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Online:Percius Loche

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Percius Loche
Home City Abah's Landing
Location The Diamond Thimble, Prince's Gate, al-Danobia Tomb
Senchal PalaceDragonhold
Armor and Fine GarmentsBlackwood
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Services Sells the Servant's Outfit during The Long Game
Other Information
Faction(s) Thieves Guild
Percius Loche

Percius Loche is a Breton tailor and fashion designer who owns the Diamond Thimble in Abah's Landing. At one point in his career he was rivals in the silk trade with Silver-Claw. Before he came to the city, he was the chief designer for Magnifica Falorah and the unrequited object of her affections, until a scandal saw her ruin his livelihood and force him to leave Taneth.

He is also a frequent associate and ally to the Thieves Guild in the city, helping them with information or disguises if required.

He can also be encountered in Senchal where he lends his skill to a restoration project, and later he moved to Leyawiin in the "Armor and Fine Garments" shop.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Thieves GuildEdit

The Long GameEdit

Silver-Claw will send you to him to pick up a plausible disguise to enter the No Shira Citadel. Percius will be working on a dress when you arrive.

"Hold still. Your attire is … that isn't a bloodstain, is it?"
Silver-Claw said you can provide me with a disguise.
"Did he, now? Something striking, so you stand out at the next merchant lord's soiree? Or a ridiculous, crenelated affair that leaves you the talk of the brothel?"
I need to get into No Shira Citadel.
"If you wanted a burial suit, the Iron Wheel charges far less than I. Though perhaps … yes.
A servant's outfit will let you go hither and yon—at least above ground. And if it's one of my creations, the cloth will breathe. But it shall cost you."
What if I don't want to pay?
"Then I'd assume you're from Abah's Landing.
But I know of a certain … individual … who has yet to pay the bill for just such an outfit. If you happen to reacquire it on my behalf, I would consider it your property, paid in kind."
I'll think about it.
"I'd prefer you deprived my shirker of his outfit, but if you're averse to saving coin, I will sell you one directly.
Be warned, the disguise won't do you any good within the Iron Wheel's headquarters."
Why won't a servant's disguise work inside the Iron Wheel headquarters?
"Paranoia, of course. No servants are allowed inside.
From what I hear, the Iron Wheel takes care of all chores within their headquarters. Anyone who isn't Iron Wheel, or escorted by them, is attacked on sight. A truly noble organization."
Couldn't you make me an Iron Wheel uniform?
"I am physically capable of doing so, but it will never happen. I'd rather not end up in a prison cell.
And a uniform alone won't serve as a disguise. They have too many signals and mannerisms. You'd be spotted in an instant."

You can either buy the outfit for 00000900900   gold, or steal a uniform back from someone staying in the Sailor's Rest.

A Flawless PlanEdit

After tracking him through Abah's Landing after the Iron Wheel chased him from his store, if you find him first, he can be found hiding behind a tree near the Warehouse District gate and covered in green dye.

If you do not find him in time, you have the choice to either move on without him, by making your way to Zeora. Otherwise, he is taken by the Iron Will for "processing" to No Shira Citadel. He will be located just to the southest of its corresponding wayshrine. There, you can set him free.

"Ah, a friendly face. Good of you to join me on my unexpected jog.
And I agree, this isn't my color."
Why did the Iron Wheel come for you?
"They must know of my previous involvement with your guild, though I can't begin to fathom how. Your former guildmaster, Nicolas, was it? He was the soul of discretion."
We should get moving. We're head to al-Danobia Tomb.
"And I am prepared to give Abah's Landing a wide berth. I'd prefer to avoid the Iron Wheel, at least for the time being.
Zeira mentioned a rendezvous by … Prince's Gate, was it? I'd feel safer were someone to escort me there."
Quen can get you there safely.

Once you had made sure he is well, Quen will arrive and escort him out of the city.

Quen: "Percius Loche? I'll get you to the Prince's Gate, safe and sound."
Percius Loche: "Would you happen to have a spare set of boots?"
Quen: "I don't think mine will fit you. Come along, we'll work something out."

When you arrive at the camp outside the Prince's Gate, Percius will be sitting in the driver's seat of a cart. You have the opportunity to ask him about the Tomb and his history with Magnifico Falorah.

