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Online:Kynreeve Dezerog

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Kynreeve Dezerog
Location Vandacia's Deadlands Keep
Race Dremora Gender Male
Health 146,590 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Fire Mage
Kynreeve Dezerog

Kynreeve Dezerog is a Dremora fire mage located within the far northeastern chamber in Vandacia's Deadlands Keep.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic ranged attack that does low flame damage.
Fire Runes
The enemy shoots two fireballs in the air which form two fire runes when they land. The runes do moderate flame damage over time to all targets within the red circles. Players should be prepared to move as soon as the attack casts as one rune will always be cast on top of you.
At the start of the fight, Kynreeve Dezerog summons a hardy Scamp to assist him. If it is slain, he won't summon another one.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Summoning a Scamp

After finding Sombren, you will need to find a key to unlock his chains. You can continue through the keep until you find a large torture chamber where Kynreeve Dezerog is wandering around.

When you engage him in combat, he says:

Kynreeve Dezerog: "No mortal is allowed here. Not even the high priest. I shall wear your flesh like a cloak!"