barrels. A crow sits on top of a covered crate nearby.

Nearby, you'll find a stone overlook with a wisteria trellis peering over the vast sea. You'll find Lord Jarol's Deep Thoughts sitting in a chair at the far north end of the terrace. You'll find the estate's vineyard down the stairs behind this terrace. Squirrels inhabit the estate grounds.

Jarol EstateEdit

The estate's front door is guarded by a simple lock. When you enter, you're greeted by the sight of a statue depicting a warrior. There's a bookshelf to your left, and just as with the courtyard, the containers here are all owned. The small room just north of this foyer contains a single keg and the Khajiit commoner, Makam. The Redguard commoner, Hulela, can be found in the small room to the south, where she peruses three bookshelves.

Upstairs, you'll find Lord Jarol's bedroom, where a Letter from the Governor sits on a table. Be wary, as there's a tripwire at the top of the stairs. The fireplace here serves as a cooking fire.

Wine CellarEdit

Quest progression lies beyond the closed door to the wine cellar at the west end of the foyer, near the staircase. You'll find a Contractor's Note on the desk right in front of the entrance. Rats scurry across the floor, and an Estate Defender patrols among the casks. The two large casks marked by lanterns on the wall can be knocked on twice to open a secret passage. The cask at the western end of the longer hallway serves as the door to the Wine Cask Passage.

Wine Cask PassageEdit

You'll descend a stone staircase once you climb into the false cask. There's a hiding spot by the wall across from the stairs, and plenty of crates to hide behind to the left of the stairs. A single Estate Marshal patrols the base of the staircase to the right: a tripwire sits at the far half of the floor at the top of this staircase. If you catch any Estate Marshal's attention, they'll ring a bell to summon an Estate Protector. A rover patrols further down the hall. You'll eavesdrop on a conversation in the middle of this passage.

There are far more guards further inside. You'll make use of hiding spots (such as in the servants quarters) to avoid detection... unless you decide to mow through them by force. Commander Pelletus guards the end of the tunnel, which opens up into the room where the conversation you eavesdropped on occurred. There are some gold coins on the table.

Jarol Estate Smuggling TunnelsEdit

Ahead, you'll descend into the estate's smuggling tunnels, where you'll be introduced to the concept of lantern guards in the form of Estate Spellbreakers. When you see the first hiding spot, you can make a sharp left turn through some hanging roots to enter a secret passageway that takes you to the end of the tunnels. The wind blowing through the tunnel is a hint that it exists.

At the entrance to the open cavern, you can avoid detection if they're coming your way by standing on top of the wooden platforms on the right side of the path. There are plenty of crates on these platforms for you to conceal yourself with.

At the end of the first large cavern, you'll enter a tunnel that curves around a rock pillar before running in a straight line. At the end of this hallway is a wooden wall near a stalagmite. Behind this wall is where the secret passage mentioned earlier takes you.

You'll kill Lord Quintus Jarol in the cave at the end of the smuggling tunnels. The exit lies on the west end of the room.


  • The ruins of Crowhaven appeared at this location in Oblivion.
  • This location is called "Varo Estate" in the files, presumably an early name.


There is one achievement associated with this location:

Achievement Points Description
   Gold Coast Pathfinder 10 Discover all the striking locales in the Gold Coast.