"No better way to test your sartorial skills than to ride a camel while severely overdressed.
If the chafing is less than excruciating, you're a true master."
How did you manage to remove the dye from your clothes?
"I carry a special potion for emergency situations.
There are benefits to creating outfits for a certain Mages Guild artificer."
When were you inside al-Danobia Tomb?
"A lifetime ago. I don't speak of this matter, but you did save my life.
I once served Magnifica Falorah. I confess she became infatuated. But I could not possibly return her feelings."
Were you in love with someone else?
"No, and there never will be. Needle, thread, and bolts of cloth are more fulfilling than time spent with any person.
But Falorah was young. During a family inspection of al-Danobia Tomb, she brought me along—hoping to impress me with her family's wealth."
What happened?
"I was not allowed inside, but she led me through a side passage. She brought me to a large, frightfully dark chamber. I could feel it breathing.
It terrified me. I'm not ashamed to admit I fled—out the front door, in full view of her mother."
That doesn't sound good.
"There was a scandal. The al-Danobia bloodline has always had great influence in Taneth, and I soon found myself banished. Not once did Falorah speak on my behalf.
I understood, of course. She was young and feared her mother, as most nobles do."
Did you forgive her?
"No, she quite literally ruined my life's work. Had every one of the outfits I'd crafted for her burned in effigy.
So I am happy to share what I know of al-Danobia Tomb, as I did with your Nicolas."

Once you have given Zeira the go ahead, you and your companions will travel to the al-Danobia Tomb. Unfortunately, the Iron Wheel will be guarding it. If you talk to Percius, he tell you about an alternate way inside.

"If I may, there is an alternate path inside the tomb. It is likely full of traps, guardians, and prodigious quantities of dust.
A small price to avoid the Iron Wheel."
How do we get there?
"Head to the tomb entrance. Keep watch to the side of the path—the right side. You should notice an old trail leading to a sealed entrance.
Simply clear the way and I shall join you to open the door."
Can you lead me through?
"Oh my, no. The things inside would most certainly kill me.
I do know the trick to the door's hidden latch. The rest, I'm certain you can handle yourself."

If you decide to use the side entrance, he will catch up to you once you approach it.

Percius Loche: "There it is! One moment and I'll have it open. I hope."
<He fiddles with the door to Tava's Branch>
Percius Loche: "There we are. Watch out for traps. The Yokudans did love their traps."

Talking to him afterwards will have him wish you luck.

"I'll wait by the camel. Best of luck inside.
Oh, and watch the floors. Deadly traps."

Forever Hold Your PeaceEdit

After learning about the impending nuptials between Magnifica Falorah and Cosh, you will need to attend the celebration and for that—you need the appropriate attire. After choosing your date for the wedding, you will be sent to Percius Loche so he can outfit you in one of his creations. Once you arrive he will be dealing with one of his customers.

Percius Loche: "A pleasure, Lady Balina. I always enjoy dressing you up."
Lady Balina: "Then you should come by my mansion later to collect your payment. Have I mentioned my husband is away?"
Percius Loche: "Three times, in fact. My assistant will bring you the bill."

Once she has left, you can talk with Percius.

"Ah, my unlikely savior returns! Zeira sent word of your stylistic needs."
She said I need to choose an outfit. How does this work?
"Oh, any of the selections you see here should fit. I have an eye for these things.
Please note, the outfit shall be on loan. I humbly ask you return it with the exact same number of holes as when it left my establishment."
What do you suggest?
"Ah, that's like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. Each is special in its own way. Delicate fabrics and exhilarating patterns breathe life into whoever dons them!
I don't mean to oversell it, but you shall feel born anew."
Thanks for the advice.
"Go with what speaks to you. The first choice is always the best one."
Are you safe here? Isn't the Iron Wheel after you?/No reason. Are the Iron Wheel still giving you trouble?
"Not after the merchant lords caught wind. It's good to be the preeminent tailor of Abah's Landing.
Chief Inspector Rhanbiq himself sent a personal apology. Something about excess zeal on the part of his underling."
Before we left for al-Danobia Tomb, Zeira said you had been inside. Did you ever walk Malooc's Path?
"That horrid place of darkness? Magnifica Falorah tried to lead me through, but I panicked and fled.
It was sheer luck that I didn't fall to my death. And if she hadn't given me that trinket, we wouldn't be speaking today."
Was it an amulet?
"Yes—it had a crystal holding a small amount of her blood. I mentioned it to your old guildmaster when he asked after the particulars of al-Danobia Tomb.
It's strange, I seem to have misplaced it. Haven't seen it in months. Why do you ask?"

When you have picked your outfit, Zeira will arrive.

Percius Loche: "Remarkable. As though the outfit chose you."
Zeira: "Hard to miss you in that."

Afterwards, Percius will give you some final advice.

"Do avoid staining your outfit. I recommend keeping to white wine."



After you have found Nishzo's Hideout and one of the pieces of the tapestry, you will find Percius Loche examining the empty frame of the Khajiit of the Moons. If you speak with him, his greeting will depend on whether you have previously met him in Abah's Landing.

If you have completed the Thieves Guild Storyline:
If you have not:
"You again! I'd recognize that sense of … style anywhere. It seems we're both far from Abah's Landing now and better for it.
I'll be assisting in this restoration project, provided we acquire anything to be restored. A talent of yours, I recall."
Dialogue needed

Once you have placed the first piece of tapestry in the frame and spoken with Bebbia to complete the quest, Percius will promise her that he will restore the tapestry. Additionally he will explain that you just need to place the fragments and he will do the rest of the work.

Percius Loche: "Lady Bebbia, on my honor as an artisan I will restore Khajiit of the Moons to its former glory."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "This one read it took twelve years to weave Khajiit of the Moons, she hopes it will not take that long to restore its beauty."
Percius Loche: "I'll begin securing this in place. You may add any other pieces you recover to the frame and I will handle the rest."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "How does it look, sir Loche? Can we make it whole again?"
Percius Loche: "Mending the tears will not be the troublesome part. This work will bear scars, but I will endeavor to make them enhance its beauty."

While the tapestry is still missing pieces, you have the opportunity to ask Percius some questions. If you speak with him directly after completing the quest, he will have a unique greeting.

If you have completed the Thieves Guild Storyline:
If you have not:
"You are quite the patron of seedy port towns, aren't you? I jest. Who am I to judge?
This will be another challenging commission for us, though less dangerous than tangling with the Iron Wheel … or getting Velsa into a fancy dress."
"This will certainly put my considerable skills to the test, but I'm honored Lady Bebbia believed me up to the task.
I've never disappointed a client before and I do not intend to start now."
[verification needed — this line goes here?]
Percius in the midst of restoring the tapestry

Once you leave and return to the palace, his greeting will come from a pool of options.

"I have longed for an opportunity to apply one of these Akaviri techniques. Their cost is prohibitive for most clientele. Bless Bebbia and her deep pockets.
That was metaphorical. Pockets on that gown would be a tragedy."
"The only positive to come from the tapestry's shredding is the opportunity to study the intricate construction of ancient Khajiiti textiles. I've never seen cloth woven in this matter."
"Senchal is an interesting place. It quite reminds me of Abah's Landing. That's both good and bad."
"A thimble is the sign of an amateur, but my fingers are going to be quite raw by the end of this project whether I prick them or not."
Have you worked on a tapestry like this before?
"I've never even seen a tapestry like this. I'm a tailor by trade. I pride myself on elegant work, but I've never though of myself as an artist. Mending and stitching are my bread and butter though, and this job requires both to be done masterfully."
How are things in Abah's Landing? Have you stepping into any more dye pots? ( )
"I was hoping you'd forgotten. I lost a beautiful pair of doe-skin breeches in that dye, you know.
Abah's Landing remains a nest of intrigue, but our mutual friends seem to have things sorted out for now. The merchants are happy, so business is good."
Is Zeira still running things?
"Indeed she is, and doing the Guild proud. Of course Velsa never lets her get a swollen head about it. The two of them still go at it.
Walks-Softly and Quen just ignore them and do a good job of training newer recruits."
And Silver-Claw?
"His business ventures are broadening, as is he. We discussed both at length when he came in for a new silk suit.
It's the pies that Nirahni makes. He loves her baking. Velsa sometimes chases him out of her home with a broom."
How will you hide all of the damage to the tapestry?
"I'm afraid that's impossible. This tapestry will be scarred, but those scars will serve as a testament to its history and enduring beauty. At least, that is my intent. I can only hope the end result lives up to the vision."

Pieces of HistoryEdit

Viewing the completed tapestry

Once you place the last piece of the tapestry on the frame, you receive the Pieces of History achievement and the screen will fade to black. When visibility becomes normal, the tapestry will be restored and Percius will present it to Lady Bebbia:

Percius Loche: "Lady Bebbia, it is done. Khajiit of the Moons is whole again."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "Finally, this one's dreams have been made real. Thanks to you both."
<Pericus gets down from the platform and stands beside Bebbia.>
Percius Loche: "Perhaps I'll put that on my sign. Percius Loche: Dreamweaver."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "You've mended more than dreams, Percius. This is hope. For all of Senchal."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "Khajiit of the Moons will be the cornerstone of a new Senchal, risen from the ashes."
Percius Loche: "If you're in need of new fashion for this new Senchal, it would be my honor to design it."

While restoring the tapestry, Percius learned a lot about the ancient techniques the original weavers used.

"From what Bebbia has said, the techniques used to make Khajiit of the Moons has been lost to time. Infantile as my understanding of them is, I may be the only person in Tamriel with the knowledge to replicate this technique. Not bad for a tailor, eh?"
What will you do with what you've learned?
"Corner the market and make a killing. Had you, didn't I? Bebbia has already proposed an arrangement where I would teach what I've learned to Khajiit weavers. Restoring Khajiit of the Moons will be the first rebirth in the resurrection of a lost art!"
Sounds ambitious.
"Percius Loche does not settle for mediocrity. Fame and fortune as a renowned tailor is nothing to scoff at, but would my name carry on after I'm gone? Likely not. The man who revives a textile trade from thousands of years passed? He'll be immortal."
Best of luck.

The Pride of ElsweyrEdit

If the tapestry has been repaired before the ceremony, Percius will attend along with Bebbia. He will comment on Queen Khamira's royal outfit when spoken to.

"That's the raiment of the queen of Rimmen? It seems to lack a certain … something."


Percius at Armor and Fine Garments

A Mysterious EventEdit

When you and Eveli Sharp-Arrow learn about an exclusive event being held by Councilor Vandacia. You decide to crash the party in a bid to learn more about the plans of the Waking Flame. After you obtain an invitation from Gracian Salvitto, you and Eveli will need to be dressed in formal wear, so she tells you to meet her at Armor and Fine Garments.

Once at the store, Eveli will be browsing the outfits and suggests you talk to Percius who is standing nearby:

Met Before:
First Time Meeting:
"Welcome, welcome to our little shop on—wait a moment. I know you! Are you following me? I've had clients grow accustomed to my wares, but never has someone tracked me down from place to place.
Are you with the young Wood Elf? How may I assist you?"
Hello again, Percius. We need attire for a formal event. Can you help us?
"Help you? I can indeed! It's good I decided to pack up and move to Leyawiin. I dread to think of anyone other than myself dressing you for a formal event.
So, how formal are we talking about here?"
I'm not exactly sure, but the host of the event is Councilor Vandacia.
"An event thrown by a member of the former Elder Council? My word! That requires the utmost in formal attire. Unfortunately, such clothing carries a hefty price. There's only so much I can do, even for a friend, but perhaps we can arrange something."
Arrange something? What do you mean?
[Continues down below.]
"Welcome, welcome to our humble shop on the boulevard. Are you with the young Wood Elf? She said her friend was coming by. How may I help you?"
We need to purchase some attire for a formal event.
"A formal event? I say, we don't usually get clientele of your caliber seeking outfits from our formal line. Adventurers, am I right? Perhaps I can direct you to my colleagues. They handle our extensive collection of protective armor."
No, thank you. We really need formal attire.
"Of course, of course. We have a small selection of formal wear and alterations are part of our service. Unfortunately, such attire usually requires a noble's purse, if you catch my meaning.
If funds are short, perhaps we can come to an arrangement."
What sort of arrangement?
[Continues down below.]

Percius Loche is willing to make a deal with you to pay for the garments. You can either pay him gold, or you can collect Bluewhisper Moth Silk from the river bank north of the city. Leaving and returning the conversation:

"So what shall it be? How would you like to conclude our transaction? Will you be paying in gold or would you rather make the trade?"
Tell me about buying the outfits or making a trade.

Otherwise, he'll continue the conversation and say:

"The trade is simple. I need silk from the bluewhisper moths for next season's line. Bring me a few bundles and I'll trade them for the attire you seek. They nest to the north, along the river bank.
Or you can pay the gold … if you can afford it."
I'll just pay the cost for the outfits in gold. [Pay 00000347347  ]
"A pleasure doing business with you!
Now, please. Take your time and select the outfit that most suits you. You want to look your best and also make a good impression when attending a formal event."
I'll get the silk and trade it for outfits for me and my friend.
"Excellent! The moth loves to nest in the brush to the north of Leyawiin, along the banks of the river. Bring me a few bundles of their silk and we'll call it even.
Do be cautious while looking for the silk. Dangerous creatures abound in those hills!"

If you went and collected the Bluewhisper Moth Silk, you can return to the tailor and hand it over:

"Ah, you've returned. Were you able to acquire the silk I requested, or would you like to conclude our transaction in some other manner?"
I have the silk you requested.
"Bluewhisper moth silk? Excellent! Oh, this will do nicely!
Now, please. Take your time and select the outfit that most suits you. You want to look your best while making a good impression when attending a formal event."

Speaking to him again before making a choice of outfit:

"Don't stand on ceremony, my friend! Pick the outfit that brings out your most noble pretensions and I'll be glad to make whatever adjustments it needs. When I'm finished, it will fit like the most supple glove."

After you select an outfit, Eveli will go and change into hers. Percius will compliment you if you talk to him:

"Ah, wonderful! You look simply ravishing in your new attire. I hope it makes you feel as good as you look!"

Heroes of BlackwoodEdit

Percius will be standing near Councilor Lovidicus, during in celebrations at Gideon:

"You're not wearing that dashing outfit I sold you? If today's celebration is not the perfect occasion to dress up, I don't know what is.
Perhaps you should visit my shop again to freshen up your wardrobe, hmm?"
I'm surprised you got invited to this affair.
"Why? Shouldn't a leading Leyawiin business person attend a celebration for all of Blackwood?
Besides, after I let word slip that you and Eveli had patronized my shop, business has been booming! Everyone just has to know which outfit you selected."


Once the tapestry is completed, he can be found out in Senchal beneath one of the pavilions near the bard Ja'zinki. You can ask him about his future plans.

"It feels delightful to be about town after so many days hunched over that tapestry. I wouldn't have traded the opportunity for the world, mind you, but my shoulders are tangled in tighter knots than a cat's ball of yarn.
Pardon, poor analogy."
Will you be staying in Senchal for a while?
"Lady Bebbia has graciously extended her hospitality. I would be a fool to refuse such an illustrious invitation.
I've asked an associate to mind my business in Abah's Landing in the mean time. He's the only one I could trust to handle it."

If you have not completed the Thieves Guild quests, you can ask him about his business in Abah's Landing:

Why is that?
"Abah's Landing trades in all manner of hard-to-acquire commodities, but the toughest thing to find there is trustworthiness. There's a Khajiit importer I deal with who is as clean as anyone can be in that city. He'll be able to handle it."
Enjoy your stay then.

If you've already completed the Thieves Guild, you can say:

That's a short list.
"We are speaking of Abah's Landing, you know? Of the company we keep who would you entrust all your business to? Zeira, I bet. Maybe Quen? Well, when it comes to run-of-the-mill business there's really only one answer: Silver-Claw."
That makes sense.
"He's not the salesman I am, but he knows enough about flattery to thin out my stock while I'm away.
Though, I wouldn't mind you checking up on him next time you're in Abah's Landing."
I'm sure he'll be fine. Enjoy your stay here.